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CORBEN, RICHARD - comic book art

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CORBEN, RICHARD - Aliens Alchemy #1 page 13 - 1997

CORBEN, RICHARD - Aliens Alchemy #1 page 21 - 1997

CORBEN, RICHARD - Aliens Alchemy #1 pg 12 - old man & bald monk at jail 1997
$for sale

CORBEN, RICHARD - Aliens Alchemy #1 pg 17, gal fails to save big man - 1997
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Anomaly #2 Baifra the Darkk tonal painting title page 1970
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Anomaly #2 Baifra the Darkk tonal painting title splash 1970
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Ghost Rider #6 splash "Hell to Pay" GR on fire & bike 2006
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Hellboy semi-splash page, empty woman skin
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CORBEN, RICHARD - political cartoon, 1960s
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Rip In Time #4 pg 12, couple in prehistoric land 1986
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Rip In Time pg 12, couple in primative world, reptile
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Rip In Time pg 6, blonde & guy on joy ride 1986
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Robert E Howard's Bloodstar pencil logo w/ small figures 1979
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CORBEN, RICHARD - Spirit Mag #2 tonal painting cover art for Eisner's line work

CORBEN, RICHARD's Den - Heavy Metal.film animation, Den & gal 1981
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CORBEN, RICHARD's Den - Heavy Metal.film animation, Den's gal 1981
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