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ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith, Johnny Hazard comic strips, Marvel and DC comic book art

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ROBBINS, FRANK - Adventure into Fear #28 pg 2, Morbius is badly injured while Martine and Stroud deal with a real female vampire at police headquarters
$For sale or trade

ROBBINS, FRANK - Adventure into Fear #31 pg, Morbius vs female vampire 1975
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Captain America #186 pg 11, Falcon origin, Cap & Red Skull
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Captain America #187 pg 31, splash page. Cap meets Alchemoid
$For sale or trade

ROBBINS, FRANK - GS Invaders #1 pg, Captain America relives Pearl Harbor + FDR / Hitler
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - House of Secrets #123 cover, depicts Alex Toth famous ice cream story 1974
$for sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Human Fly #13 pg 12, Marvel reality hero 1978
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #11 page 10 four of the Invaders in action on one page: Captain America, Sub-Mariner, Human Torch and Toro
Price: Please Inquire

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #12 page 2
$Trade only

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #12 pg 23, Timely Heroes: Submariner, Capt America
$Email for Pricing

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #13 page 26

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #13 page 3
$Trade only

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #13 pg 8, Jacob creates Golem to grab Nazi occupier 1977
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #15 page 26
$Trade only

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #15 pg 3, Spitfire intros Crusaders - British Superhero team
$for sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #2 (GS #2) pg 10 Captain America, Blonde alien vs Nazi Brain
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #2 page, 2nd Issue! Nazi Brain (meant for Giant Size #2)

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #23 page 10
$For sale or trade

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #23 page 3
$Trade only

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #6 pg 11, big panel - Red Skull taunts Captain America Sub-Mariner Human Torch as captives
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #6 pg 14, Red Skull taunts Captain America Sub-Mariner as captives
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #6 pg 31, Bucky & 1st Liberty Legion story (Red Raven Thin-Man Whizzer ) vs evil Human Torch
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Invaders #7 splash, Timely Heroes: Submariner, Captain America, Human Torch
$For trade or great offers

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard 1/25 1977, Johnny, jet planes
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard 12/2 1961 Sunday
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard 5/27 1959, Johnny and Asian gal hiding out
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 10/13 1975, Johnny guards Princess & money thru airport
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 10/6 1959, Johnny & Miss Sabina, in court
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 11/28 1955, Johnny in copter & kidnapped Brook
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 12/3 1959, Johnny, plane to boat chase
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 12/31 1968, Johnny sees Leni Star poster
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 3/26 1945, dogfight
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 3/26 1957, jail, snowball
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 5/22 1959, Johnny & Sequin, General Ho-Tsin
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 6/12 1959, Johnny & Sequin, General Ho-Tsin
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 8/22 1961, Blonde kidnapped to draw Johnny
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 9/17 1969, Johnny losing at cards
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 9/18 1959, Johnny & Miss Sabina, jet plane
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard daily 9/3 1974, Johnny, gunplay
$For Sale

$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 10/8 1944, from first few months of Sunday strips
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 11/25 1945, Johnny, Blonde on C-47
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 1946, copter in water
$For Trade only

ROBBINS, FRANK - JOHNNY HAZARD Sunday 1966, tiger cage
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 2/15 1976, Johnny tricks fat villains
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 2/8 1976, Johnny caught by fat villains
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 3/13 1977, Johnny and Rhoda
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 3/13 1977, Johnny and Rhoda, camera and bomb
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 7/6 1947 at airport depot
$for sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 7/6 1947, early Hazzard example
$for sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 8/20 1944, from first few months of Sunday strips
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday 9-3 1972, African trip
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - JOHNNY HAZARD Sunday 9/3 1967, Johnny Scuba gear
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - JOHNNY HAZARD Sunday, Johnny & Asian wing-gal 12/15 1974
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazard Sunday, Johnny flies in with Sydney Strong & Liana shows up 11/6 1955
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazzard daily 12/27/44, saving Brandy, gunplay
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazzard daily 5/27 1959 Hazzard & gal on run, find chicken
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazzard daily 6/4 1976 Hazzard in F-21 JET
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Johnny Hazzard daily 9/17 1959, Johnny, blonde to Hong Kong
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Man from Atlantis #2 semi-splash page
Price: Please Inquire

ROBBINS, FRANK - Man from Atlantis #7 pg, final issue - Plaxy, jungle-girl / Dino rider saves gal & Mark - Moon-Girl prototype 1978
$for sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 1/28 1940, Johnny, blonde Spitfire
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 12/14 1943, USO dates
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 3/22 1939, Asian villainess, death-traps
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 5/11 1940s, Scorchy, blonde in plane
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 5/11 1944s, Scorchy, brunette on boat
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 6/14 1942?, Scorchy catches Commander Todt on plane
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 6/2 1942?, Scorchy, Russians, fleeing Commander Todt
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 8/2 1939, Johnny, Turkish planting
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith daily 8/24 1939, Johnny, Blonde, planted book
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - Scorchy Smith Sunday 3/12 1944, traitor uncovers Nazi troops
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - What If? #4 page 9 Invaders Human Torch kills Hitler

ROBBINS, FRANK: Johnny Hazard Sunday 2-2 1975 Johnny, Comrade Tanya
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK: Johnny Hazard Sunday 6-1 1972, decoding spies
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK: Johnny Hazard Sunday 8-20 1972, Johnny, Miss Fern Sherwood
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK: Johnny Hazard Sunday, 12/26 1954, radium statue and lead suits
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