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BYRNE, JOHN - Marvel & DC covers

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BYRNE JOHN / TERRY AUSTIN - Secret Wars #1 cover, virtually an X-Men cover by Byrne and Austin with the X-Men and New Mutants teams plus Magneto. Two key Avengers, Iron Man and Captain America
$SOLD & will be missed!

BYRNE, JOE & JOE SINNOTT - Avengers #233 cover, She-Hulk & Team 1983
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Adventure of Superman #442 cover (Superman #19 cover), Superman vs Dreadnaught!
Price: Please Inquire

BYRNE, JOHN - Alpha Flight #16 cover, early Byrne Sub-Mariner, pre-Namor series
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Alpha Flight #22 cover, Auroro / Northstar crushed 1985
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Alpha Flight #26 cover, Team defeated by Omega Flight / Dark Guardian
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman Annual #23 cover, Spidey & She-Hulk vs Abomination / pre-Shulky #1 1980's
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Angel Lorne Special #1 cover, Buffy universe
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Avengers #305 cover, unpublished 1'st version. Namor vs a endless flow of Lava Men. Shown without production overlay
$For sale or trade

BYRNE, JOHN - Avengers #305 cover, unpublished first version,.finished Namor Submariner 1989
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Avengers West Coast #48 large cover; first in Title, Dark Scarlet Witch vs Cap & She-Hulk 1989
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Avengers West Coast Annual #4 cover, Woman of Fantastic Four, X-Men, X-Factor, Marvel Girl, She-Hulk, Storm, etc!

BYRNE, JOHN - Blood Of Demon #16 cover - Kirby's Demon vs Demon
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Blood Of Demon #7 cover- Spectre vs Demon - Day of Vengeance tie-in 2005
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Doom Patrol #11 cover, Team, Chief origin & Metamorpho 2005
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Doom Patrol #6 cover, Team vs robot battle 2005
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Doom Patrol #7 cover, Team in giant gorilla battle
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Essential Uncanny X-Men #3 Cover, Team & Magneto - last Byrne Uncanny cover 1998
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Fantastic Four #272 cover. Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch + She-Hulk meet "West World"?

BYRNE, JOHN - Hawkman #10 cover, Superman guest stars with Hawkman & Hawkgirl!

BYRNE, JOHN - Marvel Lost Generation #2 cover, Atlas era - Namora, Ulysses Bloodstone, Doctor Druid, Zawadi, Black Fox, Liberty Girl, Yankee Clipper and Makkari
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Marvel Lost Generation #2 cover, Atlas era - Namora, Ulysses Bloodstone, Doctor Druid, Zawadi, Black Fox, Liberty Girl, Yankee Clipper and Makkari 2001
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Marvel Universe #1 double cover, Antman, Angel, Alpha Flight

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #10 cover, Golden-Age Human Torch
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor #7 craft-tint board cover, Sub-Mariner vs sea-monster

BYRNE, JOHN - Namor : Sub-Mariner #11 cover, Subby vs Master Man & Warrior Woman 1990
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Popeye Graphic Novel #2 cover, incredible image! Popeye & entire cast of characters Jeep Goon Sea-hag + 2012
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Power Man & Iron Fist #113 cover, Iron Fist solo 1985
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Power Man and Iron Fist #106 Cover, Power Man & Iron Fist vs Whirlwind 1984
$For sale

BYRNE, JOHN - She-Hulk #32 cover; "Jenny to The Center of The Earth" 1991 NEW
$for Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - She-Hulk #41 cover, She-Hulk in space vs Kirby's Spragg; Weezi (Blonde Phantom) 1992
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - She-Hulk #49 cover, She-Hulk faces new Shulk - Golden Age Blonde Phantom 1993
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman #6 cover, Lois & 1st version Superman figure 1987
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman Generation 3 #1 cover, 20th Century - Superman Batman Superboy Bruce Wayne, Lois Lane, Lana Lang
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman Generation 3 #4 cover, Wonder Woman returns, Batman Supertwins Nightwing
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman Generation 3 #7 cover, Superman / Clark Kent returns to the future
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman: Generations III #3 cover, 19th century - Superman & Kent family 2003
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman: Generations III #3 cover, Batman chases Kam / Kamandi's daughter 2003
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman: Generations III #5 cover, Wonder Woman, Batman w/ Batman Jr dying 2003
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Superman & Batman: Generations III #6 cover, 25th Century: Super-Twin & Green Lantern Corp make-out 2003
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - Wolverine #18 production cover
Price: Please Inquire

BYRNE, JOHN - Wonder Woman #116 cover, Golden-Age Wonder Woman; Champion (ala Doc Savage) 1996
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN - X-Men Hidden Years #1 1st cover + designs on back 1999
$For Sale

BYRNE, JOHN / AL WILLIAMSON - Captain America #313 cover, Cap vs MODOK 1985
$for sale

BYRNE, JOHN / TERRY AUSTIN - Amazon #1 cover: X-Men' Storm & Wonder Woman merged, logo on overlay
$For Sale



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