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MOORE, ALAN scripts, DC- Swamp Thing, Batman, Phantom Stranger, Omega Men, Green Lantern, Judgement Day

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BISSETTE, STEVE & BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Swamp Thing #63 cover, large ST, revenge. penultimate Alan Moore issue!
$for sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLBEN - Swamp Thing #50 giant issue, pg 32, DC supernatural heroes CRISIS, Spectre defeated by Darkness
$For sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #23 pg 10, 4th Alan Moore issue! - Swampy comes out of fugue to remember newly revealed origin, splashy montage into face

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #23 pg 14, 3rd Issue of team ! - Swampy reaction to origin, Abby

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #26 pg 14, signed by all 3! Abby at nut house
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #29 pg 10, Abby, Matt / Arcane, signed by Bissette
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #35 pg 12, four big panels with great close-up of Swampy!

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #36 pg 15, Chapter page: Billy Hatcher - Nuk-face, signed
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #44 pgs 2 & 3 RARE double spread splash! Swamp Thing, Abby + Clive Barker's Books of Blood
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 pg 13, ST, Constantine, Phantom Stranger + uncensored Sugar & Spike
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more

BISSETTE, STEVE & JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 splashy montage pg 7, Swamp Thing in a psycho trip, signed

BISSETTE, STEVE & TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #36 pg 9, young couple, Nuk face, signed Bissette
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing # , 4 cover prelims
$Sale or trade

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #26 pencil cover A, full size on DC Board, intended for issue #25
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #26 pencil cover B, full size on DC board, intended for issue #25
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #30 pg 17, ST faces Arcane / Matt Cable
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #30 splashy last pg, Swampy holds dead Abby, Arcane
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #37 cover prelim, 1st John Constantine
$For Sale or trade

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamp Thing #42 pg 12, pencils page, Abby & fake knife
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swampthing #25 (1st full-size version in pencil) 1st Bissette cover for Alan Moore's SwampThing
$For sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swampthing #25 (2nd full-size version in pencil) 1st Bissette cover for Alan Moore's SwampThing
$For sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swampthing #41 B&W painted cover prelim
$for sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swampthing #51 pencil cover prelims
$For sale

BISSETTE, STEVE - Swamthing #41 cover prelim, Voodoo Doll Swampthing
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - MOORE- Swamp Thing #46 pg 14, Swampy, Constantine, E4 Lex Luthor
$for sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #45 Cover + complete story Winchester Mystery House, Supernatural Crisis 1986
$for sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #45 Cover, Winchester Mystery House, Supernatural Crisis 1986
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #46 pg 14, Swampy, Constantine, E4 Lex Luthor
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #48 Cover, Supernatural Crisis 1986
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLEBEN - Swamp Thing #50 final cover & prelim cover, ST and key DC supernatural Heroes
$For Sale

BISSETTE/ VEITCH- Swamp Thing #64 pg 18, ST hits plant Constantine Batman
$For Sale

CULLINS, PARIS - Omega Men #27 pg 2, Sci Fi mating story 1985
$For Sale

DENHAM, BRIAN / JONATHAN SIBAL - ALAN MOORE's Violator vs Badrock #3 Splash
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - ALAN MOORE Detective Comics #550 pg 1 Splash, Green Arrow / Black Canary "Night Olympics" 1985 NEW
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 3, Green Arrow, Black Canery shot by arrow 1985 NEW
$for Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 4, Archer villain Superheroes like WWF- Green Arrow 1985 NEW
Price: Please Inquire

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 5, Archer villain vs Green Arrow 1985 NEW
$for Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore Detective Comics #550 pg 6, Green Arrow - Archer villain Superheroes like WWF - 1985 NEW
$for sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore' Detective Comics #550 pg 2, Green Arrow, Black Canery shot by arrow
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore' Detective Comics #550 pg 3, Green Arrow, Black Canery shot by arrow
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore' Detective Comics #550 pg 4, Archer villain Superheroes like WWF- Green Arrow
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore' Detective Comics #550 pg 5, Archer villain vs Green Arrow
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS - Alan Moore' Detective Comics #550 pg 7 Green Arrow, Black Canery - hero-phobia
$For Sale

JANSON, KLAUS / ALAN MOORE - Detective Comics #550 Splash Green Lantern / Black Canary

KANE, GIL - Judgement Day Aftermath #1 pg 15 splash New Men
$For Sale

KANE, GIL - Judgement Day Aftermath #1 pg 4 splash, superwoman - Suprema saves team
$For Sale

LEE, JIM - Alan Moore's WildCATS #31 S.Splash pg 6, Supervillain team - Mercs
$For Sale

LOMAX, DON- Alan Moore fill-in issue - Amercan Flagg #27 pg - Mark Thrust - Sexus Ranger
$For Sale

LOMAX, DON- Alan Moore story - Amercan Flagg #25 splash - Zen & the Art of Motormater Maintenance
$For Sale

MASSAFERA, FELIPE - Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2 painted Cover, Alan Moore's GL Sodam Yat + Arisia Guy Kilowog 2010
$For Sale

MCMANUS, SHAWN - MOORE - Swamp Thing #28 splashy pg 2, new Origin - Swamp Thing buring Alec, & Abby
$for sale

MCMANUS, SHAWN - Swamp Thing #28 big panel pg 9, Swampthing buring Alec, ghost of Alec & death site
$For Sale

MCMANUS, SHAWN - Swamp Thing #28 pg 6, Swampthing buries Alec's bones
$For Sale

MCMANUS, SHAWN - Swamp Thing #28 splashy pg 2, Swampthing buring Alec, Swampthing & Abby in swamp
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Alan Moore's Secret Origins #10 pg 6, Phantom Stranger origin (Watchmen pirate story team)
$For Sale or trade

ORLANDO, JOE - Alan Moore's Secret Origins #10 pg 7, Phantom Stranger origin (Watchmen pirate story team)
$For Sale or trade

ORLANDO, JOE - Alan Moore's Secret Origins #10 pg 8, Phantom Stranger origin (Watchmen pirate story team)
$For Sale or trade

ORLANDO, JOE - Alan Moore's Secret Origins #10 pg 9, Phantom Stranger origin (Watchmen pirate story team)
$For Sale or trade

Paquette, Yanick / Karl Story - Terra Obscura V.2 #4 Cover, ALAN MOORE - Golden-age Ms. Masque (DC/ABC) 2005
$For sale

POLLINA, ADAM - Judgment Day: Aftermath #1 cover,
$Inquire for price

RANDALL, RON - MOORE - Saga of Swamp Thing #33 pg 20 Abby, HOS Abel, 1st Dreaming
$for sale

RANDALL, RON - Saga of the Swampthing #33 page 6 Abby tosses symbolic Swampthing, 1st Dreaming
$For sale or trade!

RANDALL, RON - Saga of the Swampthing #33 pg 19, Abby, HOM Cain kills HOS Abel, 1st Dreaming
$For Sale

RANDALL, RON - Saga of the Swampthing #33 pg 20 Abby, HOS Abel, 1st Dreaming
$For Sale

STATON & PATTERSON - Green Lantern #188 published cover, Hal + John + Katma, 1st Alan Moore GL tale 1985
$For Sale

Swamthing #48 cover prelim
Price: Please Inquire

TOLLIN, ANTHONY - MOORE & GIBBON'S Green Lantern #188 pg 5 Color art, 1st GL Mogo & Bolphunga the Unrelenting
$NFS - a keeper!

TOTLEBEN, JOHN & BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Swamp Thing #59 cover, Abby & Patchwork Man / Frankenstein's monster
$for sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #53 half-splash pg 31, villain plots, photos of Swampthing & Abby

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 18-19, EC themed Space seed
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 double splash pgs 8-9, Space-born ST with clock parts
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #60 splash pg 20 Space-born ST
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - MOORE Swamp Thing #48 pg 23, Constantine, Judith strips & becomes bird
$for sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 pg 19, large close-up Constantine beaten & girlfriend, signed
$For sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 pg 23, Constantine, Judith strips & becomes bird
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #48 semi-splash pg 20, large Swamp Thing, signed
$For sale or great trade!

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 34, Swampthing & Abby unite briefly
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 8, Swampthing's psychedelic tubers & cops

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #53 pg 9, Swampthing in Gotham, Lex Luthor plots in 10 minutes
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 6, by Alan Moore - Abby finds Swamp Thing
$for sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 7, by Alan Moore - Abby holds Swamp Thing
$for sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 8, by Alan Moore - Swamp Thing reappears to Abby NEW
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #55 pg 9, by Alan Moore - Swamp Thing holds Abby
$for sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #60 larger pg 20 splash, Space-bourne, with watch parts, signed
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #60 splash pg 4, space borne
$Hold    Sold

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swamp Thing #84 painted cover, Abby, Matt dies & becomes Sandman' Raven, early Sandman 1989
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - ALAN MOORE' Swamp Thing #31 pg 11, Swampy carries dead Abby past demons - signed by all 3!
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - Swamp Thing #37 pg 11, Swampy Abby + 1st John Constantine, Emma & Invunche 1985
$For Trade

TOTLEBEN, JOHN / RICK VEITCH - Swamp Thing #37 Title pg 1 growth patterns, Abby, plant life
$For Sale

TOTLEBEN, JOHN / WOCH - Swamp Thing #38 pg 10, Abby, 2nd appearance Constantine
$For sale

VEITCH, RICK - Moore & Bissette' Swamp Thing #59 Indicia page pg 2, Arcane in Hell
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Moore & Bissette' Swamp Thing #59 Indicia pg 2, Arcane in Hell
$for sale

VEITCH, RICK - Moore & Bissette' Swamp Thing #59 pg 3, Patchwork Man, flashback on young Abby & Father
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Moore & Bissette' Swamp Thing #59 pg 7, Patchwork Man, Abby working at a home
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Moore & Bissette' Swamp Thing #59 pg 8, Abby, origin of Patchwork Man
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - MOORE - Swamp Thing #58 pg 16, Adam Strange fights a Hawkman
$for sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #54 pg 19, Abby in swamp
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #54 pg 21, Abby, gator gets man-hunter
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #54 semi-splash last pg, Abby, Swamp Thing in background
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #54 title page splash, Abby in bed
$ON HOLD. Looking for more! please email us!

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #58 pg 16, Adam Strange fights a Hawkman
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #58 pg 20 Swamp Thing plans with Adam Strange
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK - Swamp Thing #58 pg 22, Adam Strange & Alanna announce baby on way
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK / ALCALA - Swamp Thing #52 pg 5 Commissioner Gordon & Bullock Abigail Swamp Thing 1986
$For sale

WILLINGHAM, BILL / TERRY AUSTIN - Alan Moore's Green Lantern Corps Annual #3 pg 2 Katma Tui in lightless space 1987

WOCH, STAN / ALCALA - MOORE - Swamp Thing #49 pg 16, Swampy, Deadman, Phantom Stranger & Spectre
$for sale

WOCH, STAN / ALFREDO ALCALA - Swamp Thing #45 Splash of 22 pg story, Winchester Mystery House, Crisis
$For Sale as STORY

WOCH, STAN / ALFREDO ALCALA - Swamp Thing #49 pg 16, Swampy, Deadman, Phantom Stranger find Spectre
$For Sale

WOCH, STAN / ALFREDO ALCALA - Swamp Thing #49 pg 23, Swampy, Deadman, Phantom Stranger, Demon rhymes
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more

WOCH, STAN / RON RANDALL - Alan Moore's Swampthing #43 complete story, trippin' on ST
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more

WOCH, STAN / RON RANDALL - Swamp Thing #47 Splash of 22 pg Story, Parliament of Trees, Crisis
$for sale



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