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Flash #22 pg 15- ala HERNANDEZ L & R homage (Maggie, Hopey, Penny Century)
Price: Please Inquire

HERNANDEZ, BETO- Love & Rockets #33 Cover
Price: Please Inquire

HERNANDEZ, BETO- Yeah #2 cover
Price: Please Inquire

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Big Bang Theory TV comic Art Covers "Alice Unchained" Season 5 episode 7, Leonard's date Alice's indy comic book
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Big Bang Theory TV screen shot - "Alice Unchained" Season 5 episode 7, Leonard & date Alice (wife of Superman actor) with her indy comic book

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Birdland #1 pg 10, from Love & Rockets #1 2 & 4 Inez / Bang Bang as strippers 1990
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Complete Love and Rockets #2 cover "Chelo's Burdon" - 1989
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Love & Rockets Book #2 Cover

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT - Love and Rockets Calendar plate Art - 9 characters - 1989
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, GILBERT signed - Love & Rockets Book #2 Cover painted art - Luba 1986
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets #? early pg 5, Maggie & MECHANICS

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets #16 pg 9, Maggie, Rena - Mexican wrestler locker-room 1986
$for sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets #32 Cover
$Email for price

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets #8 pg 7, Maggie Rand Hopey at pool party 1984
$FOR sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets #8 pg 7, Maggie Rand Hopey at pool party 1984
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love & Rockets swimsuit portfolio art - Amazing Heroes mag, Maggie & Doyle 1987
$For sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love and Rockets #9 second printing Cover w/ a different background - all artwork, 1982-1991
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love and Rockets Calendar plate: Izzy + photo Maggie Hoppy Rand 1989?
$FOR sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Love and Rockets Mechanics #1 Cover, classic Maggie & crew - Alan Moore intro 1984 NEW
$for sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Maggie & Hopey Color Special #1 Robot Girl

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Maggie & Hopey Color Special #1 Robot Girl

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - New York Times Magazine - Love and Rockets Sunday, Maggie 2007
$for Sale

HERNANDEZ, JAIME - New York Times Magazine - Love and Rockets Sunday, Maggie 2007
$For Sale

HERNANDEZ. JAIME - Love and Rockets #3 pg 2, Maggie vs Maniakk 1983
$FOR sale

NEIL GAIMAN essay - HERNANDEZ, JAIME - Maggie the Mechanic: A Love and Rockets Book cover ref 1981-1989 NEW
$REF to 1984 art republished as trade edition



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