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TUSKA, GEORGE - Ironman & Marvel pages

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TUSKA, GEORGE - Sport Page Sunday tryout - pick up babe at Hockey game ala Damon Runyon c1950
$For Sale

HECK, DON / GEORGE TUSKA - Iron Man #36 last pg 20 half splash - Iron Man defeated
$For Sale

HECK, DON / GEORGE TUSKA - Iron Man #36 pg 13, death ray
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE & BILL EVERETT - Ironman #54 pg 7, first Moon Dragon / Sub-Mariner & Iron Man
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Astonishing Tales #6 montage splash pg 5, Dr Doom scans Wakada
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Astonishing Tales #6 pg 2, Dr Doom discovers the secret location of vibranium...Wakanda!
Price: Please Inquire

TUSKA, GEORGE - Avengers #140 pg, Beast, Vision saves Giant Man
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Avengers #48 pg 18, 1st Black Knight hero vs Avengers
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Black Goliath #2 pg 11, Black Goliath struggles to survive the forces of nature!
$For sale or trade

TUSKA, GEORGE - Captain America #215 pg 22, origin Patriot as Captain America dies,, all Golden Age Caps!
$For sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Creatures On The Loose #30 pg 6; first Man-Wolf series, JJJ + Kristine Saunders 1974 NEW
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Crime Does Not Pay #133 Splash, Murder Mad Gang, last pre-code year 1954
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #20 pg 12 Lucifer, X-Men villain
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #20 pg 2, Iron Man
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #23 cover, Iron Man vs battleship 1969
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #24 page 1 splash, Madame Masque vs Minataur
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #38 pg 20
$For Sale or trade

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #38 pg 8
$For Sale or trade

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #44 pg 3, Captain America saving Iron Man
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #46 pg 10, Tony into Iron Man, Blonde ESPer
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 11
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 18
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 3
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 31, last page of the story
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 9
$SOLD! Looking for more like this!!!

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 1 splash IM flies 1972
$For sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 13 Iron Man, Firebrand
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 2, Iron-Man secret hideaway
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 4

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 5, Iron-Man battles Guardsman montage
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 6, Firebrand arrives
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 7, Firebrand - his origin
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #48 pg 8, Firebrand fights, Iron-Man
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #50 pg, Iron Man vs snake, Princess Python
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #52 page 15, Iron Man vs Raga, Son of Fire

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #52 pg 22

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #52 pg 27

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #53 pg 19, IM vs Raga battle montage - 1st Starlin issue
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #59 pg 26 Iron Man vs Firebrand & Roxie
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #60 pg 19
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TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #63 page 24
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #63 pg 1, Iron Man full splash - Dr Spectrum story
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #63 pg 22, all-out battle of Iron Man vs Dr Spectrum - Marvel Green Lantern
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #63 pg 27, Iron Man into Tony Stark, Pepper
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Iron Man #96 pg 2, Iron Man defeated by Ultimo 1976
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Jolly Rovers Sunday A Chesler Studio, gang escaping a Mexican spitfire 1939
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Jolly Rovers Sundays A & B Chesler Studio, escape a shooting land-owner on sail-boat 1939
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Luke Cage, Power Man #47 pg 7, Cage by co-creator 1977
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Scorchy Smith 3-12 1958? dance party with Good Girl Art
$for sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Submariner #71 pg,
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - What If #5 pg, Hulk, Captain America, Bucky survived WW2
$For sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - X-Men Super-D Cyclops painted cover, 2000s
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TUSKA, GEORGE / TERRY AUSTIN - Captain Marvel #54 pg 22, Cap vs Nitra rematch, villain who kills Mar-Vel
$For Sale



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