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HECK, DON & DAN ADKINS ( WITH EVERETT SUBBY?) - Tales To Astonish #92 cover, rare large size 1906's Sub-Mariner cover!
$For sale or trade
HECK, DON & JOHNNY CRAIG - Iron Man #26 pg 10, Iron-Man, sword & sorcery theme
Price: Please Inquire
HECK, DON & JOHNNY CRAIG - Iron Man #26 pg 16, Iron Man #26 pg 16, Iron Man battles dragon-rider!
Price: Please Inquire
HECK, DON & JOHNNY CRAIG - Iron Man #26 pg 3, Iron Man, Pepper & origin of Freak
Price: Please Inquire
HECK, DON - Adventure comics #462 pg 10, Aquaman battles
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Adventure comics #462 pg 11, Aquaman calls sea-life
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers #13 pg 19, Thor, 1st appearance Count Nefaria / Gravitron
$For sale or trade
HECK, DON - Avengers #27 pg 7, Quicksilver Scarlet Witch vs Atuma, Hawkeye on FF jet
Price: Please Inquire
HECK, DON - Avengers #27 pg 8, Quicksilver Scarlet Witch vs Atuma
Price: Please Inquire
HECK, DON - Avengers #31 pg 17, Wasp battles bad guys
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers #35 pg 14, Wasp, Hawkeye vs Living Lazer
$For sale or trade
HECK, DON - Avengers #36 pg 2, Cap and Scarlet Witch - X-Men flasback, w/ extra art panel
$For sale or trade
HECK, DON - Avengers #36 pg 7, team panel w Scarlet Witch + Black Widow
$For sale or trade
HECK, DON - Avengers #37 lrg pg 8, Hawkeye Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver Goliath Wasp
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers #39 large cover, Hercules to free trapped Avengers! 1967
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers #39 large pg 5, Hawkeye, Mad-Thinker
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers #40 lrg cover, Hercules joins team vs Submariner for Cosmic Cube 1967
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers Giant-Size #4 pg 8, Swordsman tells origin of Drax's daughter, Moon-Dragoon & Mantis
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers Solo #20 pg 2, Hawk and full WC Avengers team panel
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers Solo #20 pg 4, Hawkeye
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Avengers Solo #20 pg 9, Hawkeye
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Captain Marvel #8 pg 18, Captain Marvel vs big robot + Carol Danvers
HECK, DON - Invaders #35 / drawn as Liberty Legion #1 splash, Red Raven, Patriot, Whizzer, Miss America, etc.
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Iron Man #36 pg 20, last page half splash! Iron Man defeated
HECK, DON - Marvel Premiere #30 pg 6, Red Skull controls Cap America, Subby, Human Torch & Tora
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Not Brand Ecch #2 pg 5, satire on Iron Man vs Magnus Robot Fighter
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #51 Large pg 1 Splash, large Iron Man, 1st Scarecrow 1964
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #51 Large pg 2, large Iron Man + 1st Scarecrow, Birth / Origin 1964
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #51 large pg 6, Stark dons Iron Man armor from suitcase! meets Scarecrow in 1st app
$for sale
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #51 pg 3 Iron Man at top + Scarecrow first uses powers
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales of Suspense #52 large pg 5, 1st Black Widow story, old & 1st appearance of new Crimson Dynamo - Anton & Boris, 1964
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #58 pg 1 splash, large Iron Man vs Shark, 1st Captain America story
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales Of Suspense #66 Large pg 11, Iron Man escape Attuma
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 1 splash, 8th superhero Ant-Man 1962
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 12, Ant-Man #8, Marvel movie hero
$for Key Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 4, Ant-Man #8, Ant-Man bullseyes backside of baddies
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 5, Ant-Man #8, Ant-Man leaves villain's fingers
$for Key Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 8, Ant-Man #8, Ant-Man is mind-slave to villain
$for Key Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 large pg 9, Ant-Man #8, Ant-Man saved by ants
$for Key Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 pg 11, Ant-Man #8 in series, Hank Pym shrinks as Ant-Man
$for Key Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #42 pg 8, Ant-Man #8, Ant-Man is mind-slave to villain -
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #46 large pg 1 splash, Ant-Man & 3rd Wasp - vs Cyclops 1963
$For Sale or possible trades
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #46 large pg 11, Ant-Man series, 3rd Wasp in solo action 1963
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #46 large pg 13, Ant-Man & 3rd Wasp. Last page
$For Sale or trade
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #46 pg 4, Ant-Man 3rd Wasp - take a trip
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #46 pg 9, Ant-Man & 3rd Wasp - tackle alien invaders
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 large pg 5, Ant-Man & Wasp shrink in size, travel as tourist 1964
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 10, Giant Man flees dictator
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 11, Giant Man, ants, Janet a bound-prisoner
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 12, Janet turns into Wasp + Ant-Man to Giant Man
$for sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 13, last page! Giant Man & Wasp catch Red-Tyrant - return home
$For sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 7, Giant-Man vs El Toro
$For Sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 8, Giant-Man action in all six panels!
$For sale
HECK, DON - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 9, huge Giant-Man across one-third of page
$For Sale
HECK, DON - X-Men #48 first cover, 1st Cyclops & Marvel Girl solo story 1968
$for sale / trade
HECK, DON / DITKO ? - Tales To Astonish #54 pg 9, details pencil sketch & redrawn panel
$For Sale
HECK, DON / JOHNNY CRAIG - Iron Man #26 pg 9, semi-splash, Iron-Man, sword & sorcery theme
$for sale
HECK, DON / Mike Hinge inked - X-Men #38 large first cover, Team vs Blob & Vanisher 1967
$for sale / trade
HECK, DON / RON WILSON - Avengers Solo #20 pg 1 splash, Hawkeye "Veg-Out"
$For Sale