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Artist: Rob Liefeld

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Title Issue Page Price
LIEFELD, ROB - Cable #4 pg 1 Splash, Cable stares down G. W. Bridge 1993 $For Sale
LIEFELD - Deadpool Corps #7 cover, Deadpool in space with zombie Deadpool (Earth-2149) $For Sale
LIEFELD - Deadpool Corps half-splash, huge Deadpool, Dog Deadpool, zombie Deadpool (Earth-2149) $For Sale
LIEFELD - Deadpool Corps pg, big panel , Deadpool, Lady Deadpool, Kid Deadpool $For Sale
LIEFELD - Deadpool Corps pg, Deadpool in space, Zombie Deadpool $For Sale
LIEFELD - Deadpool Corps pg, Deadpool Lady Deadpool, zombie Deadpool (Earth-2149) $For Sale
LIEFELD - New Mutants design - 3 designs Boom Boom in costumes 1989 $For Sale
LIEFELD - X-Force #1 pg 30, from 2nd best selling comic! $SOLD - looking for more of this type!
LIEFELD / TODD MCFARLANE - New Mutants #86 cover, first by Rob, Spider-Man #2 homage & Vulture $For Trade
LIEFELD / TODD MCFARLANE - New Mutants #86 cover, first by Rob, Spider-Man #2 homage & Vulture - LOGO OFF $For Trade
LIEFELD / TODD MCFARLANE - New Mutants #86 cover, first series cover by Rob / Spider-Man #2 homage & Vulture $for sale
LIEFELD / WALKER - Youngblood: Genesis #2 cover, written by Kurt Busiek, Chapel- Spawn' killer $SOLD
LIEFELD, ROB - Alan Moore's Judgement Day #2 cover $For Sale, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM
LIEFELD, ROB - Alan Moore's Judgement Day #2 cover $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - Deadpool Corps #7 cover, Deadpool in space with zombie Deadpool (Earth-2149) - DEADPOOL in 2016 film $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #7 pg, 1st Lady Deadpool, 2009 $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #3 page 12 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #3 page 19 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #3 page 20 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #4 page 1 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #4 page 18 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #4 page 19 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Hawk and Dove #4 page 6 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - Jack Kirby's FIGHTING AMERICAN #2 cover $For sale or trade
LIEFELD, ROB - Lady Deadpool #1 / Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1 pg 1, Intro page 2010 $for sale
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #100 page, Cable & 1st Shatter-Star $SOLD - looking for more!
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in pg 16, Cyclops history / Rob's 1st Nathan & inspiration for Cable - confimed by Rob 1989 $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 10, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 11, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 12, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 13, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 14, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 15, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 17 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 4, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 5, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 6, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 7, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 8, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 9, 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #86 last pg, 1st Cable & Strife ala Hulk #180 $SOLD - looking for more!
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #89 pg 15, Wolfsbane, Warlock & Rictor $For sale or trade
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #89 pg 30, Cable with New Mutants $Email for sale
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #89 pg 6 $email for price
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #93 alternate 1st cover, Rob's pencils / Inks: Cable & Sunfire & Boom Boom $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #99 pg 15, Cable, 2nd Domino $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants Annual #5 page 14 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants Annual #5 page 31 Please Inquire
LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants art, Sunspot, Boom-Boom, Skids - 3 costume designs 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - Prelude to Deadpool Corp #1 pg 2 splash, intro Lady Deadpool $ForSale
LIEFELD, ROB - Prelude to Deadpool Corp #1 pg 2 splash, intro Lady Deadpool $for sale
LIEFELD, ROB - What If #7 pg 26, …Wolverine became a SHIELD agent? With Jean Grey transforming into Phoenix! $SOLD
LIEFELD, ROB - What If V2 #7 pg 22, Wolverine turns down X-Men $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB - What If? v2 #7 art, 2 Wolverine costume designs 1989 $For Trade
LIEFELD, ROB - What If? v2 #7 dbl Splash, Wolverine vs Hulk vs Wendigo - Hulk #181 $sold
LIEFELD, ROB - X-Force #6 Title Splash, New Brotherhood Evil Mutants: Sauron Blob Pyro Toad + 1st app Phantazia $sold
LIEFELD, ROB - X-Force #7 pg 1 Splash; Siryn / Banshee & Thunderbird 2/ Warpath vs Toad $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB / AL WILLIAMSON - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 4, 1989 $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB / AL WILLIAMSON - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 5, 1989 $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB / AL WILLIAMSON - New Mutants #78 -80 series fill-in, pg 6, 1989 $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB / TERRY AUSTIN - Wolverine Saga #1 back cover, history of Wolvie $Trade only
LIEFELD, ROB / TERRY AUSTIN - Wolverine Saga #1 back cover, Origin Wolvie, Hulk #181 / GS#1 / X-Men $sold
LIEFELD, ROB / TODD McFARLANE - New Mutants #86 cover, 1st by Rob & Cable cameo, Spider-Man #2 homage, Vulture + color art $For Sale
LIEFELD, ROB hand-signed - New Mutants / Cable team t-shirt mechanical 1989 1991 $for sale
PACELLA / PANOSIAN / LIEFLED - X-Force #10 semi-Splash, Boom-Boom, Cannonball is immortal mutant $For Sale



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