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LEE, JIM & Wildstorm Studio - Marvel, DC, Image artwork: Pages & Covers

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CHAREST, TRAVIS - Shattered Image #2 wraparound cover, homage to the famous Alex Ross' Kingdom Come cover. Incredible art with main Wildstorm heroes 1996
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LEE, JIM & SCOTT WILLIAMS - Conan The Barbarian #218 cover, RE Howard hero, pirate themed
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LEE, JIM & SCOTT WILLIAMS - Conan The Barbarian #220 cover, RE Howard hero - Conan as bear bait
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LEE, JIM - Alan Moore's WildCATS #31 Semi-Splash pg 6, Villain Superteam
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LEE, JIM - Alpha Flight #65 cover, Box & 1st Madison Jeffries, outside of armor,cover. 1988
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LEE, JIM - Fantasic Four #2 cover, huge Thing vs Nanor Sub-Mariner + Mr Fantastic Human Torch
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LEE, JIM - Fantastic Four #2 cover (shown with logo layer off), epic Thing vs Sub-Mariner as Mister Fantastic & Human Torch look on!
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LEE, JIM - Gen 13 #5 comic book ref 2003

LEE, JIM - Gen 13 #5 cover, battle art - X-Men's Claremont 2003
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LEE, JIM - Green Lantern #153 cover; JSA's Jade & new GL, class reunion

LEE, JIM - Harley Quinn on cell-phone - Hush version - Promotion Pinup HR_016 HQ c-2005
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LEE, JIM - Harley Quinn w/ balloon - Hush version - Promotion Pinup HR_015 HQ and Joker c-2005
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LEE, JIM - Just Imagine STAN LEE - Wonder Woman #1 pg 10, origin as young girl 2001
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LEE, JIM - Justice Society of America JSA large wall poster Artwork - 11 team members- showing Earths 1 & 2 1999
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LEE, JIM - Justice Society of America JSA wall poster (edited out wider shot of Earths 1&2) 1999

LEE, JIM - Mutant Misadventures of Cloak & Dagger #3 cover, early Jim Lee Marvel
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LEE, JIM - Punisher War Journal #10 Cover, Punisher in "Punishermobile" vs Sniper in Apache 'copter! 1989
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LEE, JIM - Punisher War Journal #9 pg 18, Punisher origin / 1st Shadowmasters story / origin Yuriko Ezaki
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LEE, JIM - Uncanny X-Men #270 pg, X-tinction Agenda #1, Strong Guy packs up Dazzler fan
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LEE, JIM - X-Men #9 pages 2-3 Double pg Title Splash: Ghost Rider & Xmen vs Brood - Wolverine

LEE, JIM / ADAM HUGHES - X-Men Annual #1 pg 25, lrg Psylocke + X-Team 1992
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LEE, JIM / CRAIG RUSSELL - X-Men Annual #1 pg 8, Mojo strikes rebels 1991

LEE, JIM / SCOTT WILLIAMS (all signed) - Superman Unchained #9 pg 28, Earth witnesses Supe blow-up alien invasion 2013
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LEE, JIM P/I - Marvel Superhero #1 cover - Moon Knight & Magik Speedball Black Panther Brother Voodoo 1990

LEE, JM - Batman Europa #1 pg 7, incredible tonal painted artwork! Batman vs Killer Croc

NOWLAN, KEVIN - Gen 13 #36 cover; James Montgomery Flagg Uncle Sam homage
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WARREN, ADAM - Gen 13 #62 cover, so many babes! …with sides of burgers and fries! Yummy!!!
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WOODS, PETE - Gen 13 #35 cover, larger team charges 2010
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WOODS, PETE - The Authority #22 and WildCATS #23 split cover - 25 characters - with logo overlays
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