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BROWN, BOB - Marvel, DC art

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BROWN, BOB - Avengers #115 pg 9, Avengers vs Defenders Wars - Team battles in England
$for sale

BROWN, BOB - Avengers #116 pg, Vision & Scarlet Witch vs Silver Surfer / Avengers vs Defenders
$for sale

BROWN, BOB - Avengers #116 pg, Vision & Scarlet Witch vs Silver Surfer / Avengers vs Defenders
$for sale or trade

BROWN, BOB - Avengers #117 pg 11, half splash, Valkyrie Swordman - Avengers vs Defenders War
$for sale

BROWN, BOB - Brave and Bold #78 pg 1 Splash. First appearance Copperhead + Batman / Batgirl & Wonder Woman story
$for sale

BROWN, BOB - Brave and the Bold #103 Batman double, title splash pgs 2 & 3
$for sale

BROWN, BOB - Brave and the Bold #103 Batman, indicia pg 1
$For Sale

BROWN, BOB - Brave and the Bold #103 pg 5, Batman
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BROWN, BOB - Brave and the Bold #103 pg 6, Batman
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BROWN, BOB - Haunt of Horror / Marvel Preview Magazine #12 pg 34 - "Death of the Living Dead", zombies
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BROWN, BOB - Marvel Preview Mag. #12 pg 15, Dracula's daughter Lilith transformation panels 1976-1977
$For sale

BROWN, BOB - Tomahawk 1960's pin-up
$For Sale or trade

BROWN, BOB / KEITH POLLARD - Daredevil #143 pg, Matts changes into DD
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ROWN, BOB - Detective Comics #423 last page 15, Batman stops sniper 1972
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