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WOOD, WALLY - Marvel, Daredevil; DC; Thunder Agents pages, Sally Forth, Cannon; Galaxy Magazine

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CRANDALL, REED / WALLY WOOD - Dynamo #1 large pg 4, first issue Dynamo vs Dinos 1966
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY & BOB OKSNER - Angel and the Ape #2 page 23
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY & BOB OKSNER - Angel and the Ape #3 pg 12, Ape & mad-house
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY & BOB OKSNER - Angel and the Ape #3 Title pg Splash , Angel at castle
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY & BOB OKSNER - Christmas with the Super-Heroes Treasury #C-34 page 10, Angel and the Ape pa
$For sale or trade!

WOOD, WALLY & GARCIA-LOPEZ - Hercules #3 pg 1, splash. Hercules, Kevin, Basil enter Underworld 1975
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 1/3rd pencil pg, Odkin escapes warrior 1970s
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 2/3rd pencil pg 17, Odkin Wizard & Heroes 1970s
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 2 of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 3 of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 4 of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 5 of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 6 of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 page 7 of 7 pg Story
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - A Moon, A Girl...Romance #10 Splash of 7 pg Story "I Thought I Loved My Boss"
$For Sale a story

WOOD, WALLY - All Star #62 last page, Powergirl, Wildcat, Earth-2 Hawkman
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - All Star #64 alt. cover prelim, JSA + Superman & Starboy
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - All Star #64 cover prelim, JSA + Superman & Powergirl,
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - All Star #64 GA Superman - 4 head shots
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - All Star #64 studies - JSA & GA Superman
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon #4 cover art 1978 / Cannon Sunday #114 1973 with Woody figure
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon Sunday #52 Sunday, on the make, strip club - rare PG 13 example
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon Sunday #73 A & B Sunday, tough guy origin, bearded Cannon & Elena strike out date
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon Sunday C-54, Cannon & farmer's daugher
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon's Miss Toy sitting drawing
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

WOOD, WALLY - Cannon's Miss Toy standing drawing
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

WOOD, WALLY - Confessions Illustrated #1 EC "My Tragic Affair" large pg 8, Blonde in crisis 1956
$for Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Daredevil #9 large pg 13, DD + Matt Karen Page & Foggy 1965
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Daredevil #9 large pg 18, DD fights villain 1965
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Falling In Love #108 pg 1 Splash of 4 pg story, "The Write Time to Love" 1969
$for sale as story

WOOD, WALLY - Falling In Love #108 pg 2, DC 1969
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Falling In Love #108 pg 3, DC 1969
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Falling In Love #108 pg 4, DC 1969
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Ferris & Misfits, animation presentation, Devourosaurus 1971
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Magazine "Wolfbane" Frederik Pohl & Kornbluth, title splash as printed 1957
$REF as printed

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Magazine illo, Frank (Dune) Herbert's Novella

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Magazine Painting studies - four pieces 1950s-1960s
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Magazine, "Wolfbane" by Frederik Pohl & Kornbluth. Large size ink & wash painted double splash. Logo and letters on overlay
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Sci Fi Mag,
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, 1958 double-Splash pgs 126 - 127 in print
$REF as printed

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, 1958 ink & wash painted art, "Lisbon Cubed", costume shop
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, 1958 lrg, double-Splash, ink & wash painted art,
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, February 1958 ink & wash painted art, "Rule of The Door" Alien professor looking for a dominant specimen
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - George Washington Carver Book Illo
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WOOD, WALLY - George Washington Carver book, 1950s, pen, ink and blue wash book illo
$For Sale or Trade

WOOD, WALLY - Incredible Science Fiction #33 pg 1 splash, final EC Sci-Fi "Big Moment"
$For Trade

WOOD, WALLY - Mighty Isis #1 pg 26, Great DC TV page! Isis battles Scarab 1976
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Mighty Isis #1 pg 29, last page, Isis defeats Scarab and returns to her Andrea teacher identity with all of her high school cast shown
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Military News / Gig Line Sunday - Sally Forth prototype & 1st app. , 1968
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - National Cartoonist Society cover - Mad-style take-off on cartoon characters - Pogo, Prince Valiant, Tracy, Lil' Abner, Nancy, Annie, Peanuts, Jeep, Beetle Bailey, Miss Peach, etc.
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Odkin 'Nudine' drawing
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

WOOD, WALLY - Peril series painted pitch Cover, Danny Danger & Emmy ACG 1950
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Plop #19 cover, DC Humor - Smokin' Sanford w/ Sergio Aragones border design 1975
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Return of Conan book cover painting (Gnome Press, 1957)
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Return of Conan cover painting, Gnome Press, 1957
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth 1975 -76 book / ad Pinup
$Sold - looking for more!

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth drawing for Wood fan-club,
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #110, Boobarella & Sally- also the cover to Sally Forth book

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #115 AB, Boobarella, Sally robots

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #123, Sally undercover, superhero satire

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #126, Blonde trap Sally & crew - villains gain Superpowers 1973
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #128, & Sally Forth #2 Cover + Power-Girl prototype 1973
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #19 A & B, Flash Gordon & Ming satire, Sally as Cleopatra
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #40 - Sally in underwear, rated PG

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #53 B, Tarzan satire, used as Sally Forth Mag #4 cover
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #56 A & B, Tarzan satire - Dinos and jungle capture
$For Sael

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #78, Sally bound & Army orgy

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday #96 - Boobarella makes Sally her slave

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth Sunday 54 A/B, Tarzan swings Sally Forth to his jungle home and bedroom
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Sally Forth WAC - 1st designs as WAC Pussy Katz 1968
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Tales From The Crypt #25 page 4 (EC) - Witch takes over wife' body
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Thunder Agents #1 Lrg pg 3, all 1st appearances: Noman Menthor Thunder Agents, Iron Maiden & Dynamo's belt 1965
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Thunder Agents #16 large last pg (63), Dynamo saved, Noman TA team
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Thunder Agents #16 large pg 5 (58), Dynamo captured, Noman
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Thunder Agents concept art, Len Brown / Thunderbolt / Dynamo 1965
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Total War #1 twice-up page 31, 1960s

WOOD, WALLY - Tower of Shadows #6 pg 1 - Splash, Beowulf - 1970
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - True Sweetheart Secrets (Fawcett) #2 pg 2, girl on drunken date
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Two-Fisted Tales #42 / Nickel Library #52 Print 1970

WOOD, WALLY - Two-Fisted Tales #42 2up cover, Nickel Library #52 1970
$For sale / Trade

WOOD, WALLY - Weird Sex-Fantasy Cover pencil layout, 1977
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Weird Sex-Fantasy Cover pencil prelim, 1977
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Weird Sex-Fantasy Flash Gordan plate pencil prelim, Ming & Dale 1977
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Weird Sex-Fantasy Strip Poker plate, losing female + head pencil design 1977
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Wham-O Giant Comics #1 Goody Bumpkin Fairy Tale pencil daily #11 1965-66
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY - Will Eisner's John Law #1 (1949) Adventures of Nubbin, top of page splash panel
$For sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Witching Hour #15 pg 1, Title Splash Witch Host & monster Freddy 1971
$For sale

WOOD, WALLY - Witzend #4 large cover, worn knight to castle 1968
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 Cover Prelim, Odkin runs into home-town 1970s
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 pencil pg 20, villain Anark plots 1970spencil pg 20, villain Anark plots 1970s
$For Sale or tradee

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 pg 19-20, 2/3rd pencil pg, King Atlain dead 1970s
$For Sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Wizard King GN #1 pg 22, 2/3rd pencil pg, Odkin & Aron 1970s22, 2/3rd pencil pg, Odkin & Aron 1970s
$For Sale or trade

WOOD, WALLY - Worlds of If V9 #4 pinup - "Gravy Train" 1960
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY / BOB BROWN - Ghosts #2 pg 2, ghost WW2 pilot, 1971
$Email for price

WOOD, WALLY / BOB OKSNER - Angel and Ape #6 pg 4, Angel & dogs hound poodle 1969
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY / BOB OKSNER - Angel and the Ape #2 pg 6, Ape 1969
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY / CRANDALL, REED - Dynamo #1 pg 7
Price: Please Inquire

WOOD, WALLY / CRANDALL, REED - Dynamo #1 pg 7 (8), main Thunder Agent & Dinos
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY / ESTRADA - Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #4 pg 12, Martial arts action
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY / GIUNTA layouts - Thunder Agents #4 lrg pg 9 (61), Mentor, gold bars
$for sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 1 splash of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 2 of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 3 of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 4 of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 5 of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY / HARRY HARRISON - Modern Love #8 2-up pg 6 of complete 6 pg story, "Illegal To Love" 1950
$STORY For Trade / Sale

WOOD, WALLY Layout / DAVE COCKRUM - Shattuck Sunday # W-20 A&B, Sheriff & girlfriend 1974
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY Layout / DAVE COCKRUM - Shattuck Sunday # W-22 A&B 1974
$For Sale

WOOD, WALLY signed - Dynamo #4 medium size pencil cover, last issue
$For Sale



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