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Artist: Jim Aparo

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Title Issue Page Price
APARO, JIM - Adventure Comic #436 pg 10, 1st modern Spectre series, Jim turns into Spectre & hunts neo-nazi villains 1975 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Adventure Comics #461 pg 8, second Deadman series 1978 $TRADE ONLY
APARO, JIM - Amazing Heroes #27 cover, classic Batman - special Batman issue 1983 $for sale
APARO, JIM - Aquaman #51 title Splash pg 2, Neal Adams' Deadman cross-over story 1970 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #415 pg 2, Batman shot by Gordon Millenium X-over $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #415 pg 7, Batman to Batcave (see below for history / status notes) $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #415 pg 8, Batman & Robin in classic batcave $for sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #416 pg 1, Splash - New Robin, Jason Todd! 1988 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #419 pg 1 splash; "Ten Nights of Beasts!" - Jet bombing, Lockerbie theme $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #419 pg 3, "Ten Nights of the Beasts!" Batman & Gordon $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #419 pg 5; "Ten Nights of the Beasts!" $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #420 pg 18; "Ten Nights of Beasts!" all action! $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #440 pg 21, 1st Tim Drake spots Starfire in towels 1989 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman #561 pg 2, Bruce Wayne has the floor $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman & Robin: Case Of The Laughing Sphinx, lrg pgs 12 & 13 1982 $SOLD - looking for more of this type!Dhis type!D
APARO, JIM - Batman Family #14 cover, death of Batwoman, Batgirl & Robin 1977 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman Family #14 cover, death of Batwoman, with Batgirl & Robin 1977 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Batman Family #16 cover, solo Batgirl & Robin vs Five-In-One Foe, 1977 $For Trade
APARO, JIM - Batman, Spectre & Jim Corrigan illo for Joe Orlando 1977-78 $for sale
APARO, JIM - Black Canary #11 cover, Canary carries one of Symitar's enslaved woman to freedom! $for sale
APARO, JIM - Black Canary #11 cover, Canary carries one of Symitar's enslaved woman to freedom! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE
APARO, JIM - Brave and Bold #188 cover, Batman & Rose and Thorn 1982 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Brave And The Bold #112 pg 9, Batman & Mr Miracle Please Inquire
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #114 pg 11/12, Batman and Aquaman save Gotham from Hydrogen bomb! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Brave And The Bold #114 pg 9 / 10, Batman & Aquaman $INQUIRE FOR PRICE
APARO, JIM - Brave And The Bold #116 pg 17, Batman follows Spectre's lead to Kali $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #133 Splash pg 1, Batman & Deadman 1977 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #136 pg 6, Batman and Metal Men Please Inquire
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #169 pg 4, Batman Zatanna & beautiful healer Angela $HOLD
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #170 pg 8, Batman and Nemesis team up! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #178 pg 10, Batman and Creeper in action! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #186 pg 3, Batman & Hawkman in rain $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Brave and the Bold #186 pg 6, Batman and Hawkman track down Horus sarcophagus Please Inquire
APARO, JIM - Brave And The Bold #187 pg 10 - Batman & Metal Men with Doc Magnus $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - CAPTAIN ATOM #89 twice-up last pg, Nightshade $Send your address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL
APARO, JIM - CAPTAIN ATOM #89 twice-up pg, Nightshade fights villainess $Send your address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL
APARO, JIM - Cheyenne Kid #69 Title Splash "The Man From Sirius 5" Sci Fi Western 1968 $For trade
APARO, JIM - Comic Reader #113 large Cover, Charlton Silver-Age Space Adventures. 1960's $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Detective Comics #492 giant-size cover; largest Batman holds dead Batgirl ?, Robin $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Detective Comics #493 cover; multi-character Batman family jam cover 1980 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Green Arrow #100 pg 3, Green Arrow vs villainess $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Green Arrow #83 pg, GA & Hollywood sign $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Green Arrow #83 pg, GA & Hollywood sign $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Legion of Superheroes #282 cover, Legion vs Time Trapper 1981 $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Phantom #34 cover, rare Charlton art 1969 $for sale
APARO, JIM - Phantom Stranger DC card art, front & back $For Sale
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 11, last Adventure Comics 1970's Spectre story! Spectre in photo $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 12, last 1970's Adventure Comics story. Reporter hero, Earl Crawford, & editor argue over Spectre photos $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 13, last 1970's Adventure Comics story. Reporter hero, Earl Crawford, & editor still arguing! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 23 - last Adventure Comics 1970s story. Hero saved, Spectre looms over all in sky $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 37 (14) - last Adventure Comics 1970s story, Spectre & Voodoo Priestess $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 38 (15) - last Adventure Comics 1970s story, Spectre turns Voodoo Priestess into spider!! $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM - Wrath of Spectre #4 pg 40 (17) last Adventure Comics 1970s story, Spectre floats out of young lady's coffee cups $INQUIRE FOR PRICE LIST
APARO, JIM / BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Batman #416 cover, Nightwing & Robin $For Sale
APARO, JIM / BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Green Arrow #109 pg 13 half-splash $For Sale
APARO, JIM / BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Green Arrow #109 pg 13 half-splash $For Sale
APARO, JIM / Scott McDaniel - Batman Secret Files #1 full pinup, Batman GCPD 1996 $For Sale
BALENT, JIM & JIM APARO - Green Arrow #86 pg 14, Green Arrow vs Catwoman cross-over 1994 $For sale



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