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KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily #18, early Pogo, Albert & Howland 1949
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 1-17 1956, Bewitched, Bothered and Bemildred balance politician speeches and constituent audience between themselves?
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 1/10 1957, Churchy trains Albert to be a Lady
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 1/8 1957, Churchy trains Albert to be a Lady
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 10-31 1956, Pogo and Albert enjoy post election relaxation in one of Walt Kelly's famous named boats
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo dailY 10/5 1959, Pogo & Gang play ball
$FOr Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 11-2 1956, Pogo tells Albert he's not old enough to vote for himself for president?
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 12-11 1956, more marsupial fun in Australia's 1956 Olympic Games!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 12-8 1956, Pogo joins many of his fellow marsupials in Australia for the 1956 Olympic Games!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo dailY 12/7 1959, Pogo "proposes" to Mam'selle ?
$FOr Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 2-29 1956, Miz Ma'm'selle Hepzibah and Miz Beaver find Howland Owl in the wedding cake batter!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 2/2 1952, Groundhog day w/ Pogo Albert Churchy + Tammanny Tiger
$for Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 3-19 1955, Mz Beaver thinks that one of the bats with a little bow and arrow is Cupid, who come to bring her love!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 3-26 1955, P.T. Bridgeport's opinion of Mz Beaver: it's a real dog!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 3/29 1958, Howland, Ol' Mouse & flea marring Dog
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-11 1955, Tammany Tiger breaks up a fight between one of the Bats and Bun Rab!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-12 1955, Tammany Tiger hears Bun Rab tell of P.T. Bridgeport and Miz Beaver sort-of engagement
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-12 1956, Albert's tax man, Bun Rab, figures that he was a "widderer", the tax refund would make him millions!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-13 1955, Tammany Tiger hears the tale of
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-13 1956, Tax expert Bun Rab, calculates big tax savings for "widderer" Albert going forward two years, if he doesn't mind marry a dead lady?
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-18 1955, P. T. Bridgeport uses a striped Pup Dog to fill in for Tammany Tiger as he paints his circus poster
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-20 1955, Tammany Tiger gives his origin as a political symbol to one of the Bats
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-25 1955, Pogo hears two of the Bats reason for not looking for their third brother
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 4-6 1956, Albert makes Bun Rab some late night tea with potluck ingredients!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5-17 1955, The bats ask Beauregard Bugleboy for helps recovering a lost foundling
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5-18 1955, The Beauregard Bugleboy and Bewitched, Bothered and Bemildred can not come to an over finding their foundling
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5-28 1955, Churchy and Howland ponder the dangers of fallout...from atomic to dropping out of an airplane
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5-3 1955, Bewitched and Bothered Bat pack a lunch for their trip back home...using Pogo's supplies!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5-31 1955, Porky and Churchy debate Pogo's comment about remembering the past versus Rackety Coon Chile's preference to remember the future.
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 5/21 1949, 1st week/ 6th national Pogo daily, shown with pre-syndicated version from 1948
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 6-1 1955, Porky and Churchy floating in a tub, pondering: is there no business in show business?
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 6-3 1955, Pogo, the hero, rushes in to save a script from P. T. Bridgeport and Tammany Tiger
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 6-6 1955, Tammany Tiger helps P.T. Bridgeport demonstrate his natural hair oil product!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 6/23 1956, Howland, Fox, Ms Beaver - Pogo to marry?
$for sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 6/7 1957, Howland Churchy Albert in rain dance
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-13 1955, P.T. Bridgeport admires Albert's impersonation of a real foreign dog!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-14 1955, Miz Ma'm'selle Hepzibah can't tell Albert and Beauregard what a "komondorok" bark sounds she sings them a little song about a girl who loses her liver on the banks of the Seine
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-19 1955, Albert hears Beauregard take long winded umbrage at Ol' Mouse's attitude
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-20 1955, Ol' Mouse tells Albert and Beauregard how he learned to dog bark in German
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-21 1955, Ol' Mouse continues telling Albert and Beauregard his history of being a German dog in Africa
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7-25 1956, Miz Ma'm'selle Hepzibah dons a masculine disguise and prepares to flee the swamp to avoid being elected First Lady to Pogo's presidential campaign
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 7/15 1957, 2-Panels - Pogo's Family
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 8-16 1955, Churchy impresses Pogo with his idea to print money on food!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 8-17 1955, Pogo and Churchy are in one of Walt Kelly's famous named boats planning to make money a household name
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 8-24 1955, Pogo sees Churchy and Howland argue like gentleman...and barely use fisticuffs at all!
$For sale or trade

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 8/12 1949, 1st Pogo, pre-syndicated, signed to JACK KENT
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily 9/10 1957, Pogo get letter from Sec. of Labor
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, 12/1 1956, rare Aussie Critters from Mars
$For sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, 1st week / 6th syndicated Pogo daily, Albert cheats Pogo out of 50% fish, 5/21 1949
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Albert & Hound with mouse under hat, 4/23 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Albert & Tiger build human-being voter, 3/24 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Albert as El-Fakir vs Moose, 10/24 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Albert, Hound Porky of raft- sing School Song, personalized by Walt 10/30 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Bat Trio play cards with Grundoon, 7/12 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Deacon & crows lead Mole to TV Watch-That-Bird, 3/18 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Deacon & Mole plot on TV station, 3/25 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Howland & Churchy fishing & try to say goodbye, 8/14 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Howland & Churchy, Mole on - bird watching / germs / TV Quiz, 3/19 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Howland & Ol'Mouse with blind Mole as bird-watcher/ umpire, 3/20 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Howland, Deacon & Mole 3/21 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Malarkey & Charlie (McCarthy & Nixon) in hoods run from Sis-Boombah, Deacon & Bats 10/9 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Mole thinks mushroom is child & pops head off, 10/11 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Owl & Churchy make bomb, 10/29 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Pogo & Albert on boat save Deacon & pup, 6/12 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Pogo & hound with
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Pogo & Hound, Churchy helps Coo-Coo Bird 3/12 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Pogo Tammanny Tiger 2/2 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Pogo, Hound & Porky, Churchy becomes clock 3/13 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Porky & Churchy on boat - life & death, 4/22 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Porky & English bugs, 10/23 1953
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Porky fishing on World Series, 2 Russian birds, 9/27 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Rabbit as Landlord - Pogo, Hound, Churchy/clock 3/15 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Rabbit protests - Pogo, Hound, Churchy/clock 3/14 1952
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo daily, Simple J Malarkey & Indian Charlie (Senator McCarthy & Nixon) wear hoods to hide from Red Hen 10/8 1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo large daily #3, Pogo & Albert in desert theme for LIFE Mag. pg 134, 11-1954
$For Sale

KELLY, WALT - Pogo large daily, Churchy & Howland, find Gold, not water in desert- for LIFE Mag. pg 134, 11-1954
$For Sale