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NEWTON, DON - Adventures Comics #492 pg 10, last page. Splashy panel w/ all Shazam Captain Marvel Family + Kid Eternity, now Kit Freeman, defeat evil gods!
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Adventures Comics #492 pg 7, Mary Marvel & Jr defeat old gods
$for sale
NEWTON, DON - Adventures Comics #492 pg 8, Capt Marvel & Jr defeat old god
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Adventures Comics #492 pg 9, Capt Marvel + 1st revived Kid Eternity, now as Kit Freeman defeat Master Man
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - All Star Squadron #43 large cover, Newton & Dez credits, drawn & DC stamp 1983
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Avengers #204 pg 8, Vision & Wasp vs Yellow Claw
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman # 363 pg 16, Batman & Jason Todd, Nocturna at Gotham Observatory
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #328 page 6
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #328 page 7
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #328 pg 5, Batman & Gordon
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #354 page 30, Batman's never in good shape when facing Hugo Strange!
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #354 pg 16, Batman faces Boss Thorne - tricked into confessing
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #357 page 15 Batman and The Squid
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #357 page 19
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #357 page 23, Batman faces The Squids death trap
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #360 pg 12, Batman Batmoble & Gordon
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #363 page 16
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #363 page 30
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #368 page 19 Batman, Robin, Alfred and Julia
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #368 page 20
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #369 page 10
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #369 pg 2 title / splash
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #370 page 15 Batman and Robin vs Dr Fang
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #370 page 16 Batman and Robin in a whole lot of trouble
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #370 page 22 Batman and Robin vs Dr Fang
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #370 pg 15, Batman and Robin patrol the street as Dr Fang plots his trap for them
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #371 page 10
NEWTON, DON - Batman #371 page 5 Catman
NEWTON, DON - Batman #371 page 8 the whole Batman family
NEWTON, DON - Batman #371 page 9 Batman and Robin exit the Batcave in the Batmobile
NEWTON, DON - Batman #371 pg 8, Bruce, Jason, Alfred, Julia and Bat-signal appears. Vicki Vale calls
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Batman #372 page 17 Batman stakes a boxing match
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #372 page 21 Batman in the boxing arena
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #372 page 23 Batman witnesses a murder
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #374 page 16
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #374 page 23
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #374 page The Penguin
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 1
$Sale or trade
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 2 Mr Freeze freezes Gotham City
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 3 Mr Freeze and his cohorts
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 3 Mr Freeze gang members
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 6
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 9
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 9 Mr Freeze
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 9 Mr Freeze takes over Gotham City
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #375 page 9 Mr Freeze uses his Freeze Ray
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #376 page 19
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #376 page 20
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #377 page 3 Nocturna
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #378 page 14 Mad Hatter
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #378 page 16 Batman, Robin, Nocturna vs Mad Hatter and his chimpanzee
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #378 page 17 Batman and Robin vs Nocturna and Madhatter
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #378 page 19 Batman, Robin, Nocturna vs Mad Hatter and his chimpanzee
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #378 page 19 Robin vs Mad Hatter and his chimpanzee
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #379 page 10 Batman, Bruce and Alfred
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #379 page 10 The Madhatter
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Batman #494 page 14
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Brave & Bold #165 pg 13, Manbat
$For Sale / trade
NEWTON, DON - Brave & Bold #165 pg 15, Manbat
$For Sale / trade
NEWTON, DON - Brave and the Bold #153 page 1, action splash page! Batman and the Red Tornado battle killer robots!
$for sale
NEWTON, DON - Brave and the Bold #165, pg 8, Kirk & Francine Langstrom (Man-Bat / She-Bat) and mutant daughter, Becky
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Catman title Splash, GA Hero & Batman villain 1982-1983
NEWTON, DON - Comic Reader #175 cover, Green Lantern vs Sinestro 1979
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective #539 page 2 Bruce Wayne changes into Batman
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Detective #539 page 5
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - DETECTIVE COMICS #485 page 1, Batman battles the League of Assassins. Splash page from the famous death of Batwoman story!
$For sale or great trade!
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #485 page 7 full battle splash, large Manbat image
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #485 pg 4, Batman beaten, Bronze Tiger killing of Kathy Kane, Batwoman
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #498 pg 3, Batman & Gordon
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #507 pg 2, Batman vs villainess Manikin
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #507 Splash pg 1, Batman's villainess - Manikin
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #508 pg 1 Splash, Batman at Catwoman's place 1981
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #513 pg 10, Batman imprisoned by Margo, Two-Face with scarred coin, Robin hunts 1982
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #513 pg 9, Batman & Two-Face flips coins
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Detective Comics #518 page 15 Batman vs Deadshot
Please Inquire
NEWTON, DON - Ghostly Haunts #42 Large-Size Cover, "The Man Who Hunted Satan" 1975
$for Sale, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc #11 larger pg 23, big Team shots
$For sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc #13 pg 14, based on Joe Kubert Golden-Age! Origin of Rose & Thorn
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc #13 pg 13, based on Joe Kubert Golden-Age. Origin of Rose & Thorn
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #11 pg 3, Superman & Powergirl & JSA meet Infinity
$SOLD. Looking for more! please email us!
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 large pg 18, Team vs Rose - Don's final story
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 lrg pg 19, JSA's Fury, Silver Scarab, Nuklon vs Rose - Don's final
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 pg 21, Nuklon defeats Thorn - Don's final story
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 pg 23, Team united, Rose saved from Thorn? - Don's final story
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 pg 4, swimsuit page- Lyta & Jade - final story by Don
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Infinity Inc. #13 splashy pg 20, Thorn returns & defeats Fury, Silver Scarab, Nuklon - final story by Don
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - New Gods #19 pg 5 splash, Orion, Lightray, Metron + Hi-Father
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - World' Finest #257 pg 8, Shazam! Capt Marvel + Black Adam, Sivana, Mister Mind 1979
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - World' Finest #259 last pg, Capt Marvel / Shazam & Mr Tawny
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - World's Finest #254 pg 6 - big panels - Shazam- Captain Marvel
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - World's Finest #259 pg 1 splash, Green Arrow series, returns to Golden Age title
$for sale
NEWTON, DON - World's Finest #261 pg 3 Mary Marvel solo story / Shazam family
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON - Worlds Finest #255 pg 11, Shazzam Family-Mary Marvel, BulletGirl, BulletMan
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Shazam #36 pg 16 - all Marvel Family- Capt, Jr and Mary battle King Kull
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Worlds Finest #255 pg 11, Shazam - Mary Marvel + Bullet Girl & Bullet Man
$For Sale
NEWTON, DON based on Joe Kubert golden-age art - Infinity Inc #13 larger pg 13, Origin of Rose & Thorn
$For sale or trade - 2 page set
NEWTON, DON based on Joe Kubert golden-age art - Infinity Inc #13 larger pg 14, Origin of Rose & Thorn
$For sale or trade - 2 page set