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Artist: Travis Charest

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Title Issue Page Price
CHAREST, TRAVIS - ALAN MOORE' WildC.A.T.S #29 pg, "Catcall" Voodoo leaves team $For Sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Batman #488 cover, Robin & New Batman 1993 $SOLD
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Gen 13 Rainmaker cover artwork, for Jim Lee Wildstorm limited 200 ed. Iris print, 1998 $for sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Shattered Image #2 wraparound cover, homage to the famous Alex Ross' Kingdom Come cover. Comic scan for reference $Reference shot of comic book
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Shattered Image #2 wraparound cover, homage to the famous Alex Ross' Kingdom Come cover. Incredible art with main Wildstorm heroes 1996 $for sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Shattered Image #2 wraparound cover, homage to the famous Alex Ross' Kingdom Come cover. Incredible art with main Wildstorm heroes no logo 1996 $for sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams #17 cover, full team $For Sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams #17 cover, full team $For Sale, best offer in cash or trade?
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildCATS #16 pg 4, Santini at confession-written by James Robinson $For sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildCATS #16 pg 5, Santini vs WildCats Leader -written by James Robinson $For Sale or trade
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #17 cover, full team w/o logo $For Sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #17 unfinished pencil splash, bad girl Savant $For Sale or trade
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #17 unfinished pencil splash, bad girl Savant $For Sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #24 cover, Alan Moore saga $For Sale, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #24 cover, Alan Moore's saga 4th Issue $For Sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildCATS #24 cover, solo Maul - Alan Moore 4th issue $ trade
CHAREST, TRAVIS - WildCATS #25 Ad / alternate cover / Litho - Alan Moore issue $SOLD - looking for more!
CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats X-Men The Golden Age #1 pg 34, Wolverine and Zealot on the whole page! With lettering on overlay $SOLD
CHAREST, TRAVIS - X-Men Red #7 1st Headshot Cover, Honey Badger - clone of X-23 2018 $for sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS - X-Men Trading card #127 - 1960s Team $For Sale / Trade
CHAREST, TRAVIS - X-Men: Red #1 Corner Box art X-Men Red #7 Headshot var. Jean Grey returns 2018 $for trade
CHAREST, TRAVIS - X-Men: Red #1 Cover Box / X-Men Red #7 Headshot Cover, Honey Badger - Clone of X-23 2018 $For sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS -X-Men Red #6 Cover - headshot: Gentle / Nezhno Abidemi 2018 $for sale
CHAREST, TRAVIS -X-Men Red #8 Cover - headshot: Trinary - 1st solo cover 2018 $for sale



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