Click the title below to view the artwork.
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HUGHES, ADAM - Catwoman #67 large cover, Catwoman & first Hammer & Sickle cover
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Fables #100 large inside cover Pinup, Snow White & Bigby Wolf 2011
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Fables #100 large inside cover Pinup, Snow White & Bigby Wolf 2011
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Fables: Fairest #20 large cover, Fairest Nalayani hold her love, Prince Charming. 2013
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Fables: Fairest #27 large painted cover, Rose Red & Mr Fox 2014
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Fables: Fairest #27 lrg painted cover, Rose Red & Mr Fox 2014
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - JLA #51 pg 1 splash, Dr. Seuss Green Lantern - G'Nort
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #31 1st version full cover, #1 Hughes JLA cover
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #31 cover, JLA Gals featured - First & Best Hughes JLA cover 1989
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #38 pg 16, Despero strikes
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #38 pg 20, Gypsy vs Despero 1990
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #38 pg 21, Gypsy vs Despero 1990
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #39 pg 25, Fire & Blue Beetle beaten by Despero
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #45 cover, Guy Gardner & Ice go on date cover
$For Sale or trade
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League America #49 cover, JLA see Capt Glory in jail
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League of America #46 cover, Guy Gardner reads Captain Glory #1 GA comic
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Justice League of America #52 cover, large, fight-poster style. Blue Beetle vs Guy Gardner! Signed by Adam 1991
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - large+small Colossus' Sketchbook pencil art
HUGHES, ADAM - Legends of Stargrazers #4, wraparound cover - early Hughes good-girl art!
HUGHES, ADAM - Legionnaires #12 pg 2, Legion of Superheroes tracked by Kono 1994
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Penthouse Comics #2 pg 11, Young Captain Adventure story, Hurricane & her lawyer 1994
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Penthouse Comics #3 pg 8, Young Captain Adventure - Team-Supreme 1994
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Penthouse Comics #4 pg 13, Young Captain Adventure
$For sale or trade
HUGHES, ADAM - Red Sonja (?) cover pencils on DC board + many sketches on the back: JLA & Captain America, Lord of the Rings, etc.
$for sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Sorceress large-Size promo Post-Card Art, He-Man & Masters of Universe DVD 2005
$art for sale with bonus signed print included
HUGHES, ADAM - Sorceress large-Size promo Post-Card Art, He-Man & Masters of Universe signed Bonus Print 2005
$bonus signed print included with art
HUGHES, ADAM - Team Titans #5 letter's page pinup. full size heroine Redwing 1993
HUGHES, ADAM - Wonder Woman #155 cover Viva Las Vegas, Elvis watches Wonder Woman do her thing! (shown without logo on overlay)
$For Sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Wonder Woman #156 cover, Wonder Woman in chains! vs Devastation 2000
$For sale
HUGHES, ADAM - Wonder Woman #195 cover, WW vs jet - Too big to scan
$For Sale or trade
HUGHES, ADAM - Wonder Woman Warners store plate, large cover art w/ Eagles, 1996
$For Sale or trade