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Marvel Humor art - Crazy, Not Brand Echh Animation/ Dinos for Hire

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FRADON, RAMONA - Crazy Magazine #66 last pg 22
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KIRK, LEONARD - Dinosaurs For Hire #6 pg, Dinis & blonde Prof Tyrell 1993
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KIRK, LEONARD - Dinosaurs For Hire #7 pg, Dinis vs Turret (Turok satire) & blonde ghost Samantha 1993
$for sale

REESE, RALPH - Crazy Magazine #72 "Alpha-Bestiary" pg, I through N
$For Trade

TYLER, RURIK - Mighty Heroes #1 Splash, team & Mt Rushmore, 1998
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TYLER, RURIK - Mighty Heroes #1 Title Splash, team, 1998
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