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Artist: Trevor Von Eden

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ADAMS, NEAL (layouts/ inks - signed) studio / TREVOR VON EEDEN - URTH 4 #1 splash0 ALL battle!, Continuity Comics 1988-1989 $For Sale
GARCIA-LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS / Trever Von Eeden - Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight #150 pg $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - DC Who's Who #22 Pinujo - villainess Syonide + Batman & Outsiders 1986 NEW $for sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Legends Of The DC Universe #27 pg 4, Joker & babe 2000 $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Batman and Outsiders pencil drawing $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Batman Annual #8 pg 32 Batman in shadow $Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Detective Comics #521 pg 6, Green Arrow, big panel $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Powerman & Iron Fist #57 pg 10, X-Men #123-A cross-over, X-Men in action $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - Thriller #1 cover, Danny Grove and the ghostly Angeline Thriller $For sale or trade
VON EDEN, TREVOR - World's Finest #248 pg 13, Black Canary high-kicks Hellgrammite 1978 $For Sale
VON EDEN, TREVOR - World's Finest #252 pg 11, Black Canary in fur coat, montage Semi-Splash 1978 $For Sale
VON EDEN, VON - Power-Man & Iron Fist #59 pg 27, Danny Rand & Colleen give help $For Sale
VON EDEN, VON - Power-Man & Iron Fist #59 pg 27, Danny Rand & pal + Misty Knight $For Sale



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