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ANDRU, ROSS - DC covers, pages (Worlds Finest, Blue Beetle, Firestorm, Superman, Legion of Superheroes)

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ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 13
$For Sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Metal Men #28 pg 11, MMen defeated by evil doubles 1967
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 13, Jericho
$For Sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 15, Jericho
$For Sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 last pg, Batman and Jason Todd in Batmobile calling him "Robin", 2nd continuity app.
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 12, Batman vs thugs
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 14, Batman and street crime
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 16, Batman, Jason Todd - 2nd app. in continuity
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 17, semi-splash, Ma Gunn in museum heist
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 21, Batman helped by Jason Todd, 2nd continuity app.
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Batman #409 pg 30, Batman catches new Robin, 1st appearance
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 cover. Carapax & Blue Beetle life or death situation! 1987 NEW
$for Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 last pg, BB defeats iron villain
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 pg 11, BB & bug ship
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 pg 13, BB vs iron villain
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #15 pg 20, BB vs iron villain
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 10
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 11, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 13, splashy montage, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 14, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 2, classic design, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 4, BB fist fight
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 8, STAR
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #16 pg 9, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #19 pg
Price: Please Inquire

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #19 pg 14
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #19 pg 15
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #19 pg 2, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #19 pg 3, BB
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #20 pg
Price: Please Inquire

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #20 pg 11, big BB vs villain
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #20 pg 15
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #20 pg 9
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #21 pg , BB Mr Miracle vs Manhunters
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #21 pg 6, BB & Mr Miracle
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #22 pg 1, Splash BB & dino
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #22 pg 12
$Send your Email Address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle #30 pg 20, BB, woman stoned
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Blue Beetle pinup
Price: Please Inquire

ANDRU, ROSS - Brave & Bold #87 page 17, Batman & Phantom Stranger
$For Sale/ Trade - Email to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDRU, ROSS - Brave and Bold #89 pg 4, Batman
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - DC Special Blue Ribbon #6 "Ghosts" back cover - Phantom Stranger & Dr 13
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - DC Superman Who's Who - Star Labs pinup
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - DC Who's Who update '87 - Blue Beetle villain- Overthrow pinup
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 1 splash
$For sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 10, Firestorm vs jets
$for Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 12
$For sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 13 (18), Firestorm vs jets
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 13, Firestorm vs jets
$for Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 16
$For sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 3
$For sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Firestorm #65 pg 4, Firestorm vs tank
$for Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Jonah Hex #63 cover, shark

ANDRU, ROSS - Jonah Hex #71 cover shooting
$For Sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Metal Men #28 pg 11, Metal Men beaten by evil MM doubles 1967
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Metal Men #28 pg 20, Metal Men, Platinum, Doc,
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Our Army at War #16 pg 2
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Shanna, the She-Devil #2, complete story
$For Sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman book double Spread pgs 50 -51 1978, Superman vs Lex Luthor

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman Krypton To Metropolis Book Double Pages 30 - 31
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman Krypton To Metropolis Book Double Splash Pages - 50 - 51 Supes vs Luthor
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman Krypton To Metropolis Book Double Spread Pages - 26 - 27 Superboy
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman Krypton To Metropolis Book Double Spread Pgs 16 - 17 Superman origin to Earth
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Superman Krypton To Metropolis Book Double Title Pages 2 - 3
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 double page splash
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 page 5 Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 pg 18, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 pg 19, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 pg 20, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #3 pg 5 Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 1 splash, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 10, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 11, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 12, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 13, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 14, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 15, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #4 pg 4, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 10, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 11, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 12, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 14, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 15, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 16, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 18, Jericho - HIVE Splash
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 19, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 23, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #5 pg 9, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 1, Splash - Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 11, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 12, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 14, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 2, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS - Teen Titans Spotlight #6 pg 9, Jericho
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS -Superman Book pages 16-17
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS -Superman Book pages 30-31
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS -Superman Book pgs 50-51
Price: Please Inquire

ANDRU, ROSS / DICK GIORDANO - Justice League JLA - Post-Cereal smaller cover 1979
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS / DICK GIORDANO - Wonder Wonder - Post-Cereal smaller cover 1979
$For Sale

ANDRU, ROSS / GIORDANO - Jonah Hex #70 cover, Jonah Hex / Emmylou Hartley Shoshone Tribe 1983 NEW
$FOR Sale

ANDRU, ROSS / GIORDANO - Jonah Hex #71 cover, Jonah shoots under the table 1983 NEW
$for sale

ANDRU, ROSS / KLAUS JANSON - World's Finest Comics #300 pg 45, JLA, Outsiders
$For sale or trade

ANDRU, ROSS / SCOTT SHAW - Captain Carrot #2 splash - Superman

ANDRU- Superman Book pgs 2-3
Price: Please Inquire



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