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*COMIC BOOK ART: Comic Art Pages - For Super trade or cash offers ONLY!*

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ABEL, JACK - Sorcery #11 Archie/Red Circle, last page, "The Eyes of Cagliostro" 1975
$For Sale

ADAMS, NEAL - Green Lantern #80 pg 15, Green Lantern, Green Arrow
$HOLD    On Hold

ALCAZAR, VINCENTE - Moon Knight #21 pg, Moon Knight & Brother Voodoo vs zombies
$IFor Sale

Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, HARRY - Crack Western (Quailty Comics) #? Bob Allen pg
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Amazing Spiderman #180 page, 2nd Harry Osborne as Green Goblin storyline
$For trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Flash #175 page, Superman race & Wonder Woman & JLA
$Sold - looking for more!

ANDRU, ROSS - Metal Men #2 twice-up last page, full team with ad at bottom third
$For Trade only

ANDRU, ROSS - Two-Gun Kid #53 splash
$Email for price

APARO, JIM - CAPTAIN ATOM #89 twice-up pg, Nightshade fights villainess
$Send your address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

APARO, JIM - Green Arrow #83 pg, GA & Hollywood sign
$For Sale

APARO, JIM / BILL SIENKIEWICZ - Green Arrow #109 pg 13 half-splash
$For Sale

APPEL, GEORGE - Fight Comics #12 pg, Frosty North & intro female spy X-7, 1941
$For Sale

ARAGONES, SERGIO - DC Leave It To Binky single page gag - Mod Rocker & hip gal, 1968
$For Sale

ARGONDEZZI, VINCE / TONY DeZUNIGA - Infinity, Inc. #44 last pg, Hector Hall reborn, 1st DC DEATH cameo
$For Sale

ARGONDEZZI, VINCE / TONY DeZUNIGA - Infinity, Inc. #44 pg 25, funeral Hector Hall - Scarab, Sandman 2
$For Sale

ARGONDEZZI, VINCE / TONY DeZUNIGA - Infinity, Inc. #44 pg 26, funeral Hector Hall - Scarab, Sandman 2
$For Sale

AUSTIN (BECKUM), CHUCK - ALAN MOORE's Miracle Man #8 pg 1 splash

BAKER, KYLE - Marvel Universe: Vampires - Blade, Vlad / Drac, Lilith, Baron Blood, etc.
$For Sale

BAKER, KYLE - Shadow #10 page - signed
$Email for prices

BAKER, KYLE - Shadow Annual #2 pg 10, 1st Shadow agent, Harry Vincent, recalls origin from 1st Shadow pulp
$For Sale

BAKER, MATT - Journey Into Fear #1 pg 1 horror splash ,

BAKER, MATT - Journey Into Fear #1 pg 1 horror splash ,
$Detail Reference

BALENT, JIM / LOUIS SMALL JR - Vampirella #1 pg 13, 1st comicbook series 1992
$For Sale

BEACHUM, MARK - Amazing Spiderman Annual #20 pg, Ironman 2020
$For Sale/ Trade

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #130 large pg 8, Captain Marvel beats Dr. Silvana, Robot
$For Sale

BENULIS, BILL / JACK ABEL - Planet Comics #73 pg 1 of 4, last issue
$For Sale

BENULIS, BILL / JACK ABEL - Planet Comics #73 pg 2 of 4, last issue
$Story for sale or trade

BENULIS, BILL / JACK ABEL - Planet Comics #73 pg 3 of 4, last issue
$Story for sale or trade

BENULIS, BILL / JACK ABEL - Planet Comics #73 pg 4 of 4, last issue
$Story for sale or trade

BINGHAM, JERRY - GENE DAY - Marvel 2 in One #63 pg 27, resurrected Adam Warlock, Her / Goddess, Moondragon, Starhawk, Thing and Alicia
$For Sale

BISLEY, SIMON - Hell-Cat b&w tonal painting, cover?
$For Sale

BISSETTE, STEVE / JOHN TOTLBEN - Swampthing #50 giant issue, pg 32, Spectre defeated
$For Sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Wonder Woman ink drawing - nearly full figure
$For Sale

BOOTH, BRETT - Spiderman & Backlash #2 pg 7, Spidey & Backlash, Venom captured in case
$For Sale

BORING, WAYNE / STAN KAYE - Action Comics #199 pg 10, Superman, Clark changes, Lex Lois Jimmy, NY city 1954
$For Sale

BREYFOGLE, NORM - Detective Comics #620 pg 29, Batcave semi-splash, Bruce (Batman) Tim Drake; Anarky story
$For Sale, Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

BRIGMAN, JUNE - Barbie #2 pg 19, Barbie & her band - The Beat
$For Sale

BROWN, BOB / KLAUS JANSON - Marvel Two In One #11 pg 26, Thing vs demons 1975
$IFor Sale

BUCKINGHAM, MARK- GAIMAN'S Miracleman #1 painted page 3, MarvelMan & MiracleWoman
$Email for price

BUCKLER, RICH / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #144 last pg 32, Team wins, but not the Thing
$For Sale

BUCKLER, RICH / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #144 pg 15, Dr Doom, captured Human Torch
$For Sale

BUCKLER, RICH / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #144 pg 16, Team and janitor
$For Sale

BUCKLER, RICH, DICK GIORDANO / NEAL ADAMS signed - Superman Record comic 1978
Price: Please Inquire

BUCKLER/ Janson - Astonishing Tales #35 Splash
Price: Please Inquire

BUSCEMA, JOHN - Skull the Slayer #6 cover 1970's

BUSCEMA, JOHN / JOE SINNOTT - Silver Surfer #1 1st Issue page, Surfer battles Yeti

BUSCEMA, SAL - Marvel Team-Up Annual #1 pg 22, X-Men including Wolverine
$Send Email Address for price

BUSCEMA, SAL - Nova #7 pg 14 Chapter splash, Nova & his 4 key villains- Rogues Gallery 1976
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Action #831 pg 13, Bizarro, Reverse Flash
$On Hold    On Hold

BYRNE, JOHN - Action Comics #595 last pg, Lana Lang & team under Manhunters control
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Action Comics #595 pg 13, Lex Luthor learns of Supes "death?"
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Action Comics #835 splash, 1st & origin of Live-Wire
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Alpha Flight #22 cover Auroro/ Northstar

BYRNE, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #10 pg 14, Dr Octopus vs Captain Power

BYRNE, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #13 pg 20, New Spider-Woman vs Villain Spider-Woman
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #446 (v2 #5 pg 15), Spidey & 1st Martha Franklin as Spider Woman
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #457 / v2 #16 pg 12, semi-splash Spidey saves lab
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Demon #16 cover, Demon vs Demon
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Doom Patrol # half splash, Robot Man & Rita in shorts
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Fantastic Four #275 pg 9, She-Hulk in "Penthouse Magazine" satire
$Email for price

BYRNE, JOHN - Fantastic Four #278 pg 8, Dr Doom's origin
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

BYRNE, JOHN - Fantastic Four #292 pg, SheHulk ala Action #1 cover, Invisible Woman, Nick Fury
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Legends #6 pg 11, Captain Boomerang to work for Govt. in SUICIDE SQUAD being a spinoff from series
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #10 pg 13, Iron Fist plot - Danny Rand? confronted by Misty Knight & Colleen Wing
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #10 pg 6, Mars villains - Phoebe & Des plot
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #25 pg 15, Iron Fist cloned, Misty Knight & Colleen Wing
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #25 pg 4, Namorita, Iron Fist story
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Power Man and Iron Fist #107 cover

BYRNE, JOHN - She-Hulk #42 double-splash, Shulk in space

BYRNE, JOHN - She-Hulk #6 art pg, Shulk & Mr Fantastic
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

BYRNE, JOHN - SheHulk #44 big panel page 5 - Dark Phoenix history
$send Email Address for pricing

BYRNE, JOHN - Spider-Man: Chapter One #7 pg 18, Spidey vs Mysterio 1999

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman #16 pg 6, Lois Lane taken by Prankster
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman #20 pg 14, Doom Patrol cross-over
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman #20 pg 20, Doom Patrol defeats Metallo
$For Trade

BYRNE, JOHN - Wolverine #21 page 30
$Send Email Address for questions

BYRNE, JOHN / JANSON - Wolverine #18 pg 24, Wolverine downed
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN / LEONARD STARR - Action Comics #597 pg 15, Clark Kent, Lois & Lana
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN / LEONARD STARR - Action Comics #597 pg 7, Superman, Lois & Lana
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

BYRNE, JOHN / PALMER w Stan Lee - Silver Surfer v2 #1 pg 3, origin - Shalla Bal & Norrin defeated - meet Galactus 1982
$for sale

CAPULLO, GREG- What If V2 #2 pg, Daredevil, Spiderman, Punisher
$For Sale

CARDY, NICK / LEE ELIAS - Teen Titans #15 pg 5, Robin, Kid-Flash, Aqualad, 1968
$For Sale

CARDY, NICK / MIKE SEKOWSKY -Bat Lash #6 pg 8, family land deal
$For Sale

CASE, RICHARD - Morrison's Doom Patrol & Rebus profile page 2
$Email for price

CASE, RICHARD - Morrison's Doom Patrol & Robot Man profile page 2
$email for price

CASE, RICHARD - Morrison's Doom Patrol & Robot Man splash page profile
$email for price

CASE, RICHARD - Morrison's Doom Patrol profile splash - Dorthy Spinner
$For Trade or Sale

CELARDO, JOHN / Will Eisner shop - Fight Comics #5 pg 3, Rip Regan Power Man, 3ed app
$For trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

CHADWICK, PAUL - Concrete #4 back cover
$For Trade or Sale

CHAN, ERNIE - Batman #278 pg 20, Batmoble, Bicentennial story 1976
$For Sale

CHAN, ERNIE - Batman #282 pg 8, Batman revealed 1976
$For Sale

CHAN, ERNIE - Batman #282 pg 9, large Batman! 1976
$For Sale

CHAN, ERNIE - Swampthing #22 cover
$For Trade

CHAREST, TRAVIS - ALAN MOORE' WildC.A.T.S #29 pg, "Catcall" Voodoo leaves team
$For Sale

CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #17 unfinished pencil splash, bad girl Savant
$For Sale

CHAREST, TRAVIS - Wildcats #24 cover, Alan Moore saga

CHAYKIN, HOWARD - Cody Starbuck #1 page 9
$email for price list

CHAYKIN, HOWARD - KULL and Barbarians #2 pg, Red Sonja battles / origin, July 1975 - pre-dates Sonja series M.Feature #1 Nov 1975
$For Sale

CHAYKIN, HOWIE / STARLIN scripts (signed by both) - Marvel Spotlight #31 pg, origin of Nick Fury
$For Sale

CHECK, SID - Thor tryout page - 1968-1969
$For Sale

CHEN, SEAN - Wolverine #172 page 19
$Send Email Address for questions

CLARK, MATTHEW - Outsiders #40 splash - Plastic Man, Aquaman spied by Monsieur Mallah & Brain
$For Sale

COCKRUM, DAVE - Uncanny X-Men #162 pg 9 - 1st solo Wolverine

COCKRUM, DAVE - Uncanny X-Men #94 pg 26, 1st New X-Men series, with Wolverine and all X-men Team
$NFS - Need More!

COCKRUM, DAVE - X-Men character designs, Xmen Legion 1982
Price: Please Inquire

COCKRUM, DAVE - X-Men character designs: Imperial Guards 1982
Price: Please Inquire

COCKRUM, DAVE - X-Men character designs: Polaris, Vanisher 1982
Price: Please Inquire

COLAN, GENE - Wonder Woman #293 Splash - Titans: Wondergirl, Starfire
$email for prices

COLAN, GENE - Captain America #134 pg 17 half splash - Cap & early Falcon battle on
$For Sale

COLAN, GENE - Howard the Duck #7 pg 29 Colan pencils only
$For Sale

COLAN, GENE - Wolverine #9 page 24
$Send Email Address for questions

COLAN, GENE - Wonder Woman #292 pg, JSA Huntress & Powergirl
$For Sale

COLAN, GENE / SINNOTT & EVERETT? - Captain America #123 pg 11, Hydra villainess Suprema tricks SHIELD
$For Sale

COLAN, GENE / SYD SHORES - Daredevil #84 pg 9, Matt radar sense, Black Widow & Ivan
$For Sale

COLAN, GENE / TOM PALMER - Daredevil #92 pg 1 splash, Black Widow, Matt Murdoch
$SOLD! Looking to buy more!!!

COLAN, GENE / TOM PALMER - Tomb of Dracula #39 cover, death of Dracula, Dr Sun
$SOLD! Looking to buy more!!!

COOKE, DARWYN - New Frontier pencil splash, Death of Johnny Cloud by Dino "War That Time Forgot"
$For Sale

CORBEN, RICHARD - Anomaly #2, Baifra The Darkk- title page illo, 1st work on Jan Strnad story 1970
$For Sale

CORBEN, RICHARD - Rip In Time #2 pg 23 - Hero sees Dino grabs gal
$Email for price

CORBEN, RICHARD - Twisted Tales #1 B&W painted last pg, undead
$sold! Looking to buy more!!!

COWAN. DENYS - Question #17 pg 15 Watchmen story- beaten
$For Sale

COWAN. DENYS - Question #17 pg 17, Watchmen- dream Rorschach
$For Sale

COWAN. DENYS - Question #17 pg 19, Watchmen, Rorschach laugh
$For Sale

CRAIG, JOHNNY - Vault of Horror #22 EC cover, Frankenstein's monster
$For Sale

CRAIG, JOHNNY - Vault of Horror #26 pg 4, Horror Host + Vampire & Ghoul

CRANDALL, REED - Flash Gordon #11 pg 12, Flash Dale Hawkman vs space-ships
$For Sale

CRANDALL, REED - Gunsmoke Western #50 5 page story
Price: Please Inquire

CULLINS, PARIS - DC Comics Presents #96 cover: Superman, Blue Devil, Terraman
$Email for price

DARROW, GEOF - Frank Miller's Big Guy and Rusty pencil X-Mas cover, Robot Santa
$For Sale

DARROW, GEOF - Frank Miller's Hard Boiled, large inked pinup
$On Hold    On Hold

DAVIS, GUY - Sandman Mystery Theater pinup, Sandman (Wesley Dodds) & Dian Belmont, 1997
$For Sale

DE LA TORRE, ROBERTO - Ms Marvel v2 #1 semi-splash

DeCARLO, DAN - All New Betty & Veronica #1 Fashion Pinups - Veronica 1986
$For Sale

DeCARLO, DAN - Archie Giant - Betty & Veronica Summer Fun #236 large cover, bikini Betty & Veronica, mouth to mouth, 1975
$For Trade

DeCARLO, DAN - Pep #120 large pg 20, Veronica in Principal' office, with edit 1956
$For Sale

DEODATO, MIKE - Wonder Woman #94 pg 13, new costume
$For sale or trade

DEODATO, MIKE - Wonder Woman #94 pg, WW new costume
$For sale

DeZUNGIA,TONY - Batman #350 pg 2, solo Catwoman, stripper story
$send Email Address for price

DeZUNGIA,TONY - Batman #350 pg 3, solo Catwoman, stripper story
$send Email Address for price

DeZUNGIA,TONY - Batman #350 pg 6, solo Catwoman, stripper story
$send Email Address for price

DEZUNIGA, TONY - Swampthing #4 Phantom Stranger 8 pg story
Price: Please Inquire

DILLIN, DICK - Justice League America #152 splash
$For Sale

DITKO, STEVE - Avengers Annual #15 pg 26, Capt vs X-Men' villains

DITKO, STEVE - Captain Atom #89 page 10, twice-up size
Price: Please Inquire

DITKO, STEVE - Ghosts Of Dr Graves #40 2-up cover

DITKO, STEVE - Magnus Robot Fighter #18 pg 21
$Email for pricing

DITKO, STEVE - Out of This World #16 production 2-up cover, "Come into the Outer Limits" 1959
$For Sale

DITKO, STEVE - Out of This World #19 art with photostat paste-up cover, Sci Fi / fantasy 1959
$For Sale

DITKO, STEVE - Solar #11 pg, Solar & 1st Eternal Warrior- part 2
$Email for price

DITKO, STEVE - Speedball #6 cover, with logo
$For sale or trade

DODSON, TERRY / RACHEL DODSON - Wonder Woman v.3 #11 cover, WW, Black Canery, Mr Terrific- large size
$For Sale or Trade

DOOLIN, JOE - Planet Comics Fiction House #25 pg 4 Mars, God of War, 1943
$For Sale

DORAN, COLLEEN -Amazing Spiderman #326 pg 30, Peter & Mary Jane
$Email for Price

DORKIN, EVAN / MARIE SEVERIN - Bill and Ted' Excellent Adventure movie pg 7, DC 1989
$For Sale

DOYLE, FRANK - Rangers Comics #32 pg 4 Glory Forbes
$For sale or trade

DRAKE, STAN - Juliet Jones daily 1/5 1968
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 10 - Shulkie ala Juliet Jones - and the FF's Thing
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 10 - Shulkie ala Juliet Jones - Big panel with butterflies
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 2 - Shulkie ala Juliet Jones - costume change
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 20 - the FF's Thing & Johnny Storm
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 21 - the FF's Thing
$For Sale

DRAKE, STAN / BRIGMAN - She-Hulk GN Twice-Up pg 31 - Shulkie ala Juliet Jones, in battle
$For Sale

DRINGENBERG, MIKE - Amazing Heroes cover, Death, Sandman issue with Gaiman , Dringenberg cover story, November 1990
$For Sale

DRINGENBERG, MIKE / KEN MAYER Jr - Clint, Hamster Triumphant (Frank Miller Dark Knight cover homage)
$For sale or trade

EASTMAN, KEVIN - TMNT book collection cover
$For Sale

EDWARDS, JOE - Archie and Me #11 twice-up cover, the Cockamamie Box, 1966
$For Sale

Eisner & Iger studio / AL BRYANT - Fight Comics #12 pg Shark Brodie
$For Sale

EISNER - Spirit 1940s page, Spirit as cop, & war orphan Hildie
$Send Email Address for price

EISNER - Spirit 1946 Sunday page, Spirit beats crocks , Ebony
$For trade

EISNER - Spirit 1947 Sunday page 3, early TV theme
$For trade

EISNER/ IGOR Studio / Al STAHL - Jungle #23 pg 2, Capt Thunder
$For Sale

EISNER/ IGOR Studio / Al STAHL - Jungle #23 pg 6, Capt Thunder
$For Sale

ELDER, BILL / KURTZMAN layouts - Help! Magazine #12, Goodman Beaver, Goodman Meets Tarzan, 1961
$For Sale

ELDER, WILL - Panic #7 pg 1 splash, parody comic strip Joe Palooka- The Shadow, Mammy Yokum
$For Sale

ELIAS, LEE - Black Cat #56 pg 6, Michael Uslan Collection
$For Sale

ELIAS, LEE / FRANK SPRINGER - Human Fly #12 last pg, Fly in acton 1978
$For Sale

ESTRADA. RIC - Amethyst #2 semi-splash

EVANS, GEORGE - Aces High #3 pg 3, Classic EC, planes!
$For Sale

EVANS, GEORGE - Haunt of Horror #5 pg, 1st featured Satana story 1975
$For Sale

EVERETT, BILL - Tales To Astonish #89 last pg, Submariner with bonus Romita Sr art

Fear Magazine UK Sandman illo 1990
$For Sale

FELDSTEIN, AL - Crown Comics pg 4, Clue Kelly, good-girl art 1940s
$For Sale

FOX, Gil - Feature Comics #61, Doll Man on side, WW2 homefront
$Trade only

FOX, GILL - National Comics #18, 1-page Cyclone Cupid story- Giant Mosquito 1941
$For Sale

FOX, GILL - Smash Comics #16, pg 43, Wun Cloo story- Arson Arrow,1940
$For Sale

FRADON, RAMONA - Plastic Man #19 cover
Price: Please Inquire

FRADON, RAMONA signed / CHARLES PARIS - Metamorpho #2 page, whole cast
$For trade

FRAZETTA, FRANK & ANGELO TORRES - good girl drawing - Crime Illustrated #3 back of last page
$included with page

FRAZETTA, FRANK / AL WILLIAMSON - John Wayne #7 page 1 Splash
$SEND US Your EMAIL for price

FRAZETTA, FRANK- Johnny Comet / Ace McCoy Sunday, party hat - 2/11 1953
$For Sale

FRENZ, RON - Amazing Spiderman #284 pencil / ink last pg, Punisher Hobgoblin
$For Sale

FRENZ, RON / BOB LAYTON - Amazing Spiderman Annual #18 pg 12, origin of Scorpion
$Email for price

FRENZ, RON / BOB LAYTON - Amazing Spiderman Annual #18 Wedding Splash
$email for price

FRENZ, RON / SAL BUSCEMA - Amazing Spider-Girl #5 cover, Kingpin, HobGoblin+
$For sale or trade

FROST, A B - Sunday style comic strip - 1900-10's
Price: Please Inquire

GALLAGHER, JOE - All-Amercan Comics #? 2/3rd page, Golden-Age Atom, 1944-1945
$For Sale

Gangham, Jack - Poul Anderson' Operation Changeling, book study 1969
$For sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS - Adventure Comics #463 pg, Deadman
$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS - Weird Western Tales #38 pg 2, Jonah Hex Story - White Wolf
$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS - Weird Western Tales #38 pg, Jonah Hex rides into town
$IFor Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS / DICK GIORDANO - DC Icon art- Dr Fate and Starfire
$For Sale

$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS signed - Batman Returns comic pg 31, Tim Burton's 1992 film adaption - Michael Keaton' Batman & Penquin
$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS signed - Batman Returns comic pg, Tim Burton's 1992 film adaption - Michael Keaton' Batman
$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS signed - Poison Ivy DC Style Guide - stamped, 2007
$For Sale

GARCIA LOPEZ, JOSE LUIS signed - Superman vs Wonder Woman Treasury pg, Diana
$For Sale

GEORGE, APPEL - Planet #22 last page, Space Pirate
$For Sale

GIBBONS, DAVE / GARCIA LOPEZ - DCU: Legacies #4 pg 20, full JLA team-ups with full JSA
$For Sale

GIFFEN, KEITH - Action #577 pg, Clark Kent, vampire in TV studio
$For Sale

GIOLETTI, ALBERTO - Star Trek #19 Gold Key pg, Kirk & female officer
$Email for price

GIORDANO / STATON / Continuity - Superboy and Legion of Superheroes #246 page
$For Sale

GIORDANO / TANGHAL / Continuity - Phantom Stranger #42 last pg Deadman DC as SS 18
$For Sale

GIORDANO / TANGHAL / Continuity - Phantom Stranger #42 pg 31 Deadman DC as SS 18
$For Sale

GIORDANO / TANGHAL / Continuity - Phantom Stranger #42 splash, Deadman DC as SS 18
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK - Wonder Woman #300 pg, WW Jet
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK / ADAMS assist - Detective Comics #457 pg
Price: Please Inquire

GIORDANO, DICK / ADAMS assist - Detective Comics #457 pg 2, Batman ready & swings from Manor 1975
$For Sale

GIORDANO, DICK / Continuity - DC Heroes Winter promotion, 1980, ORLANDO Collection
$For Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

GOLDEN, MICHAEL P/I - El Paso Comic Con book cover 1982 - Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus as published

GOLDEN, MIKE P/I - Dr Strange Portfolio plate art - Nightmare

GOLDEN, MIKE P/I - Marvel Classics Comics #28 pg 41 - party scene, Poe story

GRAHAM, BILLY - Jungle Action #10 unused pg 3 1ST GRAHAM ISS, Black Panther vs gator

GRAHAM, BILLY - Jungle Action #10 unused pg 4 1ST GRAHAM ISS, Black Panther recovers

GUICE, BUTCH - Alpha Flight #95 cover
Price: Please Inquire

GUICE, BUTCH - Marvel Doc Strange story Splash, Doc saving Clea 1978
$For Sale

GUICE, BUTCH - Red Sonja portfolio plate #3 art (Sal Q)
$email for prices

GUICE, BUTCH - What If #40 page, Doc Strange story, Clea

GULACY, PAUL - Batman Legends of Dark Knight #137 pg 12, Batman, Bat-boat
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Batman Legends of Dark Knight #137 pg 13, Batman, Bat-boat
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Batman Legends of Dark Knight #137 pg 14, Batman, Bat-signal
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Batman Outlaws #2 pg 30, Bruce, Robin, Oracle, Alfred
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Batman Outlaws #2 pg 35, Batman & Catwoman faceoff
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Catwoman #25 pg 12
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Marvel Comics Presents #34 chapter splash pg, 1st Cold-Blood story - Iron Man 3 movie villain - actor James Badge Dale
$For Trade or Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Marvel Comics Presents #70 pg 14, Shanna SheDevil, 1991
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Marvel Comics Presents #75 pg, Shanna the She-Devil fights
$For Trade or Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Master Kung Fu #50 pg 27, Shang Chi, Death of Fu Manchu 1974
$For Sale

GULACY, PAUL - Master Kung Fu #50 pg 30, Shang Chi, Death of Fu Manchu 1974
$For Sale

Gulacy, Paul - OS Price Guide cover - Silver Surfer, without overlay
$email for price

HA, GENE / ZANDER CANNON - Alan Moore's Top Ten #12 pg 4, the four Beetles
$For Sale, with page 5

HA, GENE / ZANDER CANNON - Alan Moore's Top Ten #12 pg 5
$For Sale, with page 4

HALEY, MATT - JSA Classified 26 cover - Wildcat & JSA team
$Send Email Address for price

HAMA, LARRY / GIORDANO - Marvel Premiere #18 pg 1 Splash - Iron Fist
$email for prices

HAMPTON, BO - Moon Knight #34 Splash
$Email for price

HARRIS, TONY - The Sandman: Gallery of Dreams #1 painted pinup 1994
$send Email Address for pricing

HARRRIS, TONY - Death painting, ink & oil, 1992?
$For Sale

HEATH, RUSS - Brave and Bold #1 page panel, Golden Gladiator, 1955
$Please email for prices

HECK, DON - Batman Family #17 page, Huntress vs Catwoman

HECK, DON - Superman Family #198 pg 5, Supergirl & UFO
$IFor Sale

HEMPEL, MARC - Marvel Fanfare #27 Spiderman gets antsy story - 1986

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love and Rockets #14 "The Little Monster" pg 10, Wrestling Queen Rena 1985
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love and Rockets #14 'The Little Monsters' last pg 10, woman of wrestling

HOOVER, DAVE - Spiderman Unlimited #11 pg, Black Cat Felicia Hardy in robe & Detective Marcella Cellanos
$For Sale

HOPPER, FRAN (DEITRICK) - Planet #24 pg 3, Hero, robot suit
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

HOPPER, FRAN (DEITRICK) - Planet #24 pg 4, Hero as robot
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

HUGHES, ADAM - JLA #51 pg 1 splash, G'Nort
$For sale or trade

HUGHES, ADAM - JLA Ice Maiden - approved costume design
$For Sale

HUGHES, STEVEN - "How to draw" sketches 3 pages, Lady Death, key Bad-Girl artist
$For Sale

INFANTINO & IRV NOVICK - Batman #210 alt. cover: Batman - Catwoman
Price: Please Inquire

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Avengers #203 pg 26, Beast and Wonder Man
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Flash #311 last pg, Flash defeats Capt Boomerang 1982
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Marvel Comic cover UK, Godzilla 1978-79
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Marvel Preview #14 pg 1 splash, Starlord / Peter Quill, 3rd appearance, 1978
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE / DAN GREEN - Human Fly #2 last page, Fly & Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider 1977
$For Sale

JONES, JEFF - Horror story "Till Death Do Us Part" pg 7 pencils & inks 1970s
$For Sale

JURGENS, DAN / KLAUS JANSON - Sensational Spiderman #4 (1996)
$For Sale

KALUTA, MIKE - ERB Porfolio plate artwork - Carson on Venus
$For Sale

KALUTA, MIKE - House Of Mystery #321 final cover- Cain sells House
$Scan request

KALUTA, MIKE - House Of Mystery #321 final cover- Cain sells House! shown w&w/o logo
$Email for price or trade!

KALUTA, MIKE - Star Struck #4 cover, pencil prelim
$For Sale

KALUTA, MIKE - Starstruck #4 cover pencil prelim
$For Sale

KAMAN, JACK / Iger Studio - Brenda Starr #10 pg, 1948-1949
$For Sale

KANE, GIL - Captain Marvel #18 full size prelim cover, the New Captain Marvel
$For Sale

KANE, GIL - Conan & monster sketch, drawn on back of starhawks poster, 1978

KANE, GIL - Creatures On The Loose #20 Guliver of Mars cover, full size prelim
$For Sale, email valnstevez@aol.com

KANE, GIL - Jungle Action #2 cover, 1950s Lo-Zar

KANE, GIL - Marvel Spotlight #18 Son Of Satan cover full size prelim
$For Sale, email valnstevez@aol.com

KANE, GIL - Tales of Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 cover, classic series
$Email to valnstevez@aol.com for pricing

KANE, GIL - Vault of Evil #2 horror cover, full size prelim
$For Sale, email valnstevez@aol.com

KANE, GIL - War is Hell #14 cover, full size prelim
$For Sale, email valnstevez@aol.com

KANE, GIL / KLAUS JANSON - Jungle Action #9 pg 7, Black Panther
$On Hold

KATZ, JACK - Marvel Tryout page - Silver Surfer, Thor, Submariner pencil figures - First Kingdom artist, 1968
$For Sale

KAYANAN, RAFAEL - Spectre #40 cover painting, 1996
$For Sale

KAYANAN. RAFAEL - Spectre #40 cover painting, Spectre, wing and tail, 1996
$For Sale

KEITH, SAM - Wolverine Cyber splash / Marvel Comics Presents #90
Price: Please Inquire

KEOWN, DALE - Hulk 367 page 9 - 1st Hulk by Keown
$Send Email Address for questions

KEOWN, DALE - Hulk Pitt page 45, Hulk vs PITT dinos
$Send Email Address for questions

KIM, MIRAN - Hellraiser III: Movie #1 pg 42, Pinhead & cube
$For sale

KUBERT, JOE - Speed #37 Black Cat splash, Jungle story, 1945
$Email for Price

LARROCA, SAL - Uncanny X-Men #488 cover
$Trade only

LAYTON, BOB - DC Starhunters ad promo art 1978

LAYTON, BOB - X-Factor Annual #1 last pg 48, Angel, Scott & Jean
$For Sale

LAYTON, BOB - X-Factor Annual #1 pg 23, Bobby Drake - Iceman double ice powers
$For Sale

LEE, JIM - Hulk vs Alpha Flight Sasquatch - pencil & ink drawing 1987

LEEKE, MIKE - Elementals #1 1989 team pinup
$For Sale

LIEFELD, ROB - Alan Moore's Judgement Day #2 cover

LIEFELD, ROB - Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #7 pg, 1st Lady Deadpool, 2009
$For Sale

LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #89 pg 30, Cable with New Mutants
$Email for sale

LIEFELD, ROB - New Mutants #89 pg 6
$email for price

LIEFELD, ROB - What If V2 #7 pg 22, Wolverine turns down X-Men
$For Sale

LIEFELD, ROB / TERRY AUSTIN - Wolverine Saga #1 back cover, history of Wolvie
$Trade only

LIGHTLE, STEVE - X-Men Classics #39 Inside Cover, Nightcrawler, for 1st Jim Lee story

LIM, RON - Fantastic Four #321 pg 1 Splash - She-Hulk vs She-Thing
$For Sale

LIM, RON - Spiderman Family #1 cover, unused

LIM, RON - Thanos #7 pg 19, Thanos, Gamora origin

LIM, RON - Thanos #7 pg 20, Thanos, Gamora origin

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Batman Confidential #18 cover, Catwoman
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - DC pinup, Green Lantern & Elongated Man vs Tattooed Man, 1986
$For Sale

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: New Beginning, trade cover, extra art panels 1989
$Extra cover art INCLUDED with Cover

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Justice League: New Beginning, trade edition cover, 1989
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MAGUIRE, KEVIN - Wizard Wolverine special - 8 Wolvie portraits + Weapon X-23
$I need GEORGE's email !

MANNING, RUSS - Star Wars daily 3-27-80
$Super Trade - NFS

MANNING, RUSS - Star Wars daily 4-7 Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia of Alderaan

MANNING, RUSS Studio NORRIS/ ROYER - Magnus Robot fighter #28 splash
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MANNING, RUSS- Magnus Robot fighter #2 pg 10, Magnus in robot factory
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MANNING, RUSS- Magnus Robot fighter #21 semi-splash, Magnus surreal battle
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MANNING, RUSS- Magnus Robot fighter #9 pg 5, Magnus at the council
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MAYERICK, VAL - Marvel Age #21 cover - 1st Void Indigo
Price: Please Inquire

MAYHEW, MIKE - Vampirella monthly series #0 pg 3, Pantha intro, fighting Nazi harem
$For Sale

McDONNELL, LUKE / ORDWAY, JERRY - DC Calendar 1986 pinup DETAIL, JLA, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman

McFARLANE, TODD - Amazing Spider-Man #299 pg 14, with 8 Black Spiderman, signed w/ Spider drawing
$For Sale

McFARLANE, TODD - Amazing Spider-Man #312 pg 3 semi-splash, transformation scene - large Green Goblin, 1st as hero, signed
$For trade

McGUINNESS, ED - Hulk #11 cover, 1 in 10 variant, caveman style Wolverine
$For Trade

McGUINNESS, ED / DEXTER VINES - X-MEN (3rd series) #15 cover, X-Men plus Submariner
$For Trade or Sale

McKEAN, DAVE - Vertigo comic, Death gives some tips for safe sex! Large size
$For sale or trade

McLEOD, BOB - Marvel Graphic Novel #4 1st New Mutants, nudity, censored
$For Trade

McLEOD, BOB - Marvel Team-Up #86 finished pencil page, Spiderman, Guardians of the Galaxy - Bob' 1st pencil story 1979
$For Sale

McMAHON , MIKE - 2000 AD #144 pg, Judge Dredd, Barney the happy computer 1979

McMANUS, SHAWN - Marvel Comics Presents #108 pencil pg 3, "I, Thanos" Thanos & Death
$For Sale

McMANUS, SHAWN - Marvel Comics Presents #108 pencil pg 4, Thanos & Death
$For Sale

McMANUS, SHAWN - Marvel Comics Presents #108 pencil pg 5, "I, Thanos" Thanos & Death
$For Sale

McMANUS, SHAWN - Marvel Comics Presents #108 pencil pg 8, "I, Thanos" Thanos & Death
$For Sale

McWILLIAMS, AL - Airboy Comics vol.3 #9 pg 2, SkyWolf (also 1st Heap issue) 1946
$Email for price

McWILLIAMS, AL - Airboy Comics vol.3 #9 pg 3, SkyWolf (also 1st Heap issue) 1946
$Email for price

McWILLIAMS, AL - Airboy Comics vol.3 #9 pg 5, SkyWolf (also 1st Heap issue) 1946
$Email for price

MESSMER, OTTO - Felix the Cat #18 pg 27, animal sled race
$Email for price

MESSMER, OTTO - Felix the Cat #49 framed cover art, ice fishing
$For Trade

MESSMER, OTTO - Felix the Cat and friends #18 pg 27, space-kid in rocket

MEUGNIOT, WILL - Marvel Chillers #3 pg 22, 1st Tigra issue, big panel
$For Trade only

MEUGNIOT, WILL - Marvel Chillers #3 pg 22, back page drawing - Tigra
$For Trade only

Mick Anglo studio - Marvelman Family #15 pg (1958 British series), Marvelman, Kid Marvelman, Young Marvelman - super rare!
$email for prices

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Supergirl #48 cover, Supergirl and Silver Banshee

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Superman Shazam #? pg, Eclipso' origin, Bruce Gordon
$Send Email Address for price

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Superman Shazam #? pg, Shazam vs Shazam
$Send Email Address for price

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Superman Shazam #? pg, Shazan villain
$Send Email Address for price

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Superman Shazam #? pg, Shazan, Luthor, Silvana
$Send Email Address for price

MIDDLETON, JOSH - Superman Shazam #3 pg 6, Shazam vs Eclipso demon
$Send Email Address for price

MILGROM, AL - Spectacular Spiderman Annual #4 cover, Black Spiderman - origins 1984
$For sale or trade

MILGROM, AL / McWILLIAMS - Captain Marvel #40 pg & Guardians of the Galaxy pre-series design 1975
$For sale

MILLS, TARPE - Miss Fury Daily #12 1941 (still called Black Fury), also published by Timely/ Marvel Comics 1942

MILLS, TARPE - Miss Fury daily (Timely heroine)
$Super trade - NFS

MOLDOFF, SHELDON - Gunfighters #1 pg 5, MOON GIRL, Gaines 2nd Wonder Woman
$For Sale

MOLDOFF, SHELDON - Gunfighters #1 pg 7, MOON GIRL, Gaines 2nd Wonder Woman
$For Sale

MONTANO, STEVE - What if? V2 #39 1 pager, Magneto stuck to Colossus, Iron Man, Dr Doom
$For Sale

MOONEY, JIM - Omega the Unknown #4 pg 14, 1st appearance Foolkiller (replacing the dead one)
$Email for price

MOONEY, JIM - Omega the Unknown #5 page, all Omega
$For Sale

MOONEY, JIM - Pussycat Marvel Mag splash, Pussycat grabbed by hillbilly as stray filly
$For Sale

MOONEY, JIM - Son Of Satan #1 page 23, first SOS series

MOONEY, JIM with JOHN ROMITA SR spidey assist (signed) - Marvel Team-Up #30 dbl pg 17 & 22- on 1 larger board- Spider-Man Falcon
$for sale

MOORE, TERRY - Supergirl series presentation
$For Sale

Mortimer/ Romita/ Esposito - Spidey Super Stories #6 Iceman battles Spiderman splash 1974
$For Sale

MOY, JEFF - Legionnaires #71 into pg 1, Cosmic Boy, 1999
$For Sale

MUTH, JON - Moonshadow #2 cover with logo overlay
$Send your Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MUTH, JON - Moonshadow #4 cover with overlay
$Send your Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MUTH, JON - Moonshadow #5 cover with overlay
$Send your Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MUTH, JON - Moonshadow vol.2 #10 cover with overlay
$Send your Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MUTH, JON - Moonshadow vol.2 #4 cover, flying, with overlay
$Send your Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

MYERS, RUSSELL - Broom Hilda Sunday

NEWTON, DON - Worlds Finest #255 pg 11, Shazzam Family-Mary Marvel, BulletGirl, BulletMan
$For Sale

NEWTON, DON / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Shazam #36 pg 16 - all Marvel Family- Capt, Jr and Mary battle King Kull
$For Sale

NEWTON, DON / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Worlds Finest #255 pg 11, Shazam - Mary Marvel + Bullet Girl & Bullet Man
$For Sale

NEWTON, DON / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Worlds Finest #255 pg 13, Shazam - Mary Marvel & Bullet Girl team-up vs Dream-Dancer
$For Sale

NOLAN, GRAHAM - Wolverine #149 page 1 Splash
$Send Email Address for questions

NOREM, EARL - Savage Sword of Conan #70 painted cover, with logo on overlay
$Send Email Address for price

NOVICK, IRV / DICK GIORDANO - Batman #226 pg 1 title splash, Man with 10 eyes
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

NOWLAN, KEVIN - Batman and the Outsiders Annual #1 large pg 30, Batman spies on the Cobra 1st DC work -'86
$For Sale

NOWLAN, KEVIN finishes / DAVE ROSS - Alpha Flight #44 cover- Vindicator, Puck, Aurora, Nortstar vs Snowbird / Sasquatch
$For Sale

O'NEILL, KEVIN - Omega Men #24 cover, O'Neill' 1st DC cover 1985
$For Sale

OGDEN, WHITNEY - Herbie #22 Twice-Up Cover 1966 ACG
$Trade Only

OKSNER, BOB - Bob Hope #105 page, classic monsters, Bob, Lisa & Henrietta in cosume 1967
$For Sale

OKSNER, BOB - Stanley and His Monster #110 pg, Stanley, Monster, leprechauns 1968
$For Sale

OKSNER, BOB / JOSE DELBO - Adventure Comics #418 pg, Linda Danvers (Supergirl), Jonny Double in China-town
$For Sale

OKSNER, BOB / DeZUNIGA - Adventure Comics #424 pg 3, Linda Danvers (Supergirl) emergency phone
$For Sale

OKSNER, BOB / JOSE DELBO - Adventure Comics #418 pg 7, Supergirl series pg 7, Linda Danvers (Supergirl) & Johnny Double
$IFor Sale

OLIFFE, PAT / GEORGE PEREZ - Untold Spiderman #16 cover with logo - Mary Jane introduced
$send Email Address for pricing

OLIFFE, PAT / GEORGE PEREZ - Untold Spiderman #16 cover with logo off - Mary Jane introduced
$send Email Address for pricing

OLIPHANT, PAT - editorial cartoon, 1965 space race
$Trade only

ORDWAY, JERRY - Brave and the Bold #11 pg, Superman & Earth 3 Ultraman team-up
$For Sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Brave and the Bold #11 semi-splash pg, Superman & Mister Mxyzptlk
$For Sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Brave and the Bold #12 pg, Superman, Supergirl. Powergirl & death of Earth 3 Ultra-Man
$For Sale

ORDWAY, JERRY - Infinity Inc. #6 splash page. Team + Huntress, GAge Flash
Price: Please Inquire

ORDWAY, JERRY - Justice Society of America JSA #23 pg 17 full battle splash, Marvel Family joins JSA, Isis and Black Atom knock back Captain Marvel
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 pg 2, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 pg 3, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 pg 4, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 pg 6, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 pg 7, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

ORLANDO, JOE - Creepy #13 semi-splash pg 5, Otto Binder's Adam Link 1960s
$For Sale

PAPP, GEORGE -Superboy #89 pg 6 1962 - 1st Mon-El of Legion
$Trade only

PEREZ, GEORGE & TOM GRUMMETT - New / Teen Titans #67 cover, Raven, Jericho & Ravin' boyfriend

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers presentation - Vision & Scarlet Witch color drawing on full Marvel art board, mid-1970s
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Brave & Bold #4 cover, Supergirl and Lobo on bike
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Brave & Bold #8 cover, Flash and Doom Patrol
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Justice League of America #185 pg, JLA JSA Darkseid
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #10 pg 6, Doom Patrol's Robot Man returns, Changling & Cyborg 1981
$For Trade

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans V.1 #8 cover - classic "a day in the lives"

PEREZ, GEORGE - Tales of The Teen Titans #1 montage splash
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / KEN LANDGRAF - 1st solo Wolverine - Marvel UK / Treasury #26 "At the Sign of the Lion" pg 5, 1970s, 1980
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / NEAL ADAMS, both signed - Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #7 pg, Sons of Tiger
$Send Email Address for price

PERLIN, DON - Defenders #117 cover, Dr Strange, Valkyrie, Hell-Cat vs Over-Mind
$For Sale

PERLIN, DON - Ghost Rider #53 page, Johnny Blaze and Witch Woman

PETERS, HG - Sensation #76 Wonder Woman pg 1940s

PLASTINO, AL - Lois Lane #5 pg, Superman & Lois, 'Girl of 100 Costumes!
$Email for price

PLOOG, MIKE - Manthing GS #1 pg, Manthing battles Blob
$email for prices

PLOOG, MIKE - Marvel Spotlight #6 pg 30, 2nd Ghost Rider
$Sold! Looking for more!!!

PLOOG, MIKE signed / CRAIG RUSSEL - Marvel Fanfare #24 Weirdworld pg 5, Elf sword fight
$For Sale

POLLARD, KIETH - Hulk Magazine #12 pg 56, Moon Knight - 1st on-going series
$For sale

POLLARD, KIETH / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #319 pg 27, all 4 FF, Thing, Ms Marvel, Torch Crystall
$For Sale

POUND, JOHN - Mad #302 back cover, President Bush / Quale - Speaking Toy, by artist of Garbage Pail Kids
$For Sale

POWELL, ERIC - Swampthing #29 cover, Swampy and the swamp, detail
$For Trade or Sale

POWELL, ERIC - Swampthing #29 cover, Swampy and the swamp, detail
$For Trade or Sale

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #114 pg 1 splash, Team faces Kor
$For sale or trade

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #118 pg 8 half splash, Beast Boy / Changling vs villain
$For Sale

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #118 pg 9, Team, Beast Boy / Changling transforms

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #119 pg 1 splash
Price: Please Inquire

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #119 pg 9, full team
$For sale

PREMIANI, BRUNO - Doom Patrol #93 twice-up pg, Brotherhood of Evil
$Send Email Address for price

QUITLEY, FRANK - New X-Men #116 cover, White Queen - also artwork for WQ statue

RABOY, MAC - Flash Gordon Sunday 7/28 1957, Flash, Dale, Zarkov, Rocket ship & Genie

RAMOS, ROD finishes / ANTHONY CASTRILLO & MIKE GOLDEN layouts - Bring Back The Bad Guys trade cover
$email for price

RAYMOND, ALEX - Jungle Jim Sunday 6/20 1937

RAYMOND, ALEX / ghosting Young - Tim Tylers Luck bottom Sunday 4/23 '33

REDONDO, NESTOR - Swampthing #18 pg, ST and Abby vs cult
$On Hold    On Hold

REINMAN, PAUL - Tales of Suspense #16, 5 page horror story
Price: Please Inquire

RENEE, LILY - Rangers Comics #20 2-up pg 5, Werewolf Hunter, Cat People story
$For Sale

RENEE, LILY - Rangers Comics #22 pg, Werewolf Hunter, Living Mermaids 1945
$For Sale

RENEE, LILY - Rangers Comics #25 last pg, Werewolf Hunter, murderess mask 1945
$For Sale

RENEE, LILY - Rangers Comics #25 pg 2, Werewolf Hunter, murderess mask 1945
$For Sale

RIGHTSON, BERNI- Creepy #83 inside cover - HUGE Uncle Creepy, has large unused Frankenstein pencil on back 1976 - RYAN ODONNELL - Email NOT WORKING ommryano@aol.com Price:

ROBBINS, FRANK - Fear #26 pg 6, Morbius on the alter

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #21 pg 11, Cap, Subby Torch, Union Jack vs Master Man

ROBINSON, ROGER - Batgirl & Joker fully penciled page
$For Sale

ROGERS, MARSHALL - Batman Spectacular Inside Cover, Batman in Batcave, 1978
$For Sale

ROGERS, MARSHALL - Detective Comics #477 pg 1 splash, Batman and Gordon, 1978
$For Sale

ROGERS, MARSHALL - Silver Surfer #2 pg, SS, Shalla-Bal, Skrull
$For Sale

ROMITA JR, JOHN - Wolverine #21 pg 14, Electra
$Send Email Address for pricing

ROMITA JR, JOHN - Wolverine #21 pg 2, FF's Invisible Woman
$Send Email Address for price/ questions

ROMITA Jr, JOHN / AL WILLIAMSON - Uncanny X-Men #202 cover, Wolvie, Rogue, Magneto vs Sentinals

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed) Stan Lee drawing on back - Young Men #26 pg, Captain Americs returns (story included Subby & Torch)
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #3 twice-up Splash - John's fourth Spidey issue, Spidey & Avengers
$For great trade or great cash offers?

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #157 pencil cover, Doc Oct
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #45 unused twice-up pg
Price: Please Inquire

ROMITA SR, JOHN 1/4 panel (signed) / for EVERETT - Tales To Astonished #89 last page, Submariner, Lady Dorma, Robot
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN P/I signed - Sgt Fury #102 cover, Fury & Howlers fight to save the invasion
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN with KANE - Avengers #139 cover, early Beast
$Trade for X-Men, Beast/AA cover art

ROMITA SR, JOHN/ PALMER - Dazzler #2 large size pinup 1981
$email for price list

ROMITA, JOHN JR - Marvel Tryout Treasury Book pencil page - Peter Parker (Spiderman)
$Email for pricing

ROMITA, JOHN JR - Marvel Tryout Treasury Book pencil page - Peter Parker, Doc Octopus
$Send Email for price

ROMITA, JOHN JR - Spectacular Spider-Man #53 cover, meant for Amazing Spiderman #211, Spidey vs Tinker
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN JR - Uncanny X-Men #188 pg, villains - 1st Adversary/ Naze, Dire Wraith
$trade only

ROMITA, JOHN JR, BOB LAYTON - Ironman #116 pg 1 splash, Madame Masque, Stark vs Animan
$email for price

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Fantastic Four #104 pg Magneto, Invisible Woman, Lady Dorma
$Trade/ Sale

ROOT, BUDD - Red Riding Hood - Good Girl Art color drawing - 2007
$For Sale

RUAS, JOAO - Fables #89 pencil prelim cover (finishing covers usually done with computer) witch Baba Yaga, flying monkey
$For Sale/ trade

RUSSELL, CRAIG - Amazing Adventures #27 pg 1 splash, Craig's 1st Killraven art
$email for price list

RUSSELL, CRAIG - Amazing Adventures #31 pg 1 splash, Killraven
$Email for pricing

RUSSELL, CRAIG - Amazing Adventures #31 pg 2, Killraven - with extra panel
$Email for price

RUSSELL, CRAIG - Doctor Strange Annual #1 cover - published as cover to CPL #5
Price: Please Inquire

RUSSELL, CRAIG - Fear #24 Morbius page, wiith Russell pencil cartoons on back
$Email for prices

RUSSELL, CRAIG / JOHN ROMITA - Amazing Adventures #33 cover - Killraven
Price: Please Inquire

RUSSELL, CRAIG / TOM SUTTON - Dr Strange #34 pg 22, Doc vs mystic villain
$For Sale

RYAN, PAUL - Fantastic Four #376 page 1 - Future Past X-Men
$Send Email Address for questions

RYAN, PAUL - Iron Man #279 pg 25, IronMan vs Ronan the Accuser
$For Sale

SALINAS, JOSE LUIS - Cisco Kid daily 8/29 1951, Cisco, Pancho play pool, creeper

SALINAS, JOSE LUIS - Cisco Kid daily, Cisco- old timer 11/12 1952

SANTOS. JESSE - Occult Files of Dr Specktor #21 cover painting
Price: Please Inquire

SAVIUK, ALEX - Action #560 pg 6- Superman, Parasite; Ambush Bug issue
$email for pricing

SAVIUK, ALEX - Web of Spiderman #102 splashy page, Mary Jane dancing, Peter Parker
$For Sale

SAYGER, STUART - Red Sonja B&W painting detail, larger size
$For Sale

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superfriends #45 cover, DC heroes vs Green Lantern rogues gallery- Sinestro, Star Saffire, Hammond
$Email for price

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superman Family #198 pg 2, Golden Age Superman, Clark & Lois - signed
$For Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superman Family #198 pg 3, Golden Age Superman, Clark & Lois - signed
$For Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superman Family #198 pg 5, Golden Age Superman, Clark & Lois - signed
$For Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superman Family #198 pg 7, Superboy, Clark & Lana - signed
$For Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT - Superman Family #208 splash, Goldenage, Earth-2 Clark & Lois, Mr Mxyztplk
$For Sale

SCHULTZ, MARK - Cadillacs and Dinasaurs candy bar cover
$For Trade

SCHULTZ, MARK - Xenozoic Tales #10 cover pencil designs
$For Sale

SCHWARTZ, SAMM - Archie's Pal Jughead #78 2-up pg
$For Sale

SEKOWSKI, MIKE - Justice League America #22 Justice Society page (Golden Age Green Lantern)
$Super trade only

SEKOWSKY, MIKE - Adventure Comics #422 page - Supergirl

SEKOWSKY, MIKE - JLA #19 twice-up pg 15, full JLA hero team in exile
$For sale

SEKOWSKY, MIKE - JLA #19 twice-up pg 23, DC team and Wonder Woman flashback
$sold - looking for more!

SEKOWSKY, MIKE - Wonder Woman #182 cover color quide and proof
$For Sale with cover

SEKOWSKY, MIKE / DICK GIORDANO - Wonder Woman #182 cover, New Wonder Woman
$For Trade only

SEMEIKS, VAL - Demon #20 cover
$send Email Address for price

SEVERIN, EC JAM INGELS, DAVIS, CRAIG / Kurtzman layouts - Mad comic #7 pg 1, Old Witch, Crypt & Vault Keeper, Tarzan +

SEVERIN, JOHN / Kurtzman layouts - Mad comic #7 pg 2 - Treasure Island

SEVERIN, JOHN / Kurtzman layouts - Mad comic #7 pg 5 Treasure Island with Sgt Preston mountie
$For Sale

SEVERIN, JOHN / Kurtzman layouts - Mad comic #7 pg 7 - Treasure Island
$For Sale

SEVERIN, MARIE / HERB TRIMPE - Strange Tales #159 twice-up page, Dr Strange story, origin of Baron Mordu' Mystics
$For Sale

SHAW, SCOTT - Hanna-Barbera Laff-A-Lympics #11 cover, classic characters and Muttley
$For Trade

SHERMAN, JAMES - Superboy & Legion of Superheroes #236 pg 12 - Cosmic Boy
$Email for price

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL - Marvel Fanfare #8 Dazzler Pinup
$email for prices

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL - Moon Knight #13 pg 8, Daredevil & Trickster - MK as "Jake"
$Send Email Address for pricing

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL - Moon Knight #22 pg 6, Moon Knight & cast + Morpheus
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL - What if? #34 Moon Knight, 1982
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #2 full splash, Zatanna, Dr Fate, Capt Marvel, Detective Chimp

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #2 pg, Zatanna, Capt Marvel, Dr Fate, Detective Chimp
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #2 pg, Zatanna, Dr Fate, Detective Chimp
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #3 pg 1 splash, Dr Fate, Ragman, Zatanna, Nightshade, Sargon the Sorcerer, Dr Occult
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #3 pg 15, Zatanna, Blue Devil, Sargon the Sorcerer
$For Sale

SIENKIEWICZ, BILL / TOM DERENICK - DC Mystics in Reign in Hell #8 pg 1 semi-splash, Dr Fate, Ragman, Zatanna, Nightshade, Enchantress, Sargon the Sorcerer
$For Sale

SIM, DAVE - Cerebus ala Frazetta Conan pencil sketch, personalized

SIM, DAVE - Cerebus Conan pencil design- based on Frazetta cover painting, personalized
$For Sale

SIM, DAVE - Cerebus Conan top pencil design- based on Frazetta cover painting, personalized
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 1, splash, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 2, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 3, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 4, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 5, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SIMON, JOE - re-inks JACK KIRBY FA #5 1954 story art - Fighting America #2 1966 pg 6, Invisible Irving
$For Sale

SINNOTT, JOE - Invisible Woman pencil drawing, full figure 1986

SMITH, BARRY - Conan #23 pg 15, Conan, Red Sonja introduced & 1st appearance SOLD!

SMITH, BARRY - X-Men #53- 1st cover penciled & partially inked
Price: Please Inquire

SMITH, BARRY - X-Men #53- 1st cover with Logo and partially Inked overlay
Price: Please Inquire

SMITH, BARRY - X-Men #53- Alternate penciled layout & Cyclops pencil for final
Price: Please Inquire

SMITH, PAUL - X-Factor #43 cover, old X-Men team vs Celestial 1989

SOOK, RYAN - WONDER WOMAN: Blackest Night #3 variant cover, full Wonder Woman
$For Sale or trade

SOOK. RYAN - DC Countdown promo ad art, Jean Palmer as Eclipso
$For Sale

SPARLING, JACK - Vampirella #8 pg 2 / Annual #1- Snake Woman
$For Sale

SPRANG, DICK and CHARLES PARIS - Batman #56 page 8, two Batmans and villain with parrot, 1940s
$For Sale

SPRINGER, FRANK - Dazzler #24 cover, poster style with Power Man Iron Fist, Rogue story

SPRINGER, FRANK / PABLO MARCOS - Captain America #241 pg 22, Cap, Punisher in 1st non-Spidey comic, 1980
$For Sale

ST PIERRE, JOE / GREG ADAMS - Spider-Man Super Special #1 pg 4 splash Venom - Spider-Man & Mary Jane + Eddie Brock
$For Sale

Stanley Mouse - airbrushed painting, Albert the LawyerTshirt + photo, Albert Morse collection, 1970s
$For Sale

STARLIN, JIM - Captain Marvel #29 page, Mar-vel becomes cosmically-aware, whole cast
$Sold - looking for more!

STARLIN, JIM - Dreadstar ink illo - Oedi, the cat humanoid
$For Sale

STARLIN, JIM - The Fly Returns! concept pitch to Archie / Red Circle - 1974
$For Sale

STARLIN, JIM - Unity 2 # pg Dr Solar - signed
$for sale

STARLIN, JIM - Unity 2 #4 pg 11 - signed
$for sale

STARLIN, JIM / TERRY AUSTIN - Silver Surfer Annual Pinup, Surfer, Warlock, Drax, Gamora +
$For Sale

STARLIN, JIM / TERRY AUSTIN - Silver Surfer Resurection #2 large pg 18, Surfer, Warlock, Pip meet Death
$For Sale

STATON , JOE - E-man #2 / Primus sample page, 12/1973
$For Sale

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 19 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 20 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 23 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 24 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 26 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 29 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 pg 30 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 splash pg 17 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON , JOE - Green Lantern #203 splash pg 18 - GL corp
$send Email Address for pricing

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #11 pg 20, half-splash- Sinestro, G'Nort, Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #11 pg 6, G'Nort, Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 10, Green Lanterns
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 11, Kilowog fights Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 12, Kilowog fights Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 13, Kilowog fights Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 14, Green Lantern splash
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 15, Green Lanterns
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 4, Kilowog fights Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STATON, JOE - Green Lantern #210 pg 9, Kilowog fights Guy Gardner
$For Sale

STEIN, MARVIN from Simon/ Kirby studio- Justice Traps The Guilty #72 cover
$Email for price

STEVENS, DAVE- Bionic Woman tonal painting- also signed by L. Wagner
Price: Please Inquire

SWAN, CURT / BOB OKSNER - Superman #283 pg 1 splash

SWAN, CURT / BOB OKSNER - Superman #297 pg, All Clark Kent issue, Clark Kent Forever-Superman Never, 1975
$For Sale

SWAN, CURT/ GEORGE KLEIN - Superboy #117 Legion of Superheroes pg 3

TALBOT, BRYAN - Hellblazer Annual page 6, "The Bloody..."
$Send Email Address for price

THORNE, FRANK - Playboy Magazine color pinup, 2010, topless beach scene- "Now Harry, Lets Not Let This Spoil Our Honey-moon !"
$For Sale

Torres, Angelo - Sick Big Annual title page, Beatleography, 4 Beatles & world figures, 1966
$For Sale

TOTH, ALEX - Brave and the Bold #53 large pg 12, the Atom, only Alex Silver-age DC superhero story
$For Sale

TOTH, ALEX - Creepy #80 pg 3, story - Proof Positive 1975
$For Sale

TOTH, ALEX - Green Lantern #39/40s 1/3 page 1949
$Email for price

TOTH, ALEX signed - Brave & Bold #53 pg, Flash & Atom team-up story
$For Trade

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Miracleman #12 page 14, Marvel Man, Miracle Woman and key aliens
$Email for price

TOTLEBEN, JOHN - Swampthing #53 pg 22, Batman & Gordon face bug swarm

TRIMPE, HERB - Fantastic Four Annual #26 pg 49, Thing
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Fantastic Four Quarterly #1 pg 6, Invisible Woman, Mr Fantastic
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Fantastic Four Quarterly #6 pg 17, Submariner faces Thing, Invisible Woman, Human Torch
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk #126 pg 18, Night-Crawler protype; Hulk, Dr Stange, Valkyrie - Pre-Defenders
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk book cover 1980, 3-D style by Marvel / Piccolo

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk Origins Marvel UK art pg & published version + added art - Harlan Ellison's Hulk #140 Jarella & Psyklop
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk Origins Marvel UK art pg & published version + added art - Hulk & Spider-Man
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk Origins Marvel UK pg, Hulk, Antman, Spider-Man
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Hulk Origins Marvel UK pg, Spider-Man, Captain Britain
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - KingSize Hulk #1 page, death of Abomination story, origin of Hulk

TRIMPE, HERB - KingSize Hulk #1 pg 5, Hulk, death of Abomination story

TRIMPE, HERB - Machine Man gal character design, Hassle

TRIMPE, HERB - Marvel Team-up #109 pg 12, Spider-Man / Parker, villains
$For Sale

TRUMAN, TIM - Jonah Hex: Riders # 2 page 23
$email for prices

TURNBULL, COY - What If? #112 pg 4, Thanos - turns NYC into Savage Land - Ka-Zar & splashy Shanna 1990s
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Champions #3 last page, X-Men/ full team, Venus
$For Sale

TUSKA, GEORGE - Ironman #20 Cover, with Xmen's Lucifer
Price: Please Inquire

TUSKA, GEORGE / DAVE COCKRUM - Defenders #57 pg 17, Ms Marvel & creators cross-over, Valkyrie, Hulk, Nighthawk, Hellcat
$For Sale

VALENTINO, JIM - Silver Surfer Annual #2 pg, SS, Mephisto
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK & SIMPSON - Alan Moore' 1963 #3 pg 11, U.S.A. in Tales Of The Uncanny, JFK Oswald
$For Sale, with page 4

VEITCH, RICK & SIMPSON - Alan Moore' 1963 #3 pg 5, U.S.A. in Tales Of The Uncanny, JFK Ruby
$For Sale, with page 4

VEITCH, RICK & SIMPSON - Alan Moore' 1963 #3 pg 7, U.S.A. in Tales Of The Uncanny, monster alien
$For Sale, with page 4

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 1, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge- 1961
$For Sale

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 2, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge 1961
$For Sale

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 3, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge 1961
$For Sale

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 4, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge 1961
$For Sale

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 5, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge 1961
$For Sale

VIGODA, BILL - Archie Annual #13 pg 6, Archie, Jughead, Reggie, Mr. Lodge 1961
$For Sale

VON EDEN, TREVOR - Batman and Outsiders pencil drawing
$For Sale

VOSBURG, MIKE - Larry Hama & Marvel's G.I. Joe #22 pg 13, Baroness taken to Dr. Hundtkinder, 1st app., by Major Bludd, 1984
$For Sale

VOSBURG, MIKE - Larry Hama & Marvel's G.I. Joe #22 pg 19, Joes & Cover Girl at Flagg's funeral first appearances- 1st appearance Duke & Roadblock, Cobra jet -Rattler, 1984
$For Sale

VOSBURG, MIKE - Savage She-Hulk #12 pg, Michael Morbius, She-Hulk hulks out, no longer Jen Walters
$For Sale

WARD, BILL - Good Girl 1950s cartoon
Price: Please Inquire

WARD, BILL - Master Comics #118 pg 3, Freddy Freeman, Sivana Jr, Rubberface (first appearance) villains 1950
$For Sale

WARD, BILL - Pussycat Splash, 10th story, 1966

WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl cartoon, mouse rug

WEBB, ROBERT - Sheena #3 1943 page, with unused Fight? Hitler cover on back of page
$email for prices

WEBB, ROBERT / Ken Battenfield - Fight Comics #73 lrg pg 5, Tiger Girl's double beaten 1951
$For Sale

$For Sale

WHEELER, SHANNON - Too Much Coffee-Man weekly strip - silent freakout
$For Sale/ trade

WHEELER, SHANNON - Too Much Coffee-Man weekly Sunday strip - basic cafe jokes
$For Sale/ trade

WHITE, BOB - Pep #149 2-up pg 1, Archie w classic Monsters & Veronica pin-ups 1961
$For Sale

WHITMAN, MAURICE - Outlaw of the West #15 68 pg giant cover, Fiction House artist
$For Sale

WHITNEY, OGDEN - Two-Gun Kid #92 twice-up, alternate cover
$For Sale or trade

WILDEY, DOUG - Wyatt Earp #17 4 page story- A Badge To Fight for- 1958

WILLIAMSON, AL / FRANK FRAZETTA & ANGELO TORRES - Crime Illustrated #3 large last page, to rarest EC comic! 1956
$Email for price

WILLINGHAM, BILL - Aquaman series presentation to DC editor, 1980s
$For sale

WILLINGHAM, BILL - Elementals #3 pg 11, 3rd issue! fight scene, signed
$For Sale

WILSON, GAHAN - Superhero cartoon- 1960s Playboy

WILSON, RON - Marvel 2 in One #25 last page, Thing & Iron Fist

WILSON, RON - What If #1 1988 uninked page 9, Iron Man was traitor, classic IM breaks columns

WILSON, RON - What If #1 1988, uninked page 2, Iron Man traitor, uninked page, Tony Stark & Nick Fury Watcher

WILSON, RON - What If? Punisher splash

WINDSOR-SMITH, BARRY - Wood Nymph one page story- dated 1972

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon #4 cover art / Cannon Sunday #114
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Daredevil #9 pg 1 - Splash
$Trade or cash offers

WOOD, WALLY - Mad #62 tonal painting- Sci Fi, 1- page story - need email for Andy Bechmann
$need email for Andy Bechmann

WOOD, WALLY - Topps Comic Book Foldees, Legion card Saturn Girl, 1966
$Hold    On Hold

WOOD, WALLY - Tower Of Shadows #8 pg 1, splash, fantasy battle
Price: Please Inquire

WOOD, WALLY / Estrada - DC 100 Page Spectacular #5 Love Stories p 4, gal, babydoll nightie '71
$For Trade Only

WOOD, WALLY / GIL KANE - Teen Titans #19 last page, full team
$For Trade

WOOD, WALLY / HARRISON - Modern Love #8 twice-up page 2 of story

WOOD, WALLY / HARRISON - Modern Love #8 twice-up page 3 of story

WOOD, WALLY / HARRISON - Modern Love #8 twice-up page 4 of story

WOOD, WALLY / HARRISON - Modern Love #8 twice-up page 5 of story

WOOD, WALLY / JOSE DELBO - Wonder Woman #269 page - Wally's last comicbook credit
$send Email Address for price

WOOD, WALLY / STEVE DITKO? - Thunder Agents #17 pg 7, Dynamo vs Hyena, Thunder Squad
$For Sale

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - National Lampoon Nov. 1979 pg 48, Love Issue, shown with overlay
$For Sale

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Punisher POV #1 pg 40
$For Sale / Trade

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Punisher POV #2 pg 12, Punisher & villain Kingpin
$For Sale / Trade

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Punisher POV #2 pg 27, Punisher
$For sale

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Spectre #9 pg 1 splash
$For key trade

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Swampthing #4 prelim cover, Swampy vs werewolf 1972, signed

WRIGHTSON, BERNI - Swampthing #8 semi-splash, ST in all panels, full and 2 inserts, HP Lovecraft inspired
$For Sale, Trade, email VALNSTEVEZ@AOL.COM

WRIGHTSON, BERNI- Batman Nevermore #2 painted cover, Poe, Black Cat
$For Sale

ZECK, MIKE - Amazing Spiderman #293 pg 22, Kraven Last Hunt, Black Spider-Man + MJ + Vermin

ZECK, MIKE - RCCB cover, spacemen and dino's, 1978?
$For sale or trade

ZECK, MIKE / BOB McLEOD - Spider-Man: Redemption pg 13, Spidey fights
$For Sale

ZECK, MIKE / GENE DAY - Master of Kung Fu #100 splashy last pg, Shang Chi & Sister 1981
$For sale



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