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PEREZ, GEORGE - Teen Titans, Avengers, JLA, Man-Wolf, etc.

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PEREZ, GEORGE - "Perez: Accent on the First 'E'" Book- 1 pg ad: Avengers FF X-Men JLA, Defenders Surfer Galactus + 1978
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #46 pg 5, Aqualad & Aquagirl, 1984
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #46 pg 5, Aqualad & Aquagirl, 1984
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #47 pg 3, Raven, 1984
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #48 last pg, Raven & Jericho, 1984
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #48 pg 23, Raven & Jericho, 1984
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #50 pg 11, Logan (Changling) & Kory (Starfire) Wonder-Girls' wedding, 1985
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - (Tales of New) Teen Titans #50 pg 6, Logan (Changling) preps Wonder-Girls' wedding, 1985
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers #198 pg 16, large Ronin vs Captain America, Thor, Wasp, Yellow Jacket
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers V3 #1 page, large panel
$Send Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers v3 #10 pg 15, Avenger + Fantastic Four
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers V3 #2 splash, 2nd Issue - 8 of Team break castle 1998
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Avengers V3 #9 splash, full Team in dive - signed
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Creatures On The Loose #37 pg 26, Man-Wolf series - John Jameson & godstone find warrior
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Creatures On The Loose #37 pgs 10, Man-Wolf series JJJ
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Creatures On The Loose #37 pgs 11, Man-Wolf series JJJ SHIELD agent
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Crisis #11 page 31, Teen Titans, Batman and DC heroes witness the final merging the alternate worlds!
$For sale or great trade

PEREZ, GEORGE - Hulk - Future Imperfect #1 pg 42, heroine on the run, Hulk's fist bursting through 1992
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Inhumans #2 pg 22, Medusa Karnak Gorgon vs giant Kree Kaptroid 1975
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Jim Starlin's Infinity Gauntlet #2 pg 41, Namorita saving Atlantic City
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Jim Starlin's Infinity Gauntlet #3 pg 23, Silver Surfer, Warlock, Marvel Boy/Quasar
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Jim Starlin's Infinity Gauntlet #3 pg 8, Perez draws Frank Miller's version of Black Widow
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Justice League of America #185 pg 24, "Crisis on Apokolips" - JLA Batman+, JSA Powergirl / Huntress +, New Gods vs Darkseid
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Marvel's UltraForce #4 pg 25, Pixx gets costume & call to save worls 1994
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New (Teen) Titans #60 pg 2, Titans plus Speedy!
$For sale or trade

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #14 pg 8, Titans & Doom Patrol revived
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #24 pg, Omega-Men, Starfire captured by sister, Blackfire, for Citadel
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #30 pg 11, Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Adrian Chase / Vigilante 1983
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #30 pg 11, Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Adrian Chase/Vigilante 1983
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #33 pg 7, Cyborg, Changeling / Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, Wally West / Kid Flash 1983
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - New Teen Titans #33 pg 7, Cyborg, Changeling/Beast Boy, Wonder Girl, Wally West /Kid Flash 1983
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Tales of The Teen Titans #1 montage splash - Starfire
$send your Email Address to valnstevez AOL

PEREZ, GEORGE - Wonder Woman (v.2) #18 pg 14, Diana getting a make-over
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Wonder Woman (v.2) #19 pg 17, Wonder Woman defeated by Circe 1988
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE - Wonder Woman 2 Pinups Who's Who WW + Etta Candy / Julia Kapatelis 1988
$For Sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / DAN JURGENS - Superman #461 pg 7, Supes in action - 1989
$FOR sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / GENE DAY - Marvel Two-In-One #57 last pg 31, Pegasus Project: Thing, Quasar, Black Goliath vs Claw 1979 NEW
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / GENE DAY - Marvel Two-In-One #57 pg 27, Pegasus Project: Thing, Quasar, Black Goliath vs Claw 1979 NEW
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / GENE DAY - Marvel Two-In-One #58 half Splash pg 30, half splash - Pegasus Project: Thing, Thundra, Quasar, Aquarian, Black Goliath 1979 NEW
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #185 pg 1, Splash, Reed & Sue in Fantastic Four's Lab 1977
$for sale

PEREZ, GEORGE / JOE SINNOTT - Fantastic Four #192 pg 23, Human Torch battles
$For Sale/ trade

PEREZ, GEORGE / NEAL ADAMS, both signed - Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #7 semi-splash, Sons of Tiger
$send your Email Address to valnstevez AOL



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