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ANDERSON, BRENT - Marvel, Power Pack

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ANDERSON, BRENT - Ka-Zar & Zabu Illo to Bruce Jones 1982
$for sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Kazar #2 pg, Kazar, Shanna She-devil
$Send your email address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDERSON, BRENT - Kazar #26 pg 2, Kazar & Shanna
$EMail for price

ANDERSON, BRENT - Kazar #3 half splash pg, Kazar
$Send your email address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 12, teamup with Alpha Flight member
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 18, underwater with Alpha Flight member
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 2
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 22, team
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 3
$Send your email address to VALNSTEVEZ at AOL

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #10 pg 4, Dolphins
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #13 pg 13, pro baseball
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #13 pg 15, pro baseball
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #13 pg 16, pro baseball
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 cover prelim, Team - Fish Tale! 1985
$for sale

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 pg 16
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 pg 18
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 pg 19
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 pg 22
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Power Pack #9 pg 25
Price: Please Inquire

ANDERSON, BRENT - Valkyrie #2 splash, Airboy spinoff
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ANDERSON, BRENT - X-Men Annual #5 pg 11, Storm awakes from a nightmare and uses her powers. Plus, the Fantastic Four
$For sale or trade

ANDERSON, BRENT - X-Men GN "God Loves Man Kills" pg 47, X-Men Magneto & Magik 1982
$For Sale

ANDERSON, BRENT / BOB McLEOD - X-Men Annual #5 pg 2, Fantastic Four members are alerted to an emergency
$For sale or trade

ANDERSON, BRENT / BOB McLEOD - X-Men Annual #5 pg 24, Storm Sue Storm + Wolverine Nightcrawler vs Badoons 1981
$for sale

ANDERSON, BRENT / BOB McLEOD - X-Men Annual #5 pg 30, Storm saves the Fantastic Four

ANDERSON, BRENT / BOB McLEOD - X-Men Annual #5 pg 36, Nightcrawler stopping Badoon stargate 1981
$for sale



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