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#10 - Delicate David story page 2
$Please email for pricing

#10 - Delicate David story page 3
$Please email for pricing

ANDERSON, HARRY - Crack (Western) #72 pg 34, Bob Allen, 1951

APPEL, GEORGE - Planet Comics #28 large pg 7 , Star Pirate 1944
$for sale

BAGNOLI, ENRICO - Rangers Comics #62 pg 5, Jan of the Jungle 1951
$For Sale

BAILY, BERNARD - Feature Funnies #1 title pg, 1937
$For Sale/ Trade

BAKER, MATT - Bomber Comics #5 ? large pg 8, Wonder Boy beats crooked lawyer 1946
$for sale

BAKER, MATT - Crown Comics #6 Ace of Newsreels large pg 7, Ace stops Blonde from Asian villainess 1946
$for sale

BAKER, MATT - Journey into Fear #1 page 5, Tom Wright / Black Condor & Good Girl 1947 Fox story, published as SF story in 1951
$for sale

BAKER, MATT / JACK KAMEN - Fight Comics #50 large Good Girl large pg 6, Tiger Girl vs croc & nearly topless Evil Queen
$for sale

BATTEFIELD, KEN (Iger Shop) - Rangers #63 large pg 7 Firehair riding horse
$for sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #123 2-up pg 10, Captain Marvel vs aliens in space
$For Sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #124 large pg 7 - Captain Marvel & slow glass
$For Sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #129 2-up pg, Captain Marvel transforms twice, Zeppelin
$For Sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #129 large pg 4, Billy turns into Captain Marvel
$for sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #130 2-up pg 8, Captain Marvel beats Dr. Silvana & Robot
$For Sale

BECK, CC / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #132 2-up pg 7, Captain Marvel saves town, villain panicks
$For Sale

BECK, CC studio / KURT SCHAFFENBERGER - Whiz #124 large pg 7 - Captain Marvel & slow glass
$for sale

BOSSERT, BILL - Jungle Comics' Capt Terry Thunder specialty pinup 1941
$For Sale

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #22, 1946 page 2 of 6 pg story -Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg
$email for price

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #22, 1946 page 3 of 6 pg story -Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg
$email for price

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #22, 1946 page 4 of 6 pg story -Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg
$email for price

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #22, 1946 page 5 of 6 pg story -Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg
$email for price

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #22, 1946 page 6 of 6 pg story -Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg
$email for price

CARLSON, GEORGE - Jingle Jangle #22, Splash pg 1 of 6 page story - Pie Face Prince of Pretzleburg 1946
$for sale

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #25, 6 pg story last page
$for sale as story

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #25, 6 pg story page 1
$for sale as story

Carlson, George - Jingle Jangle #25, 6 pg story page 4
$for sale as story

CASSONE, JOHN - Military Comics #23 lrg pg 6, Blackhawk and planes in air! Quality, 1943
$for sae

CRANDALL, REED - Buccaneers #29 large pg 2, pirate Capt Daring - Quality Comics
$for sale

DOOLIN, JOE - Planet Comics #25 large pg 2, Mars, God of War invades Venus's leader to murder Earthlings, 1943
$for sale

DOOLIN, JOE - Planets Comics #25 pg, Mars - God of War
$send EMail Address for price

DUCA, AL / BINDER - Master Comics #7 large pg 5, Zoro, man of Mystery 1940
$For Sale

EISNER, WILL - Spirit Sunday last pg, 8/228 1949 Spirit beats crocked Monica Veto
$for sale

ELGIN, JILL - All-New Comics #8 large pg 1 Splash, female heroine - Blonde Bomber 1944
$for sale

ELIAS, LEE - Rangers #24 / Firehair #1 large pg 3, Origin of Firehair 1945 / 1948
$for sale

ELIAS, LEE - Rangers #24 / Firehair #1 large pg 5, Origin of Firehair 1945 /1948
$for sale

EVANS, GEORGE - Classics Illustrated: World Around Us "FBI" pg 15, Scientist spies
$For Sale

Fawcett Studio - Nyoka - the Jungle Girl #40 pg 2 1949
$for sale

Fawcett Studio - Nyoka - the Jungle Girl #40 pg 3 1949
$for sale

FELDESTEIN, AL & SCROTTER ?? - Crown Comics pg 5, Clue Kelly 1945

FELDSTEIN, AL / SCROTTER ?? - Crown Comics # pg 4, Clue Kelly 1945

FINE, LOU / WILL EISNER Studio - Spirit Sunday last pg, 1/28 1945 - Spirit nabs Diamond Dolly - Cat Woman homage
$for sale

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 10, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 2, Countess thief
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Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 3, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 4, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 5, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 6, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 7, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 8, Countess thief
$Email for price

Fox studio/ Johnny Craig-ish art - Crimes By Woman #3 pg 9, Countess thief
$Email for price

FOX, GILL - Feature Comics #67 One-pg story, Poison Ivy - "Original Genii" 1943
$For Sale

FOX, GILL - Military Comics #20 large pg 2, Yogi joins Death Patrol against Japan - Quality, 1943
$for sale

FOX, GILL - Smash Comics #12 title pg 1, Wun Cloo detective vs the Eel 1940
$for sale

FOX, GILL - Smash Comics #13 pg 2 of 2 pg story, Wun Cloo detective vs living bomb 1940
$for sale

FOX, GILL - Smash Comics #13 title pg 1 of 2 pg story, Wun Cloo detective vs living bomb 1940
$for sale

FRED, SCHWAB - Fight Comics #6 pg 2, Slug-Nutty Sam ala Powerhouse Pepper, 1940
$For Sale

GABRIELE, AL - Jungle Comics #22 pg 5 - superhero Red Panther
$for sale

GIUNTA, JOHN / FRAZETTA assists - Captain Marvel Jr #3 2-up page, fight - 1943
$For Sale

GIUNTA, JOHN / FRAZETTA assists - Captain Marvel Jr #3 2-up page, mountain-side - 1943
$For Sale

GREENWOOD, REG - Sparkler Comics #1 pg 2, 1st Spark Man at costume party, 1941
$For Sale

GREENWOOD, REG - Sparkler Comics #18, The Spark Man pg 2, 1943
$For Sale

GREENWOOD, REG - Sparkler Comics #43 pg 5, The Spark Man in uniform in India p2, 1944 -45
$For Sale

GREENWOOD, REG - Tip Top pg1 splash, Triple Terror
$For sale or trade

HAAS, CLARK / ART SAAF - Kathy #12 ? large pg 7, flying saucers gag 1950
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Capt Marvel Jr #? Fawcett Comics Half-Pager -
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Capt Marvel Jr #34 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Boxcar Benny"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Captain Marvel Jr #? Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Boxcar Benny 2"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Captain Marvel Jr #? Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Boxcar Benny"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Captain Marvel Jr #? Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Pinhead"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Captain Marvel Jr #34 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Boxcar Benny"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Captain Marvel Jr #34 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Rubbernose"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Whiz #117 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Wilbur the Waiter"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Whiz #124 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Wilbur the Waiter"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Whiz #125 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Dude Ranch Dewey"
$For Sale

HELFANT, ART - Whiz #125 Fawcett Comics Half-Pager - "Wilbur the Waiter"
$For Sale

HOPPER, FRAN (DEITRICK) - Planet Comics #24 large pg 2, hero in mad science lab 1943
$for sale

KAMEN, JACK - Jumbo #161 large pg 6, Were Wolf story Good-Girl art
$for sale

KAMEN, JACK / Iger Studio-Jumbo Comics #161 large pg 3, ghost gallery / werewolf story 1951
$for sale

Kitty Moran
$For Sale

KOZLAK, CHESTER - Golden Age page 13 - "corn beef"
$For Sale

KOZLAK, CHESTER - Golden Age page 14 - "where the Rub is"
$For Sale

KOZLAK, CHESTER - Golden Age page 17 - "spoon holder"
$For Sale

KOZLAK, CHESTER - Golden Age page 2 - "Sound Investment"
$For Sale

KOZLAK, CHESTER - Golden Age page 5 - "passing buck"
$For Sale

KUBERT, JOE / JILL ELGIN - Speed Comics #33 large pg 1 splash, Girl Commandos vs Nazi agent
$for sale

LARSEN, HOWARD - Rangers #34 lrg pg, Crusoe Island Good Girl art - Paul Harris hunts bird + Japanese soldier
$for sale

LARSEN, HOWARD - Rangers #34 lrg pg, Crusoe Island w/ Connie Courtney & Paul Harris hunt island bird + Japanese soldier
$For Sale

MAURER, NORMAN - Three Stooges 3-D large Splash, Stooges vs Ape 1953
$for sale

MAXWELL, JOHN ALLEN & CHARLES BELLOWS - The Life of Kit Carson, Golden Books 1956, page 28, painting mounted on production page.
$For sale or trade!

MAXWELL, JOHN ALLEN & CHARLES BELLOWS - The Life of Kit Carson, Golden Books 1956, page 30, painting mounted on production page.
$For sale or trade!

MAXWELL, JOHN ALLEN & CHARLES BELLOWS - The Life of Kit Carson, Golden Books 1956, page 31, painting mounted on production page.
$For sale or trade!

MAXWELL, JOHN ALLEN & CHARLES BELLOWS - The Life of Kit Carson, Golden Books 1956, page 4, painting mounted on production page.
$For sale or trade!

MAXWELL, JOHN ALLEN & CHARLES BELLOWS - The Life of Kit Carson, Golden Books 1956, page 47, painting mounted on production page.
$For sale or trade!

MAYO, RALPH - Gang World #1, 2-up, 6 pg story - Drug smuggler
$For Sale

MCCARTHY, PAUL - Rookie O'Ryan one page story
Price: Please Inquire

MCCARTHY, PAUL - Rookie O'Ryan proof sheet
$Free with purchase of line art

MCWILLIAMS, AL - Airboy Skywolf page 6

MOORE, SPARKY - Rin Tin Tin #11 large Dell page, TV show famous dog 1955
$For Sale

POWELL, BOB - True Love Problems #7 large pg, Dr's wife and Dino museum 1950
$For Sale

RABOY, MAC - Whiz Comics #13 large pg 2, Capt Marvel Jr look-alike Dr Voodoo vs Apemen Fawcett, 1941
$trade only

ROUSSOS, GEORGE - The Unseen #12 lrg 2, Thing from the Dark, 1953
$For Sale

SCHAFFENBERGER, KURT- MASTER #112 2-up pg 1, splash - Captain Marvel Jr
$For Sale

SCHROEDER, ERNIE - All New page 10, Boy Heroes
$For Sale

SCHROEDER, ERNIE - All New page, Boy Heroes

SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 2 of 10 page Firehair story
$Send Email Address on story

SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 3 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 4 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 5 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 6 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 7 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 8 of 10 page Firehair story
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SCHROTTER, GUS (Iger Shop) - Rangers #52 page 9 of 10 page Firehair story
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STAHL / EISNER & IGER Studio - Jungle #23 pg 38, 1941

WARD, BILL - Master #124 large pg 3, Captain Marvel Jr transforms, Mancat wrecks ship
$for sale

WEBB, ROBERT - KAANGA #7 Jungle Comics heroes pg 26
$For Sale

WEBB, ROBERT - KAANGA #7 large pg 26, Jungle Comics heroes
$for sale



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