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ADAMS, ART / KEVIN MAGUIRE - Godzilla, King of Monsters #5 large over, Godzilla vs All-Terraintula 1995
$for sale

at OAX show - ADAMS, ART / KEVIN MAGUIRE - Godzilla, King of Monsters #5 large Cover, Godzilla vs All-Terraintula
$for sale

KINDZIERSKI, LOVERN & KEVIN MAGUIRE - LEGION '90 cover color guide, First appearance of Valor, Mon El (Law-Gand)
$For sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Batman Confidential #18 cover, Catwoman
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Batman family & Justice Society: Secret Origins #20 cover, Batgirl & JSA's Dr Mid-Nite 1987
$Trade only

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Captain America : Classic Years #2 cover, Schomberg death-trap
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Captain America, Golden Age cover
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - DC pinup, Green Lantern & Elongated Man vs Tattooed Man, 1986
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - DC Secret Origins #15 PG cover, Deadman origin 1987
$for sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Guardians Of The Galaxy #10 cover, Starlord featured with Angela & Gamora background art recreated
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #23 pg 4, Guy Gardner smashed up comical badguys
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #3 cover A, 1st DC test variant published cover, 1987

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #4 cover, JLA defeated, Booster Gold joins team! 1987

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #4 cover, JLA postcard: Ice Maiden, 1988

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #4 pg 8, giant splash panel, Booster Gold joins, Royal Flush Gang full team image 1987
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #6 pg 19, Batman, Creeper, Canary, Beetle, Mr Miracle, Dr Fate battles
$For sale or trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #6 pg 4, Dr Fate, Shazam & full Justice League team shot
$For sale or trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League #6 pg 4, Dr Fate, Shazam & full team shot
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League America #22 pg, Booster Gold, Oberon Maxwell Lord 1989
$for sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Classified #6 cover, JLA Blue Beetle & Booster Gold in fast food hell - great Demon crowd
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Classified #6 pg, JLA in hell w/ Entrigan the Demon
$for sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Classified #7 cover, Power-Girl & Guy Gardner vs Harpies
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Gen Lost #21 cover, Team holds dead Blue Beetle & Booster Gold quits!
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Midsummer Nightmare GN large cover, classic team group shot! 1996
$For sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League Midsummer Nightmare GN large cover, classic team group shot! 1996
$for ssle

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: New Beginning trade Cover, 1989

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: New Beginning, trade cover, extra art panels 1989
$Extra cover art INCLUDED with Cover

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: New Beginning, trade edition cover, 1989
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: Who's Who pinup, inks & pencils, Green Lantern / Elongated Man vs Tattooed-Man- 1986
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #13 cover
Price: Please Inquire

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #13 cover, Lobo - pre-Lobo #1 1990
$for trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - LEGION '89 #3 first cover, a Lobo story w/ Vril Dox, Garryn Bek, Strata, Stealth, Lyrissa Mallor
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Original Ghost Rider #5 Cover
$email for price

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Strikeback #4 cover
Price: Please Inquire

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Supergirl #33 cover, uncensored, SG vs Krypton killer
$for trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Supergirl #33 cover, uncensored, SG vs Krypton killer
$for sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Superior Spider-Man #31 cover, Spidey vs Green Goblin
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Trinity Angels alternate cover, paper doll
$For sale or trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Wizard Wolverine special - 8 Wolvie portraits + Weapon X-23
$I need GEORGE's email !

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Worlds' Finest #0 cover, Origin of Huntress and Power Girl. The ladies are on an overlay with Superman montage underneath
$For sale or trade

MAGUIRE, KEVIN / TERRY AUSTIN - DC Showcase #2 cover Catwoman
$For sale or trade!

MAGUIRE, KEVIN / TERRY AUSTIN - DC Showcase #2 cover Catwoman / Blue Devil / Cyborg 1993
$for sale