Artwork listed here has been posted in the last 60 days. From 11/25/2024 to 1/23/2025
Click the image or title below to view the artwork.
Kirby, Jack
at OAX show - KIRBY, JACK / STEVE DITKO - Amazing Adventures #1 large pg 3, 1st Dr Droom/ Druid vs Gorlion 1961
NEW 1/23
Price: $for sale
Bachalo, Chris
at OAX show - BACHALO, CHRIS - X-Men Age of Apocalypse #1 pg 18, first app X-23 Kirika staking Wolverine 2005
NEW 1/23
Price: $for sale
Wood, Wally
at OAX show - WALLY WOOD art Mad Magazine #57 pg 1 title splash, Comic Strip Characters in key mag.s montage splash: Juliet Jones + Lil Abner + Popeye + Dick Tracy + The Phantom + Alley Opp + Jiggs + Daddy Warbucks 1960
NEW 1/23
Price: $for Sale
Martin, Don
at OAX show - MARTIN, DON - Mad #243 daily strip -Superman issue - Darth Vader Star Wars satire - unemployment 1983
NEW 1/23
Price: $for Sale
Aragones, Sergio
ay OAX show - ARAGONES, SERGIO - Mad #192 King Kong issue, daily-style gag
NEW 1/23
Price: $for sale
Foster, Hal
at OAX show - FOSTER, HAL - Prince Valiant Sunday 9/5 1976 (#2074) pencil preliminary, Splashy Valiant at battlel
NEW 1/22
Price: $for sale
Murphy, John Cullen
at OAX show - FOSTER, HAL & JOHN C MURPHY - Prince Valiant BOTH Sunday + Prelim 1/16 1977 #2084 Arn & Gaiwan joust young knight
NEW 1/22
Price: $for Sale
Toth, Alex
- at OAX show - TOTH, ALEX - My Greatest Adventure #58 large pg 4, I Was Trapped in the Land of L'Oz, hero & princess, 1961
NEW 1/22
Price: $for sale
Byrne, John
BYRNE, JOHN - Alpha Flight #5 pg 3, Puck at a clinic following an attack 1983
NEW 1/22
Price: $for sale
Natwick, Grim - Famous Cartoonist Series Buttons #33 Pinback Button printout, Grim & creation- Betty Boop 1975
NEW 1/21
Price: $included with art
at OAX show - NATWICK, GRIM - Famous Cartoonist Series Buttons #33 Pinback Button pencil Illustration, Grim & creation- Betty Boop 1975
NEW 1/21
Price: $For Sale
Romita Jr., John
at OAX show - ROMITA JR, JOHN - second KISS Magazine - Marvel Comics Super Special #5 pgs 18 &19 double Splash: Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Peter Criss, Ace Frehley vs hell-bikers - 1978
NEW 1/20
Price: $for Sale
Buscema, John
at OAX show - BUSCEMA, JOHN - Conan the Barbarian #56 pg 1 Splash, Conan & gang approach city, signed, 1975
NEW 1/20
Price: $for sale
Adams, Art
at OAX show - ADAMS, ART / KEVIN MAGUIRE - Godzilla, King of Monsters #5 large Cover, Godzilla vs All-Terraintula
NEW 1/20
Price: $for sale
Porter, Howard
at OAX show - PORTER, HOWARD - Morrison's JLA series book- Justice For All #1 Key DC heroes
NEW 1/20
Price: $for Sale
Mooney, Jim
at OAX show - MOONEY, JIM - Ms Marvel #16 pg 30, Ms, intro page & first Raven Darkholme / Mystique all Hulk #180 Wolvie -
NEW 1/20
Price: $for sale
Stroman, Larry
at OAX show - STROMAN, LARRY - Silver Surfer & Galactus painted Pinup - Moebius Homage 11 by 17
NEW 1/20
Price: $for Sale
Davis, Alan
at OAX show - DAVIS, ALAN - Legion of Super-Heroes #88 cover, Adventure Comics #247 first cover homage w/ Impulse 1996
NEW 1/20
Price: $for sale
Kaluta, Michael
at OAX show - KALUTA, MIKE - Witchcraft #1 #2 #3 painted series - 3 covers, 3 Witching Hour Witches: Cynthia, Mildred, Morganna 1994
NEW 1/20
Price: $for sale
Feiffer, Jules
FEIFFER, JULES - Feiffer Village Voice Sunday 1960's, boy & baseball ala Charlie Brown!
NEW 1/17
Price: $for sale
Feiffer, Jules
FEIFFER, JULES - Feiffer Village Voice promo cartoon for his famous strip with many regular characters: Huey and Bernard, The Dancer, etc. 1950s
NEW 1/17
Price: $for trade
Romita Sr., John
at OAX show - ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #110 cover, Spidey, first app. Gibbon - Kraven story, last Stan Lee issue 1972
NEW 1/17
Sale, Tim
at OAX - SALE, TIM - Batman Long Halloween #2 un-inked cover, Batman shadows dead Irish Mob at Thanksgiving 1997
NEW 1/16
Price: $For Trade
Oliphant, Pat
OLIPHANT, PATRICK - Editorial cartoon, T-Rex dino as deficit attacks Volcker & Fed board as cavemen / Puck Penguin comments 198
NEW 1/16
Price: $for Sale
Borgman, Jim
BORGMAN, JIM - Political Cartoon - EPA history from birth to insider 1983
NEW 1/16
Price: $for Sale
Borgman, Jim
BORGMAN, JIM - Political Cartoon - Reagan policy / Stockman explain Supply-Side economics to poor 1982
NEW 1/16
Price: $for Sale
Feiffer, Jules
FEIFFER, JULES - Feiffer cartoon - Ronald Reagan policy discussion turns clown show 1986
NEW 1/16
Price: $for sale
Staton, Joe
STATON JOE / BOB LAYTON - All-Star Comics #72 page, Huntress, Golden-age Flash Green Lantern / Alan Scott + villainess Rose undercover
NEW 1/13
Price: $for Sale
Staton, Joe
STATON, JOE - Batman Family #18 pg 1 Splash, first Staton - Helena sees Huntress in mirror 1978
NEW 1/13
Price: $for Sale
Romita Sr., John
ROMITA SR, JOHN - Incredible Hulk super-large cover, Whitman Round Puzzle, 3-up size 1982
NEW 1/13
Price: $for Sale
Adams, Art
ADAMS, ART - Hulk #7 large cover, Hulk & Red Hulk + female Defenders; She-Hulk, Valkyrie & Tundra 2008
NEW 1/13
Price: $for Sale
Medina, Angel
MEDINA, ANGEL - Incredible Hulk #443 cover, Hulk & Rick Jones' grand-daughter 1996
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
Barney, Joe
BARNEY, JOE - Marvel Fanfare #7 Cover - Incredible Hulk vs X-Men's Blob & Unus the Untouchable 1983
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
ASHMORE, BRIAN - Incredible Hulk, Night America #1 large painted cover signed 2003
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
Dodson, Terry
DODSON, TERRY - Hulk #433 cover Hulk vs Punisher face-off - 1995
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
Adams, Art
ADAMS, ART - Hulk #10 large cover, Hulk plus Defenders: Surfer, Subby, Doc 2009
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
HALL, AUGUST - Books of Magic #26 painted cover w/ logo overlay, Tim Hunter - Golden Gate Bridge & flag 1995
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
HALL, AUGUST - Books of Magic #19 painted cover w/ logo overlay, Tim Hunter & gang
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
HALL, AUGUST - Books of Magic #18 painted cover w/ logo overlay, Tim Hunter & Troll
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
Please see COOLLINES at the OAX - Orlando, Florida 1/24 to 1/ 26, 2025
NEW 1/10
Price: $NA
MARCUS, MOE - Horror Splash, Supernatural Host tells Last Story pre-code
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
MARCUS, MOE - Horror Splash, large-size "House of Hate" pre-code
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
MARCUS, MOE - Horror Cover, large-size Test example pre-code
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
MARCUS, MOE - Don Winslow large-size pages 1 and 2, 1951
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
MARCUS, MOE - Don Winslow large-size Cover, 1951
NEW 1/10
Price: $for Sale
Totleben, John
TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 8, by Alan Moore - Swamp Thing reappears to Abby
NEW 1/8
Price: $For Sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Detective Comics #559 pg 1, Splash - Batman meets arrow in action
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Detective Comics #559 pg 4, Batman, Green Arrow and the New Black Canary
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Cockrum, Dave
COCKRUM, DAVE - Batman #410 pg 19 / 25 - large Batman and Robin splash panel. 1st Modern Age Robin in costume
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Cockrum, Dave
COCKRUM, DAVE - Batman #410 pg 18 / 24, Robin fights, Batman Two-Face. 1st Modern Age Robin in costume
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Andru, Ross
ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 14, Batman off Crime Alley
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Andru, Ross
ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 12, Batman vs Crime Alley / Jason Todd foster thugs
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis the Menace daily, 11/6 1972, Dennis falls to sleep by parents w/ political TV
NEW 1/2
Price: $for sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis the Menace daily, 7/18 1972, Dennis & Parents at coffee breakfast
NEW 1/1
Price: $for sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis The Menace daily, Dennis & drunk Santa - wants beer 12/22 1971
NEW 1/1
Price: $for sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, DENNIS - Dennis daily 9/3 1971, Dennis can't believe barber goes to his church
NEW 1/1
Price: $for sale
Buscema, Sal
BUSCEMA, SAL - New Mutants #13 pg 4, Magma joins Team & Prof X at BBQ
NEW 12/31
Price: $for sale
Keown, Dale
KEOWN, DALE - Incredible Hulk #375 pg 13, Hulk, Rick Jones vs Super Skrulls! 1990
NEW 12/31
Price: $for SALE
Keown, Dale
KEOWN, DALE - Hulk #367 pg 9 - big panel, 1st Hulk by Keown & Peter David script 1990
NEW 12/31
Price: $for SALE
Keown, Dale
KEOWN, DALE - Hulk #371 pg 25, Defenders return! Hulk, Doctor Strange & Sub-Mariner!! 1990
NEW 12/31
Price: $FOR SALE
Layton, Bob
LAYTON, BOB / JERRY BINGHAM (both signed) - Iron Man #131 pg 14, IM vs Hulk, who transforms. first appearance of Micronauts. Acroyear & Karza, outside of their title! 1979-1980
NEW 12/30
Price: $for Sale
Tuska, George
TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 1 splash Iron Man flies 1972
NEW 12/29
Price: $FOR Sale
Tuska, George
TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 6, Firebrand arrives
NEW 12/29
Price: $For sale
Layton, Bob
LAYTON, BOB / BINGHAM - Iron Man #132 pg 30, last page. Iron Man / Stark defeats Hulk / early Jim Rhodes
NEW 12/29
Price: $for sale
Randall, Ron
RANDALL, RON - Spectacular Spider-Man, Annual #4 pg 5, first solo Black Cat
NEW 12/29
Price: $for sale
Randall, Ron
RANDALL, RON - Spectacular Spider-Man, Annual #4 pg 2, Black Spider-Man & Black Cat
NEW 12/29
Price: $for sale
Buckler, Rich
BUCKLER, RICH / KYLE BAKER - Spectacular Spider-Man #108 pg 17, Black Spidey, as Peter mourns Death of Jean DeWolf
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Beachum, Mark
BEACHUM, MARK - Web of Spider-Man Annual #4 Double-Splash, Spidey & Black Cat
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - Uncanny X-Men #230 pg, X-Mas - Team Wanted Poster + Wolvie / Longshot
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - Uncanny X-Men #236 Semi-splash pg, Psylocke senses mutant massacre
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Heck, Don
HECK, DON - Tales of Suspense #52 large pg 5, 1st Black Widow story, old + 1st appearance of new Crimson Dynamo - Anton & Boris 1964
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Ditko, Steve
DITKO, STEVE - Tales Of Suspense #48 Iarge pg 16, First classic Armor, Iron Man VS Mr Doll - signed Stan Lee 1963
NEW 12/28
Price: $For sale
Sienkiewicz, Bill
SIENKIEWICZ, BILL - Moon Knight #7 pg 22, MK vs Wolfman villain
NEW 12/28
Price: $for sale
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Lori Lovecraft design - semi-nude
NEW 12/26
Price: $free with other Purchase
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Retrowood cover design - Detective "Film Noir"
NEW 12/26
Price: $free with other Purchase
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Orson Welles design - dome for Max Collins
NEW 12/26
Price: $FREE with other Purchase
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Magician cover design A
NEW 12/26
Price: $fREE with other Purchase
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Magician cover design A
NEW 12/26
Price: $FREE with other Purchase
Vosburg, Mike
VOSBURG, MIKE - Fashion ad design - Death w/ shoes ?
NEW 12/26
Price: $FREE with other Purchase
Krigstein, Bernie
KRIGSTEIN, BERNIE - American Heritage Magazine large Illo B KRIGSTEIN, BERNIE - American Heritage Magazine large Illo B "A Sword for George Rogers Clark" 1962
NEW 12/26
Price: $FOR Sale
Krigstein, Bernie
KRIGSTEIN, BERNIE - American Heritage Magazine large Illo A KRIGSTEIN, BERNIE - American Heritage Magazine large Illo B "A Sword for George Rogers Clark" 1962
NEW 12/26
Price: $for Sale
DeCarlo, Dan
DeCARLO, DAN - Timely / Humorama Comedy 9/1961, Blonde with fur "to keep quiet, not warn"
NEW 12/25
Price: $for Sale
DeCARLO, DAN - Timely / Humorama cartoon - Redhead on shipwreck raft 1956
NEW 12/25
Price: $for Sale
DECARLO, DAN - Timely / Humorama cartoon - Brunette judo lession 1955
NEW 12/25
Price: $for Sale
DeCarlo, Dan
DeCARLO, DAN - Timely / Humorama Jest, she dates musicians who know the score 1953
NEW 12/25
Price: $for Sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY - Mad Magazine #31 title page, a red hot early page: "The New Marilyn Monroe"
NEW 12/22
Price: $for Sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY - Mad Magazine #35 Alley Oop comic strip parody, is unwanted hair removal an improvement?
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY- Mad / Topps #35 satire - Arise shaving cream 1960s
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY - Mad #61 comic strip satire on Li'l Abner / Mary Worth w/ Sadie Hawkins / Moonbeam McSwine / Shmoo
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Aragones, Sergio
ARAGONES, SERGIO - Sgt Rock #304, 1 pg story, War Games - WW2 POW campv escape 1977
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Aragones, Sergio
ARAGONES, SERGIO - Mad book- Viva Mad! book splash pg, mugger & beggar 1975
NEW 12/22
Price: $for SALE
MacNelly, Jeff
MACNELLY, JEFF - Shoe Sunday 4/6 1986, Skyler tests on Four Horsemen of the apocalypse
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
MacNelly, Jeff
MACNELLY, JEFF - Shoe Sunday, 11/23 1980 geography test on Ireland
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis the Menace Sunday 10/4 1953, early Dennis, Ruff gets bath
NEW 12/22
Price: $for Sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis the Menace Sunday 5/29 1977, Dennis with Gina - Baseball
NEW 12/22
Price: $for sale
Crane, Roy
RANE, ROY - Buz Sawyer Sunday 4/29 1945 WW2 theme, sailor talk about Sweeny's Pin-up Girlfriend
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
Crane, Roy
CRANE, ROY - Buz Sawyer Sunday 6/10 1945 WW2 theme, in Navy, Rosco Sweeney gets Pin-up from Girlfriend pen-pal
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
Crane, Roy
CRANE, ROY - Wash Tubbs Sunday lower half, Wash & his aardvark sell remedy medicine 1930s
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
TURNER, LESLIE - Capt Easy Sunday 9/21 1952, Easy at a Mexican swimming pool scene
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
TURNER, LESLIE / MEL GAFF - Capt Easy Sunday Dec 22 1968, Wash And Easy helps blonde with oil property
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
Adams, Neal
ADAMS, NEAL - Batman Catwoman & Mr Freeze design for Theme Park 1990s?
NEW 12/21
Price: $For Trade
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS - X-Men's Mystique holds Sabertooth's head illo 2021
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS - X-Men's Gen X Jubilee & Phoenix Force illo 2022
NEW 12/21
Price: $for sale
Thompson, Jill
THOMPSON, JILL - Sandman #36 pencil pg, Dream confronts Barbie Foxglove Hazel Thessaly 1992
NEW 12/21
Price: $for Sale
Ketcham, Hank
KETCHAM, HANK - Dennis the Menace Sunday 1/3 1988 - Christmas aftermath & Happy New Year
NEW 12/19
Price: $for sale
Harris, Tony
HARRIS, TONY - DC JSA / Justice Society published DC poster painting with Wonder Woman included 1999
NEW 12/18
Price: $for Sale
Hempel, Marc
HEMPEL, MARC - Sandman #59 pg 1 intro page, DC Loki w/ Puck set fire trap for Baby Daniel
NEW 12/16
Price: $For Sale
Wagner, Matt
WAGNER, MATT / MALCOM JONES - Sandman #25 pg, Death as jogger & Birth / First Deadboy Detectives 1991
NEW 12/16
Price: $for sale
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS - Gaiman's Death HCOL #2 pg 10, Death Sexton & intro a pregnant Hazel 1993
NEW 12/16
Price: $for sale
Buckingham, Mark
BUCKINGHAM, MARK- GAIMAN'S Sandman DC trading Card pinup: Angels Remiel & Ruma governing Hell 1994
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale
Allred, Mike
ALLRED, MIKE - Sandman #54 pg 9 Splashy art - Prez #1 cover homage - first modern Prez 1993
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale
Russell, P Craig
RUSSELL, CRAIG - Gaiman's Sandman GN pg 20, "Endless Night" Death at Venetian costume ball 2003
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale
Russell, P Craig
RUSSELL, CRAIG - Gaiman's Problem of Susan and Other Stories HC #1 2019
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS - Generation X #26 cover, Jubilee blowing bubble gum - classic 1997
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS - New Mutants #9 cover, large, 1st Surge / full app. Noriko Ashida 2004
NEW 12/15
Price: $for SALE
BROOKS, MARK - Arana - Heart of the Spider #7 Cover, Second Spider-Girl & cast 2005
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Cowan, Denys
COWAN, DENYS - Deathlok #13 cover, Deathlok vs Bio-hazard 1991
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Buscema, John
BUSCEMA, JOHN - King Conan #4 Cover, ERB Conan vs Thoth-Amon 1980
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Avon Oeming, Michael
AVON OEMING, MICHAEL - X-Men Forever #17 cover, Claremont's return - Deadpool VS Cyclops Wolverine Iceman ala X-Men #1 2009
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale
Adlard, Charles
ADLARD, CHARLIE - Thunderbolts: Life Sentences GN #1 Cover, Hawkeye / Moonstone / Songbird / Mach-2 2001
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Russell, P Craig
RUSSELL, CRAIG - Doctor Strange Annual #1 cover, published in 1974-75 cover to CPL #5 cover
NEW 12/15
Price: $for sale / trade
Isherwood, Geof
ISHERWOOD, GEOF - Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #56 cover, Doc vs Baron Blood - Infinity Crusade 1993
NEW 12/15
Price: $for Sale
Gross, Peter
GROSS, PETER - Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #73 cover, 3 Dr Stranges 1994
NEW 12/14
Price: $for Sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE / TOM PALMER - Doctor Strange #47 cover, Dr Strange vs Ikonn! 1981
NEW 12/14
Price: $for Sale
Buckler, Rich
BUCKLER, RICH - Ghost Rider #29 cover, GR vs Doc Strange
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Buscema, John
BUSCEMA, JOHN - Fantastic Four #298 cover, FF, She-hulk defeated 1986
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Churchill, Ian
CHURCHILL, IAN - Avengers X-Sanction #3 Cover, Cable vs Hulk
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Allred, Mike
ALLRED, MIKE - Fantastic Four MK Four #4 cover & FF Poster #40, Impossible Man ala X-Men #1 2005
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Gulacy, Paul
GULACY, PAUL - Batman Outlaws #3 Cover, Batman, Huntress, Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing 2000
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Gulacy, Paul
ark Knight #141 cover, Bats vs Scarecrow & Hugo Strange 2001
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
GULACY, PAUL - Turok #40 cover, Turok, odd creatures
NEW 12/14
Price: $for Sale
Gulacy, Paul
GULACY, PAUL - Venom painted cover, inventory
NEW 12/14
Price: $for sale
Wrightson, Berni
WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Doc Strange Special #1 wrap-around cover, Doctor Strange, Clea & Silver Dagger! 1983
NEW 12/13
Price: $for sale
Guice, Jackson (Butch)
GUICE, JACKSON - Doctor Strange #17 cover, Vampiric Verses, Morgana Blessing ala Amy Grant, Baron Blood
NEW 12/13
Price: $for ploog
Starlin, Jim
STARLIN, JIM - Doctor Strange #26 cover, classic poster style image w/ entire cast 1977
NEW 12/13
Price: $for ploog
Ploog, Mike
PLOOG, MIKE - Marvel Premiere #6 cover, Dr Strange vs Sligguth + extra Severin Sea-Witch art 1973
NEW 12/13
Price: $for ploog
Mazzucchelli, David
MAZZUCCELLI, DAVID / FRANK MILLER story - Daredevil #226 pg 11, DD in origins action 1986
NEW 12/13
Price: $for Sale
Mazzucchelli, David
MAZZUCCHELLI, DAVID - Daredevil #211 cover, DD saving Becky Blake; Heidi DeVoto from Vikah 1984
NEW 12/13
Price: $for Sale
Dave Johnson - Flash #4 cover key Flash - Rebirth - New Earth Barry Allen 2016
NEW 12/13
Price: $for Sale
Meyers, JonBoy - Teen Titans Rebirth #3 cover, first cover - Mara al Ghul - defeats Damian Wayne & Titans 2016
NEW 12/12
Price: $for Sale
Manhke, Doug
MAHNKE, DOUG - Superman: Rebirth #1 cover, first new Superman / Kent / Clark White / Clark Smith / Kal-El 2016
NEW 12/12
Price: $for sale
Romita Sr., John
ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed / confirmed ) - Amazing Spider-Man Poster, three X large size artwork rescues MJ type 1982
NEW 12/12
Price: $for sale
Romita Sr., John
ROMITA SR, JOHN - Marvel Novel Series #3 Hulk pencil art for painting 1979
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Romita Sr., John
ROMITA SR, JOHN - AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #583 OBAMA Issue, prelim cover Dating theme - Spidey & Peter + Betty & Felicia - 2008
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Romita Sr., John
CASE, RICHARD / JOHN ROMITA SR - Dark Hold #5 cover, Punisher at grave for zombie wife, Ghost Rider hunt Vicki Montesi
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Browne, Dik
BROWNE, DIK - Hagar the Horrible daily 9/26 1987, two large panels! "violence begets violence"...sounds fair!
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Browne, Dik
BROWNE, DIK - Hagar the Horrible daily 12/22 1987 - Christmas season, twin snow flakes melt
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Herriman, George
HERRIMAN, GEORGE - "So Many Americans" book cartoon, family in China town + Pup, 1930s
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Herriman, George
HERRIMAN, GEORGE - Krazy Kat / Family Upstairs Double Daily 1910-1911 very first Brick gag?
NEW 12/11
Price: $For sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - Darkness Superman #2 Cover, battle w/ two titans! 2005
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - X-Men Phoenix Warsong #2 Cover, Phoenix Force & Stepford Cuckoos - Celeste Phoebe Mindee Sophie Esme 2006
NEW 12/11
Price: $for sale
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #16 patriotic cover, early Miles Morales / Spider-Man; Ultimates / Avengers 2012
NEW 12/10
Price: $for sale
Nowlan, Kevin
NOWLAN, KEVIN & MATT HALEY - Batgirl Annual #1 cover, Batgirl & introduction Aruna + Batman 2000
NEW 12/10
Price: $for sale
Nowlan, Kevin
NOWLAN, KEVIN - Dalgoda: Grimwood's Daughter Chap 3 pg 1 splash 1984
NEW 12/10
Price: $for sale
Nowlan, Kevin
NOWLAN, KEVIN - Dr Strange Classic #1 inside cover pin-up - Doc and beautiful Clea 1984
NEW 12/10
Price: $for sale
Nowlan, Kevin
NOWLAN, KEVIN - Doctor Strange #1 cover, Doc vs Dormamu 1988
NEW 12/10
Price: $for sale
REIS, WAGNER - Vampirella #13 cover, tonal painting, super-large / three-up size 2012
Price: $for sale
Wrightson, Berni
WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Swamp Thing #3 pg 9, Matt, first Abby Arcane
Price: $for sale
Wrightson, Berni
WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Spectre #9 pg 7 Semi-Splash, JSA Spectre is horror host - first Berni DC horror hero 1969
Price: $for sale
Golden, Mike
GOLDEN, MICHAEL / CRAIG RUSSELL - Batman Family #19 montage Splash, Batman & vampire bat 1978
Price: $for sale
Golden, Mike
GOLDEN, MIKE - X-Men Annual #7 Splashy pg 7, X-Men & Rogue vs Galactus 1983
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - Uncanny X-Men #261 pg, Pierce, Lady Deathstrike + Cylla origin / joins Reave - Last Issue by Marc
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC / Steve Leialoha - Uncanny X-Men #250 pg 14, Colossus, Dazzler, Psylocke - 1st Worm
Price: $for sale
Manning, Russ
MANNING, RUSS - Star Wars daily, Princess Leia & Chewy in jail scene 5/31 1980
Price: $for sale
Manning, Russ
MANNING, RUSS - Star Wars daily, 2 panels, Han, Luke, Chewbacca & C3PO 2/6 1980
Price: $for sale
FIUMAZA, MAX signed annoying Frank Miller - Daredevil #505 variant cover, Deadpool vs Daredevil. based on DD #185
Price: $for sale
GIARRUSSO, CHRIS - Deadpool #23 variant cover, Heroic Age - Lil' Deadpool in NYC - films
Price: $for sale
Bachalo, Chris
BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND - Deadpool Vol 8 #8 cover, DP gets the Bloodtone 2020
Price: $for sale
Swan, Curt
SWAN, CURT - Superman #390 semi-splash pg 18, Superman vs Vartox in Fortress Trophy Room
Price: $for sale
Swan, Curt
SWAN, CURT - Superman #286 pg 13, Superman, Lex Luthor, Parasite, signed
Price: $for sale
Swan, Curt
SWAN, CURT - Superman #285 pg 11, up in the sky-Superman upside-down, Roy Raymond, signed
Price: $for sale
Buscema, John
BUSCEMA, JOHN - Conan #174 cover, Conan blonde Tetra see hanging Prince & men 1985
Price: $for sale
Buscema, John
BUSCEMA, JOHN - Conan #147 cover, Conan saves Priestress from winged demon 1983
Price: $for sale
Buckler, Rich
BUCKLER, RICH - Wonder Women #237 cover, Golden-age WW vs Nazis to save General McArthur 1977
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Detective Comics #563 cover, Two-Face returns! defaces Batman 1983
Price: $for sale
Staton, Joe
STATON, JOE - Millenium #3 cover, Batman & JLA charge to action! 1987
Price: $for sale
McFarlane, Todd
McFARLANE, TODD - Infinity Inc. #29 large cover, female Wildcat + young JSA
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Batman #351 cover, Batman is a vampire Batman! First Gene Colan version! 1982
Price: $for sale
Nowlan, Kevin
NOWLAN, KEVIN - Legion of Superheroes #344 cover, Ultra Boy saves Phantom Girl, Chameleon Boy from Tyrraz 1987
Price: $for sale
Toth, Alex
TOTH, ALEX - My Greatest Adventures #58 large pg 1, splash to Toth's famous "Wizard of L'Oz" 1961
Price: $for sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK & DITKO, STEVE - Amazing Spider-Man #8 large pg 22, early Spidey vs FF's Human Torch / Johnny Storm 1963
Price: $for sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - ALAN MOORE Detective Comics #550 pg 1 Splash, Green Arrow / Black Canary "Night Olympics" 1985
Price: $For Sale
Fox, Matt
FOX, MATT / LARRY LIEBER - Tales To Astonish #51 large pg 1 splash, Sci Fi Alien Invaders 1963
Price: $For sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 6, Green Arrow - Archer villain Superheroes like WWF - 1985
Price: $for sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 4, Archer villain Superheroes like WWF- Green Arrow 1985
Price: Please Inquire
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 3, Green Arrow, Black Canery shot by arrow 1985
Price: $for Sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 5, Archer villain vs Green Arrow 1985
Price: $for Sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK - Journey Into Mystery #109 large pg 1 Splash, double Thor, When Magneto strikes! 1964
Price: $for sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK - Tales To Astonish #39 pg 1, large splash fifth Ant-Man vs Scarlet Beetle 1962
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Tales To Astonish #75 pg 1 Splash 6th issue - Submariner & Dorma
Price: $For sale
Heck, Don
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 1 splash, 8th superhero Ant-Man 1962
Price: $for sale
Ditko, Steve
DITKO, STEVE - Tales To Astonish #25 large pg 1 pre-hero Splash, Ghost & haunted house 1961
Price: $for sale
Crandall, Reed
CRANDALL, REED / WALLY WOOD - Dynamo #1 large pg 4, first issue Dynamo vs Dinos 1966
Price: $for sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY - Daredevil #9 large pg 13, DD + Matt Karen Page & Foggy 1965
Price: $for sale
Wood, Wally
WOOD, WALLY - Daredevil #9 large pg 18, DD fights villain 1965
Price: $for sale
Crandall, Reed
CRANDALL, REED - Eerie #5 larger pg 3, Four panels - Mummy uncovered 1966
Price: $for sale
Crandall, Reed
CRANDALL, REED - Eerie #2 large pg, origin of Frankenstein monster 1965 - 1966
Price: $for sale
Crandall, Reed
CRANDALL, REED - Creepy #8 large pg 9, ink & wash - Dracula staked 1966
Price: $for sale
Heath, Russ
HEATH, RUSS - Showcase #29 large pg 3, Pre-#1 Sea Devils guys & gal dive 1960
Price: $for sale
Infantino, Carmine
INFANTINO, CARMINE - Flash #135 large pg 7, both Flash & Kid Flash in every panel, Wally gets his new, classic costume! 1962-1963
Price: $for sale
Kubert, Joe
KUBERT, JOE - Brave and Bold #44 large pg 4, Hawkman vs all 3 of the animal-headed Lanisarian aliens! 1962
Price: $for sale
Heck, Don
HECK, DON - Tales of Suspense #15 large pg 1 Splash pre-hero horror- Moomboo! 1961
Price: $for sale
Heck, Don
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #51 Large pg 1 Splash, large Iron Man, first Scarecrow 1964
Price: $for sale
Heck, Don
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #58 large pg 1 splash, Iron Man vs Shark, 1st Captain America story 1964
Price: $For sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK - Fantastic Four Annual #2, Pinup FF #20 large Splash, Molecule Man + Human Torch & Thing 1964
Price: $for sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK - Journey Into Mystery #80 large pg 1 splash, Sci Fi Giant Mutant terror 1961-1962
Price: $for sale
Kirby, Jack
KIRBY, JACK - Journey Into Mystery #68 large Chapter Splash, monster Spragg 1961
Price: $for sale
Williamson, Al
WILLIAMSON, AL - Journey into Mystery #43 "Secret of the Strange Stone" large pg 3 1957
Price: $For sale
Williamson, Al
WILLIAMSON, AL - Journey into Mystery #43 "Secret of the Strange Stone" large pg 2 1957
Price: $For sale
Williamson, Al
WILLIAMSON, AL - Journey into Mystery #43 pg 1 Splash
Price: $for sale
Williamson, Al
WILLIAMSON, AL signed - Jann of the Jungle #17 last page, Atlas Jungle Girl 1957
Price: $for sale
Liefeld, Rob
LIEFELD, ROB - Cable #4 pg 1 Splash, Cable stares down G. W. Bridge 1993
Price: $for sale
Porter, Howard
PORTER, HOWARD - Grant Morrison's JLA #22 Splashy pg, Gaiman's Sandman Daniel + Wonder Woman & Green Lantern
Price: $for sale
Swan, Curt
SWAN, CURT - DC Hostess Ad / inside cover June 1980 - Flash vs Destroyer
Price: $for sale
Swan, Curt
SWAN, CURT - DC Hostess Ad / inside cover Oct 1979 - Green Lantern vs Triclops
Price: $for sale
Silvestri, Marc
SILVESTRI, MARC - Uncanny X-Men #238 pg 18, Goblin Queen Madelyne Pryor and Jennifer Ransome; Inferno prelude
Price: $for sale
Cole, Jack
COLE, JACK - Playboy Magazine painted title cartoon - feature Subliminal Pitch portfolio - Lassie on TV & eating dog food - Sept 1958
Price: $for sale
Cole, Jack
COLE, JACK - Playboy Magazine painted title cartoon - feature Subliminal Pitch portfolio - undressing with home movies - Sept 1958
Price: $for sale
Cole, Jack
COLE, JACK - Playboy Magazine painted title cartoon - feature Subliminal Pitch portfolio - in nightgown, watch TV & shaving - Sept 1958
Price: $for sale
Fradon, Ramona
FRADON, RAMONA - Super Friends #10 complete story pg 1, JLA & Wonder Twins vs classic monsters
Price: $for sale
Giffen, Keith
GIFFEN, KEITH / ERNIE COLON - Legionnares 3 #3 cover & 22 pg story 1986
Price: $for sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - MOORE, ALAN - Detective Comics #550 complete 7 pg story, Green Arrow / Black Canary 1985
Price: $for sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Detective Comics #553 complete 16 pg Batman story, Black Mask, intro False Face Society 1985
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Spectre #3 complete 25 pg story + Madame Xanadu / Phantom Stranger 1987
Price: $for sale
Janson, Klaus
JANSON, KLAUS - Superman #400 complete story - 10 pgs - Superman religion 1984
Price: $for sale
Fradon, Ramona
FRADON, RAMONA - 1st Issue Special #3 cover & complete story, Metamorpho 1975
Price: $for sale
Colan, Gene
COLAN, GENE - Tomb of Dracula #36 complete 18 pg story- Dracula in America, Brother Voodoo 1975
Price: $for sale
Sale, Tim
SALE, TIM - Batman v3 #14 1st version pencil cover,, Batman & Catwoman kiss Tom King series 2017
Price: $for sale
Yeates, Tom
YEATES, TOM - Swamp Thing #5 Cover & complete 17 pg Story - ST & docs flee zombies 1983
Price: $for sale
Giffen, Keith
GIFFEN, KIETH / ERNIE COLON - Legion Mini-series Cosmic Boy #2 complete 22 pg Story, Cosmic Boy & Night Girl 1987
Price: $for sale
Mayerik, Val
MAYERIK, VAL - Ka-Zar the Savage #26 young Kazar story 1983
Price: $for sale
Mayerik, Val
MAYERIK, VAL - Ka-Zar the Savage #18 young Kazar story 1982
Price: $for sale
Mayerik, Val
MAYERIK, VAL - Savage Sword of Conan #115 complete 51 pg story 1985
Price: $for sale
Guice, Jackson (Butch)
GUICE, BUTCH - Flash #9 complete story 22 pgs, first appearance Chunk + Titans 1988
Price: $for sale
DeZungia, Tony
DeZUNIGA, TONY - Jonah Hex #86 complete 23 pg story Splash, The Slaughterhouse! 1983
Price: $for sale
Smith, Tod
SMITH, TOD - Omega Men #22 large size art - Complete 23 pgs 1985
Price: $for sale
Morrow, Gray
MORROW, GRAY - Sorcery #5, 5 page story "Barometer Falling..." Atlantis destroyed 1974
Price: $for sale
Mayerik, Val
MAYERICK, VAL - Destroyer Duck #2-#7- all 48 pgs by Superman creator Jerry Siegel - 6 Complete Stories "The Starling" 1983
Price: $for sale
Fradon, Ramona
FRADON, RAMONA - Plastic Man #20 pg 1 Splash of 17 pg story, Eel & Plan 1977
Price: $for sale
Perez, George
PEREZ, GEORGE - History of DC #2 pg 43 spot illo - post-Crisis - Gem-world enters DC Universe 1985
Price: $for sale