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Playboy Magazine Cartoons - DEMPSEY / ERIKSON / PARTCH / MILLER / KLIBAN

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DAVIS, JACK -Playboy September 1956 Painted Pinup pg 45 barkeep in "Sherwood forrest" bar
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DEMPSEY, JOHN - Playboy Magazine - January 1961, a pretty big mistake at the calendar printing factory
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DEMPSEY, JOHN - Playboy Magazine Color Cartoon - Alien bugs studying mankind
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DEMPSEY, JOHN - Playboy Magazine January 1961, looks like a pretty big mistake at the calendar printing factory
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DEMPSEY, JOHN with HUGH HEFNER bulb drawings note- Playboy Magazine Pencil Cartoon - X-Mas lights
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DEMPSEY, JOHN with HUGH HEFNER note up - Playboy Magazine Pencil Cartoon - X-Mas lights
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ERIKSON, ALDEN - Playboy Magazine Color Cartoon - studying Male Erogenous Zones in class, 1966
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HOEST, BILL - Playboy Mag. B&W cartoon - bikini model july 1969
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INTERLANDI, PHIL - Playboy cartoon, ink & wash , Car is
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INTERLANDI, PHIL - Playboy Magazine cartoon, husband's drink served - May 1969
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KLIBAN, BERNARD - Playboy Magazine 2 pg spread - Color Cartoon - 12 images
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KLIBAN, BERNARD - Playboy Magazine Cartoon - Peasant woman loses her head - B&W tones - 1964
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KLIBAN, BERNARD - Playboy Magazine Color Cartoon - costumed vice squad 1973
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MILLER, CHUCK - Playboy Magazine Color Cartoon - Redhead in charge of sailors 1962
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NEIMAN, LeROY signed- Playboy centerfold joke page - Femlin with Toucan bird, drawing A - May 1993
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NEIMAN, LeROY - Playboy centerfold joke page - Femlin with Toucan bird, drawing A - May 1993
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PARTCH, VIRGIL - Playboy Magazine Cartoon - In Penthouse, How the upper class lives 1968
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SILVERSTEIN, SHEL - Playboy Mag. cartoon - dining w/ Geisha "American girls don't understand me..." May 1957
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SMILBY (Francis Wilford-Smith - Playboy color cartoon, "woman like you doing with a PHD" 1960s?
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SMILBY (Francis Wilford-Smith) - Playboy & Best Of color cartoon, Gypsy fortune teller wants to go to back room Dec 1963
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THORNE, FRANK - Playboy Magazine painted cartoon, female patient & acupunture
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THORNE, FRANK - Playboy painted cartoon, King Kong grabs newlywed bride
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THORNE, FRANK - Playboy painted cartoon, Queen & Jester in bed
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THORNE, FRANK - Playboy painted cartoon, wife catches husband cheating instead of marriage counselor
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WILLIAMSON, SKIP - Playboy Sept 1977 1 pager - Neon Vincent's Massage Parlor
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WILSON, GAHAN - Playboy Mag B & W cartoon - Sherlock Holmes & Baskerville Dec 1959
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WILSON, GAHAN - Playboy Magazine painted cartoon, CIA spys 1975?
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WILSON, ROLAND - Playboy Magazine Cartoon - problems when recording a bear
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