Click the image or title below to view the artwork.
BORGMAN, JIM - Political Cartoon - EPA history from birth to insider 1983
$for Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Political Cartoon - Reagan policy / Stockman explain Supply-Side economics to poor 1982
$for Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Political cartoon, 6 year old terror 1991
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Political cartoon, Bill and Hillary Clinton 1997
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Political cartoon, Bill and Hillary Clinton trading for legislation 1993, signed to cartoonist Phil Frank
$For sale or trade - send email address for price!
BORGMAN, JIM - Political cartoon, federal debt 1984
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Political cartoon, NO to $1 Box 1997
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits "Crack of Noon" book cover
$Email for price
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits "Crack of Noon" book cover with logo
$email for price
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits "Crack of Noon" book sample
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits book cover
$For sale or trade - send email address for price!
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits book cover with logo overlay
$For sale or trade - send email address for price!
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits daily 2/13 2006 wishing star
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits daily 2007, asking mom to drive
$For sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits daily 3-6 2002, Jeremy and his girl friend have different ideas about what parts of a girl interest a guy!
Price: Please Inquire
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits daily 4-17-04
$SOLD- looking to buy or trade for more
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits daily 7/22 2000
$For sale or trade - send email address for price!
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits Sunday 12/9 2001
$Sale or Trade
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits Sunday, Jeremy Duncan moves to parent's attic 10/14 2001
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits Sunday, 8/18 2002
$For sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits Sunday, dad & Jeremy wrestling
$For Sale
BORGMAN, JIM - Zits Sunday, noises 3/6 2005
$For Sale