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WARD, BILL - Cracked, Torchy, Pussycat, Humorama, etc.

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WARD, BILL (McCartney) - Cracked 1-page Story
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WARD, BILL (McCartney)-Cracked Magazine #32 splash "Cleopatra Gives a Party in Cairo", 1963.

WARD, BILL - Cracked #118 pages- Cracked look at the gas lines
Price: Please Inquire

WARD, BILL - Cracked #118 title page- Cracked look at the gas lines
Price: Please Inquire

WARD, BILL - Cracked #144 pages 26-27 Cracked look at the Phone Company
Price: Please Inquire

Ward, BILL - Humorama Good Girl art cartoon - at doorway
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WARD, BILL - Master Comics #118 large pg 4 Capt Marvel Jr & Silvanna Jr
$for sale

WARD, BILL - Timely / Humorama cartoon, blonde & hotel clerk - sleepwalking
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WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl pinup, Blonde on life-raft

WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl pinup, Gal's dress pulling up & down - "no hiding anything" to Marty 1950s
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WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl pinup, gold-digger weighed down by jewels 1953 / 1962
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WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl pinup, underwear gal wins Costume Ball 1964
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WARD, BILL - Timely/ Humorama Good Girl pinup- agent offers actress position in secluded spot, 1950 / 1955
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WARD, BILL - Torchy daily, 1943, Army Newspaper, "blind-date"
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WARD, BILL - Torchy daily, 1943, Army Newspaper, "high kicking football"
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WARD, BILL - Torchy daily, 1943, Army Newspaper, "home-cooking"
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Ward, BILL -Humorama Good Girl
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WARD, BILL / EVERETT - Pussycat Mag. #1 last pg, "Booby-Trapped Bra", SCORE 1967-1968
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WARD, BILL / EVERETT - Pussycat Mag. #1 pg 1 Splash "Capricious Caper Cutie", SCORE 1968
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WARD, BILL / EVERETT - Pussycat Mag. #1 pg 1 Splash "Lively Lass", spys 1966 / 68
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