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BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man, Judge Dredd, covers

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BOLLAND, BRIAN - Adventure Comics #475 cover, bigger, combo issue - 1st Aquaman, Plasticman, Starman - No infinity EFX 1980
$For Sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Adventure Comics #475 cover, bigger, combo issue - 1st Aquaman, Plasticman, Starman - with infinity EFX overlay
$For sale or trade

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #22 pencil prelim cover, AM & 2nd Maxine Baker cover AKA Animal Girl 1990
$for sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #50 final, published painted cover, w/ overlay + ink Animal Man figure. 1992
$For Sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #50 second part of cover with Animal Man figure used to place over Bolland's background painting. Signed by Bolland at bottom.
$For sale or great trade

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Animal Man #52 cover pencils, Animal Man & Animals death theme
$for sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Howard the Duck #33 cover prelim, money to burn 1986
$For Sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Judge Dredd - Amazing Heroes #52 cover pencil, 1980s

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Newspaper illo - Modern Caveman, 3 signatures 1978-1979
Price: Please Inquire

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Wonder Woman #84 cover pencil, WW saves woman 1994

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Wonder Woman v 2 #93 new WW ink design 1 - 1995
$for sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN - Wonder Woman v 2 #93 new WW ink design 2 - 1995
$for sale

BOLLAND, BRIAN / Austin - Camelot 3000 #9 lrg pg 13, full cast & Sir / Lady Triston origin w/girlfriend..

BOLLAND, BRIAN / TERRY AUSTIN inks - Camelot 3000 #11 pg 11, full cast/ aliens

BOLLAND, BRIAN / TERRY AUSTIN inks - Camelot 3000 #9 large pg 15, battle scene in rain NEW
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