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ENRICH - Vampirella #106 large magazine painting, Vampy threatened by...the Wicked Witch w/ logo overlay
$For sale
ENRICH - Vampirella #106 large magazine painting, Vampy threatened by.Wicked Witch of the West, Dietrich?
$For Sale
FRAZETTA, FRANK - Vampirella cover logo icon & designs
$Email for price
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #59 pg 10 last page
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 11, Vampy breaks out her super-sucking power, and Pantha, to defeat the villainess!
$For sale or trade!
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 2, Holy Frank Frazetta! look at the art on this Vampirella splash panel! Hubba, hubba!!!!
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 4, splash page. Oh, No! Vampy threatened by the cannibal blob beast from outer space!!!
$For Sale
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 5, splash page. On the movie set with Pantha and Vampy
$For Sale
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 7, Vampy is shocked to hear Pantha described as the one with
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #75 pg 8, Vampy changes clothes while Pantha describes her bad
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!
GONZALEZ, JOSE - Vampirella #82 large pg, Vampy changes from bat & bites Giantess
HAESER, KEN - Li'L Vampi #1 cover, Vampi builds a...snowman?
$For sale or trade
HICKMAN, STEVE - Vampirella #13 Swamp creature pg 2
Please Inquire
HICKMAN, STEVE - Vampirella Magazine #13 Vampy & Swamp creature last pagepg
Please Inquire
MARCOS, PABLO / RUDY NEBRES - Vampirella Magazine #90 pg 5, Vampy and Pantha 1980
$For sale
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #54 page 7, title page,
$For Sale
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #54 pg 6
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #73 pg 32, Vampy battles insane half-naked blonde she-devil…cool stuff, eh?
$For sale or trade
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #73 pg 44, Vampy hears the horrible tale of an innocent naked girl, sacrificed by the Council of Wizards
$For sale
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #73 splash pg 65, full Vampy, held by cult
$For Sale
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #97 semi-splash pg 7, Vampy, Pantha, vs werewolf
$For Sale
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #98 pg 3,
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #99 last page, all Vampy, Pendragon & Conrad win
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #99 page 5, Vampy and Pendragon battle a demon disguised
$For sale or trade
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #99 page 9, Vampy and Pendragon confront the head of the demon cult
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #99 pg 7, Vampy wipes up the gym with demon weightlifters
$For sale or trade
MAYO, GONZALO - Vampirella #99 pg 9, Vampy attacked by vampire Conrad
$for sale
MELO, ADRIANA / BENES - Vampirella : Red Rain #4 back cover 2012
$For Sale
NEBRES, RUDY - Vampirella #88? Splash
Please Inquire
ORTIZ, JOSE - Vampirella #94 pg Pantha as Panther attacks hooded cult
$For Sale
ORTIZ, JOSE - Vampirella #94 pg, - Pantha turns from stripper to Panther
$For Sale
PISCOPO, DICK - Vampirella Magazine #2 pg 6, Queen of Horror
$For Sale or Trade
PISCOPO, DICK - Vampirella Magazine #2 pg 7, Queen of Horror
$For Sale or Trade
PISCOPO, DICK - Vampirella Magazine #2 pg 8, Queen of Horror
$For Sale or Trade
PISCOPO, DICK - Vampirella Magazine #2 pg 9, Queen of Horror
$For Sale or Trade
PISCOPO, DICK - Vampirella Magazine #3 large pg 3, Barbarian rides flying Centaurette 1970
$For Sale
REIS, WAGNER - Vampirella #13 cover, tonal painting, super-large / three-up size 2012
$for sale
RENAUD, PAUL - Vampirella #9 cover, tonal painting
$For Sale
ROYER, MIKE - Vampirella Magazine #4 splash pg 1
$For Sale or Trade
SMALL JR, LOUIS - Vampirella Strikes Annual #1, Vampy, in her class costume, has just enjoyed a little snack!
$For sale or trade!