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BACHALO, CHRIS - Covers, Marvel DC etc.

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BACHALO, CHRIS - Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man #1 Variant Cover & semi-splash, Venom
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BACHALO, CHRIS - Generation X #1 double cover,1st Issue - team & villain

BACHALO, CHRIS - Generation X #26 cover, Jubilee w/ bubble gun
$for sale

BACHALO, CHRIS - Generation X #9 cover; only Chamber can stop it!
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BACHALO, CHRIS - New Mutants #7 cover + prelim, Magma nude
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BACHALO, CHRIS - New Mutants #9 cover, large, 1st Surge / full app. Noriko Ashida
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BACHALO, CHRIS - Xmen Icons: Chamber #4 painted cover
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TIM TOWNSEND - Amazing Spider-Man #632 cover, Spidey - Lizard
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNESEND - Uncanny X-Men #17 cover, X-Men team "Middle of Nowhere"
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND - Uncanny X-Men V.2 #8 & HC cover, Magneto vs Cyclops
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND - Wolverine & X-Men #10 cover, Cyclops with full, seperate CB Wolvie art used in visor
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND - Wolverine & X-Men #3-C wraparound variant cover, Wolverine, Beast; Rachel Grey; Rogue, Quentin Quire, Iceman, Toad, Krakoa + mutant school
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BACHALO, CHRIS / TOWNSEND - X-Men #144 cover - 1 of only 4 in series, Cyclops, Grant Morrison run
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