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*COMIC BOOK ART: Designs / Origin / First Issues - For trade or cash offers*

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ADAMS, NEAL - Showcase #80 cover - 1st Silverage Phantom Stranger
$For Trade

BROWN, BOB - Daredevil #134 last page, DD, 1st Torpedo story
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

BROWN, BOB / TOM SUTTON - Warlock & death of Dr Doom - Counter-Earth 1973
$SOLD - looking for more!

BRUNNER, FRANK - Fear #17 cover Manthing series - 1st app Wundar (Superman satire)
$For Trade

BUCKLER, RICH / ORDWAY, JERRY - All Star character designs: Sandman & Firebrand
$sold - looking for more!

BUSCEMA, JOHN - Astonishing Tales #12 pg 5, Ka-Zar, Barbara Morse (Mocking Bird / SHIELD Agent 19) introduced!
$Sold - looking for more!

BUSCEMA, JOHN / JOE SINNOTT / STAN LEE - Silver Surfer #1 pg 12, Surfer origin, Stan's notes on back
$SOLD - looking for more!

BUSCEMA, JOHN / JOHN ROMITA SR - Tales of the Zombie #1 pg 7, Simon Garth works, Donna dives nude 1973
$for sale

BUSCEMA, SAL - Captain America #155 pg 14, origin of 1950s Cap 1972

CHAYKIN, HOWARD - Kull And Barbarians Mag. #3 pg, Red Sonja origin, "Day of the Sword" 1975
$For Sale

CHAYKIN, HOWARD - Marvel Premiere #33 cover, 1st Solomon Kane comicbook - by Robert E Howard

COLAN, GENE - Marvel Superheroes #18 pg, Origin / 1st appearance Vance Astro & Guardians of the Galaxy (later in Astonishing Tales #29)
$sold - looking for more!

COLAN, GENE / SHORES - Daredevil #62 page 17, 1st Nighthawk solo

COLAN, GENE / TOM PALMER - Tomb of Dracula #58 pg, Blade origin with Deacon Frost
$sold - looking for more!

DELBO, JOSE - Teen Titans #48 pg 7, Team, Joker's Daughter origin, Two-Face 1977

DITKO, STEVE - Amazing Spiderman #23 pg - Peter Parker tries to change into Spidey, Green Goblin & 1st Norman Osborn with JJJ

FRAZETTA, FRANK - Thun'da #1 page 2 - 1st Thun'da, Pha, gal & Dino rampage!

GAYDOS, MICHAEL - Alias: Jessica Jones V.1 #2 pg, Jones (Origin part 2), Det. Paul Hall 2001
$For Trade

GIFFEN, KIETH / KLAUS JANSON - Marvel Premiere #31 pg 2, 1st app. Woodgod 1976
$For Trade

GIORDANO, DICK - Superman's Lois Lane #114 Cover; 64 pg giant, Supes, lrg Lois & 1st THORN cover
$For Sale

GIUNTA, JOHN - The Fly #9 Splash 1960 - 1st Catgirl, predates Jaguar series

HA, GENE - Steel Sterling revival characters designs - 3 full pages "Forging Steel, part 1" 1993
$For Sale

INFANTINO, CARMINE - Strange Adventures #205 pg, 1st Deadman
$For Sale

Infantino, Carmine / Murphy Anderson - Catwoman's Catnapping Caper - 1st Silverage - pgs 13 14 15 (DC Kellog) 1966

Infantino, Carmine / Murphy Anderson - Catwoman's Catnapping Caper - 1st Silverage -Back Cover (DC Kellog) 1966

KANE, GIL -Green Lantern #59 pg 17 Splash, 1st Guy Gardner in 1st alien mission 1967
$For Trade

KIRBY, JACK / DICK AYERS - Strange Tales #114 Human Torch vs Cap, 4 panel page, 1st Silver-age Captain America story

LIM,RON - Silver Surfer Annual #7 Legacy pg 11, 2nd app. / 1st Solo Story Son of Capt Marvel & Eternal 1994
$For Trade

MAYERICK, VAL - Man-Thing #4 pg 17, Manthing & 1st Foolkiller story 1975
$For Sale

McGUINNESS, Ed - X-Men Jean Grey & Cyclops designs Black Vortex Guardians X-over 2015]

MOONEY, JIM - Ms Marvel #16 pg 30, Ms, intro page & 1st Raven Darkholme / Mystique
$For Sale

MOONEY, JIM - Ms Marvel #17 pg 22, Ms, 1st full app. Raven Darkholme / Mystique & as Nick Fury
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

MORTIMER, WIN - Adventure Comics #387 pg 3, Supergirl, origin & Argo City
$For Sale

PATTON, CHUCK - Teen Tians #56 pg 22, 1st appearance / birth Jinx - Troia Sunfire 1981
$For Sale

RANDALL, RON - Venom Separation Anxiety #4 semi-splash, 1st Eddie Brock as hero vs 1st Alien Symbiotes team
$For Sale

RASKIN, JORDAN - Top Cow Sept 1995 Calendar, Witchblade - PRE #1 app.
$For Sale

RIVAL, RICO - Dead of Kbight #11 last pg, 1st Scarecrow / Harmony Maxwell / Kalumai Cult 1975
$For Sale

ROBBINS, FRANK - GS Invaders #1 pg 14, 1st Invaders, Captain America's WW2 origin

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #95, first design, Gwen Stacey Uncle Arthur 1970
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Fantastic Four Hunab Torch illo 1970s
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spider-Man first design comic strip villainess - Vera Arlen 1978
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Black Widow final design, new look for AS #86 and solo series 1970
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Black Widow rejected design, had Mary Jane hair & dimples / wrong zipper 1970
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR- Amazing Spiderman #110 Spiderman vs Gibbon -1st appearance; Kraven story
Price: Please Inquire

RUSSELL, CRAIG / MT GILBERT - Elric #1 large pg 3, 1st issue of 1st series
$For Sale

SEKOWSKY, MIKE - Twilight Zone #1 Dell large Inside Cover - Man from Nowhere, Beyond Mirror, Hard Luck 1962
$For Sale

SHORES, SYD - Red Wolf design drawing July 1971 (Pre#1 Nov 1971)
$For Sale

Sutton, Tom / Syd Shores - Amazing Adventures #11 pg first Beast, Hank MCcoy on his own from X-Men 1972
$For sale

SWAN, CURT - Superman #167 chap Splash - 1st Luthor- Braniac Team-up, Kandor Supermen
$Trade or offers only

TRAPANI,SAL - Secret Agent #2 designs for Patrick McGoohan as John Drake (Prisoner) 1967
$For Sale

TRIMPE, HERB - Nick Fury SHIELD #15 pg, 1st Bullseye, prototype
$SOLD - looking for more!

TUSKA, GEORGE - Creatures On The Loose #30 pg 6, Man-Wolf 1st Issue, destroys room + finance Kristine Saunders photos 1974
$for sale

VEITCH, RICK & TOM YEATES - Jonah Hex #53 last pg 8, 1st appearance Tejano - Texas Ranger 1981
$For sale

VEITCH, RICK & TOM YEATES - Jonah Hex #53 pg 3, 1st appearance Tejano - Texas Ranger 1981
$For Sale

VEITCH, RICK & TOM YEATES - Jonah Hex #53 pg 6, 1st appearance Tejano - Texas Ranger 1981
$For sale

VEITCH, RICK & TOM YEATES - Jonah Hex #54 pg 2, 2nd appearance Tejano - Texas Ranger 1981
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, JH - Batwoman #0 dbl spread detail, 1st Batwoman series 2011
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, JH - Batwoman #0 dbl spread detail, 1st Batwoman series, shown w' Amy Reeder top section 2011
$For Sale

WILLIAMS, JH - Seven Soldiers of Victory #0 pg 25, 1st Grant Morrioson team
$For sale or trade

WILLIAMS, JH - Seven Soldiers of Victory #0 pg 31, 1st Grant Morrioson team
$For Sale

WINSOR-SMITH, BARRY - Archer & Armstrong #2 page - 1st Turok

WOOD, WALLY / with ESTRADA - Isis #1 pg 9, 1st appearance, Scarab hunts Isis / Andrea Thomas
$For Sale

WRIGHTSON, BERNI- Alec Holland Swampthing, 1st design for series (more human shaped then 19th Century HOS #92 story- not used by DC as logo icon - 1971-72
Price: Please Inquire



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