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ROMITA SR, JOHN - covers

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BUSCEMA, SAL / JOHN ROMITA - Captain America #175 cover - Cap hunt concluded, Secret Empire story for 2nd film
$For Sale

CASE, RICHARD / JOHN ROMITA SR - Dark Hold #5 cover, Punisher at grave for zombie wife, Ghost Rider hunt Vicki Montesi
$for sale

MORGAN, TOM / JOHN ROMITA SR - Daredevil #246 cover- w/ John Romita Sr DD art overlay 1987
$for sale

POLLARD, KEITH / JOHN ROMITA SR design & Layouts (confirmed & signed) - Amazing Spider-Man #195 cover- Spidey & 2nd Black Cat, 1979

ROMITA JR, JOHN / ROMITA SR - Amazing Spider-Man #223 cover, Spidey spotlight on Red Ghost & super Apes, 1981
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed - DC Editor Julius Schwartz Birthday - full size Pencil Pinup 1985
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN & GEORGE TUSKA - Captain Marvel #12 cover, Captain Marvel vs Man-Slayer!

ROMITA SR, JOHN & GEORGE TUSKA - Captain Marvel #12 cover, Captain Marvel vs Man-Slayer. Shown without Romita figure of Marvel which is on overlay
$For sale or trade

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed / confirmed ) - Amazing Spider-Man Poster, three times large size artwork rescues MJ ? 1982
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed / confirmed ) - Amazing Spider-Man Poster, three X large size artwork rescues MJ type 1982
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN (signed) - Our Love Story #10 cover, full sized pencil layouts
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Iron Man #281-#282 pencil prelim, 1st War Machine Design & 1st Cover on vellum 1992
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #110 Cover, Spidey, first app. Gibbon - Kraven story, last Stan Lee issue & villain 1972 NEW
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #166 cover on board!, Spidey vs TWO reptile-men: Lizard & Stegron 1977
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #583 OBAMA Issue, prelim cover Dating theme - Spidey & Peter + Betty & Felicia - 2008
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spider-Man #67 cover - Spidey vs Mysterio,1968
$SOLD! Looking to buy more!!!    Sold

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #116 cover, Spidey vs Smasher
$SOLD - looking for more of this type!

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #157 final pencil cover, Doc Oct
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Amazing Spiderman #157 final pencil cover, Doc Oct 1976 NEW
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Captain America and the Campbell Kids #1 cover prelim 1980
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Creatures On The Loose #24 cover + bonus cover, Thongor & gal vs monsters

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Darkhold #15 cover prelim, Morbius Modred Jinx 1993
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Darkhold #15 over prelim, Morbius Modred Jinx 1993
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Fantastic Four #106 cover, FF Team spotlight on each - Thing, Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr Fantastic

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Fantastic Four Thing - published, finished drawing 1974 -1975
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Hulk vs Wolverine #1 pgs 44 & 45 - Wolverine creation designs from 1974 drawn again using a black pencil for print 1986
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Incredible Hulk cover, Whitman Round Puzzle, 3-up size 1982
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Incredible Hulk cover, Whitman Round Puzzle, REF 1982
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Marvel Novel Series #3 Hulk pencil art for painting 1979
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Marvel Superhero Calendar 1978 cover, Spider-Man
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spider-Man Film Activision Game chapter prelim - Spider-Man vs Hammerhead 1999
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spider-Man Rock Reflections of a Superhero - Large Cover pencils for promo vinyl record 1976

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spider-Man's Mary Jane pencil painting, MJ in swinsuit 1977
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spidey Super Stories #25 pencil cover, Dr Doom - Spiderman vs reverse Spidey - Web-man 1977

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spidey Super-Stories #12 full-size Cover pencils - Spiderman & Cat vs Owl 1975
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Spidey Superstories #10 cover, Spider-Man, Green Goblin

ROMITA SR, JOHN - The Cat #4 bonus cover, enlarged Cat production figure & background recreation
$Bonus, included with the ALL art cover

ROMITA SR, JOHN - The Cat #4 cover, Cat saves a beauty from a beast 1973
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Wolverine 1st designs (black pencil) Hulk vs Wolverine #1 pgs 44 & 45
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN - Wolverine 1st designs - Hulk vs Wolverine #1 pgs 44 & 45, comic + hand signed note, 1981
$included with art

ROMITA SR, JOHN / FRENZ - Wolverine Model Kit box Cover
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN / RON WILSON / JACK KIRBY (signed) - Invaders #10 cover, Captain America & Bucky vs Reaper 1976
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN / WILSON / SINNOTT - Red Wolf #8 cover, native Avenger vs biker gang, 1973
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN and GIL KANE - Avengers #139 cover, early Beast in team + Thor, Iron Man, Wasp, Yellowjacket, Vision, Whirlwind
$For sale or trade

ROMITA SR, JOHN layouts (signed & confirmed) / RON WILSON - Fear #29 cover, Morbius, multi-eyes creature 1975
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN on HUNT & GIACOLA - Super Spider-Man #165 cover, Spidey vs Smasher 1976
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN P/I signed - Sgt Fury #102 cover, Nick Fury & Howlers fight crooks to save war

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed & GIL KANE - Conan #53 cover, Conan vs trio 1975
$for sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed - Daredevil #105 Cover, 1st Moondragon & origin - 1st Thanos War story

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed - Our Love Story #10 cover, full sized pencil layouts
$For Sale

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed - Overstreet Price Guide #41 cover color sketch, Marvel Heroes

ROMITA SR, JOHN signed P/I - Amazing Spiderman on bike, greeting card cover, 1990

ROMITA SR, JOHN w/ FRENZ - Wolverine Model Kit box Cover 1990
$For Sale/ Trade

ROMITA SR, JOHN w/ FRENZ - Wolverine Model Kit box Cover 1990
$for sale

ROMITA SR-?/ KIRBY-? / SEVERIN-? - Spidey Super-Stories #20 Back Cover pencils Spider-Man & Fantastic Four Invisible Woman 1976
$for sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Essential Spider-Man #3 cover detail, art used again for 2nd edition- 2002
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Essential Spider-Man #3 cover with Amazing Spider-Man issues #44-#68, 1998
$For Sale

ROMITA, JOHN SR - Marvel Pocket Novel Series #6 of 11 - color cover prelim - IRON-MAN My Killer MODOK 1979
$for sale

TRIMPE, HERB / JOHN ROMITA SR (signed) - Amazing Adventures #23 cover, Killraven, green gal Mint Julep & rats ala

WILSON, RON & JOHN ROMITA SR - Werewolf By Night #23 cover, Wolf at museum 1874
$for sale



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