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BRODERICK, PAT - Alpha Flights #111 cover, Infinity War, Weapon Omega/ Wildchild, Evil Wildchild, Sasquatch, Puck, Evil Puck, Evil Sasquatch, Evil Cyclops
$For sale

BRODERICK, PAT - Captain Marvel #59 pg 15, Capt & Drax saving Thanos family 1978
$For Sale

BRODERICK, PAT - Captain Marvel #61 pg 30, Capt, Drax & Thanos family 1978
$For Sale

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #547 page 4
Price: Please Inquire

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #548 page 18
Price: Please Inquire

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #550 page 13
Price: Please Inquire

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #550 page 14
Price: Please Inquire

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #551 page 2
Price: Please Inquire

BRODERICK, PAT - Detective Comics #552 Splash pages 13-14, Batman
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

BRODERICK, PAT - Doom 2099 double-cover #29, future Dr Doom
$Sold - looking for more of this type!

BRODERICK, PAT - Marvel Spotlight #3 page 1
$For sale or trade

BRODERICK, PAT - What If #19 pg 23, Spider-Man, Daredevil
$For Sale

BRODERICK, PAT - What If #19 splashy pg 38, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Sinister Six
$For Sale

BRODERICK, PAT / KLAUS JANSON - Detective Comics #547 pg 14, Batman fights, Nocturna teams with Robin 1985
$For Sale
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